Universities have Students Portals that enable students to get many services online at their convenience. To access the Student Portal, one must be a duly registered student. Once admitted to university, a student is given the Students Portal Log in credentials; Registration Numbers and Password.
To Log onto the Pioneer International University Students Portal, use the link; https://piu.ac.ke/
Here is a list of some of the common services that students get in the Students Portal, Once Logged in:
- Financials that include information on:
- Fees Statement
- Print Statement
- Proforma Invoice
- Fees Structure
- Receipts
- Academics tab providing information and services on: 1. Time Table 2. Registration for Units 3. List of Registered Units 4. List of Attempted Unit(s) 5. Exam Card 6. Provisional Results 7. Provisional Results / Year
- Hostel Booking; Here you can reserve a room even when you are on recess.
- Password Resetting; In case you forget your Log in Password, you can easily reset it by using this tab.
Located along Murang’a Road in Nairobi, the University offers the following Programmes:Undergraduate Courses.
Bachelor of Commerce (B-COM)
- Accounting
- Finance
- Marketing
- Human Resource
- Aviation
- Business Management
- Insurance
- International Business Management
- Entrepreneurship
- Strategic Management
Bachelor of Arts in International Relations (BA-IR)
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (BSc.IT)
- Artificial Intelligence
- Distributed Systems
- Software Engineering
- Networking and Administration
- Security and Cryptology
Bachelor of Education Arts (BED-A)
- Mean grade C+ (Plus) at KCSE and at least C+ in each of the two teaching subjects,
- 2 principal passes at A’Level and 1 subsidiary in relevant subjects,
- Diploma in Education (May be exempted in relevant units).
- P1 teachers must have scored C+ at KCSE to qualify.
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- Mean grade C+ (plus) at KCSE and at least C+ in each of the two teaching subjects chosen,
- 2 Principal passes at A’ Level and 1 Subsidiary in relevant subjects,
- Diploma in Education.
- P1 teachers must have scored a mean grade of C+ at KCSE with at least C+ in two teaching subjects chosen.