• July 1, 2024 12:08 pm

    Politics & Govt

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    • The Cabinet approves purchase of maize at Shs 2300 per bag from farmers

    The Cabinet approves purchase of maize at Shs 2300 per bag from farmers

    The Kenyan cabinet sitting yesterday, Thursday 22nd November 2018, approved the purchase of two million bags of maize at KShs.…

    Governor Anne Waiguru in a double header handshake with Raila and Ruto today

    Months after former Prime Minister, Hon Raila Odinga, and President Uhuru kenyatta held a public handshake and decided to come…

    Please take away the maize scandal ‘thieves’- Francis Atwoli prays (video)

    The Central Organization of Trade Unions’ (COTU) Secretary General, Francis Atwoli, has sensationally prayed to God to ‘take away’ the…

    President Kenyatta to attend TICAD 7 in Yokohama, Japan; to meet investors

    His Excellency President Uhuru Kenyatta left the country yesterday evening for Yokohama, Japan to attend the 7th edition of the…

    UHC Will Help End Extreme Poverty, President Kenyatta Says

    President Uhuru Kenyatta has said the Kenyan government is rolling out the Universal Health Coverage (UHC) program as part of…