- Financials that include information on:
- Fees Statement
- Print Statement
- Proforma Invoice
- Fees Structure
- Receipts
- Academics tab providing information and services on: 1. Time Table 2. Registration for Units 3. List of Registered Units 4. List of Attempted Unit(s) 5. Exam Card 6. Provisional Results 7. Provisional Results / Year
- Hostel Booking; Here you can reserve a room even when you are on recess.
- Password Resetting; In case you forget your Log in Password, you can easily reset it by using this tab.
Considered as the most marketable course, the university offers many education programmes. Here are the programmes offered: Diploma in Education Programmes- Diploma in Education (Primary Option) – School-Based
- Diploma in Education (Secondary Option) – Regular and School-Based
- Diploma in Guidance and Counselling
- Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Regular and School-Based)
- Bachelor of Education (Secondary Option) – Regular and School-Based
- Bachelor of Education (Primary Option) – School-Based: Mathematics, Languages, and Social Studies
- Bachelor of Education in Agricultural Education
- Master of Education in Educational Management
- Master of Education in Guidance and Counselling
- Counselling Psychology
- Educational Management
- Educational Psychology
- Philosophy of Education
Course Requirements
Certificate Entry Requirements- Minimum Entry Requirements:
- KCSE Mean Grade D+ or an equivalent qualification from a recognized institution for all certificate courses
- Minimum Entry Requirements:
- An aggregate KCSE grade of C – (Minus) or an equivalent qualification from a recognized Institution, for Diploma in Education aggregate KCSE grade C+ , C+ in two teaching subjects and C(Plain) in English or its equivalent.
- Minimum Entry Requirements:
- An aggregate KCSE grade of C+ (PLUS) or a relevant Diploma from a recognized institution. (Some Degree Programmes may require higher aggregate KCSE grade).
- First Degree in a Relevant field
- Minimum Entry Requirements
- Bachelor Degree, Second Class Honours (Upper Division) and above OR Bachelor Degree Second Class Honours (Lower Division) with at least two (2) years’ relevant work experience.
- Masters qualification in a relevant field from a recognized Institution or its Equivalent from a recognized institution.
- Mean grade C+ (Plus) at KCSE and at least C+ in each of the two teaching subjects,
- 2 principal passes at A’Level and 1 subsidiary in relevant subjects,
- Diploma in Education (May be exempted in relevant units).
- P1 teachers must have scored C+ at KCSE to qualify.
Also read:
- Kisii University Courses, Requirements, Fees, Student Portals and how to apply
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- Education courses offered at Jaramogi Oginga Odinga, JOOUST, University:Requirements, Fees, Student Portals and how to apply
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- Chuka University Courses, Requirements, Fees, Student Portals and how to apply
- Mean grade C+ (plus) at KCSE and at least C+ in each of the two teaching subjects chosen,
- 2 Principal passes at A’Leveland1 Subsidiary in relevant subjects,
- Diploma in Education.
- P1teachers must have scored a mean grade of C+ at KCSE with at least C+ in two teaching subjects chosen.
Fee Structures
Payment Options
All fees should be paid at any branch of the following LAIKIPIA UNIVERSITY bank accounts.
- Cooperative Bank of Kenya A/c No. 011-295-0177-8000
- Kenya Commercial Bank A/c No. 1101-909-080
- Equity Bank A/c No. 01602-9584-0456