TSC set to train teachers on how to use the new appraisal system, TPAD 2

TSC set to train teachers on how to use the new appraisal system, TPAD 2

The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, is lining up training for selected teachers on how to use the new Teacher Performance Appraisal and Development, TPAD, system. This is in a bid to enable the teachers capture their details correctly on the new and advanced appraisal system; TPAD 2.

In a memo sent to all Regional and County Directors and dated 4th November, 2019, the Commission requires schools to front two names of teachers to the training.
“The Commission is required to facilitate Teacher Professional Development by building the capacity of all teachers. The Commission have trained all CSOs, County ICT officers and Sub County Directors and yourselves on TPAD System. It is therefore expected that you will cascade this to reach all teachers as a part of the process to sustain and institutionalize the gains so far achieved through TPAD process,” reads the memo; in part.

“In this regards, you are required to identify and submit to Director QAS (Quality Assurance and Standards) at least two (2) names of teachers TPAD champion for each of Public primary and secondary schools, teacher training colleges (TTC) and Special Needs Education institutions,” adds the memo.

The TPAD champions to be nominated for training include:

  • two teachers per primary school;
  • two teachers per secondary school;
  • two teachers per TTC and
  • two SNE teachers per sub county.

Once trained, this group of teachers will then help disseminate the knowledge to their colleagues at school level.

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New TPAD System.

On the new system, the Commission says it has reduced the number of teaching standards to be appraised for teachers from the previous seven to five.
To enhance implementation, the Commission has customized the TPAD tools targeting teachers serving in primary, secondary, special needs institutions and post secondary institutions, where, while the teaching standards are the same for all categories of teachers, performance indicators and verifiable evidence have been customized for various institutions.

To access the new TPAD system here is the link to use; https://tpad2.tsc.go.ke/. You will be expected to insert your ID No.

Click on “create account”. You will get an sms code on your phone.

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