Teachers and Civil Servants Employed are set to take home less pay as the government plans to hike the National Social Security Fund (NSSF) deductions from next year.
The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, payslip is a monthly generated document that shows the much a teacher earns. The payslip is generated from the TSC payroll and can
The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, employs and pays teachers their monthly salaries plus allowances. The teachers’ pay is usually processed and paid as from 22nd of every month
The County Government of Kiambu has up scaled the terms and conditions for Early Childhood development and education teachers (ECDE) to permanent and pensionable inclusive of medical cover.
The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has released a list of teachers who are set to miss this month’s salary for failing to meet employment requirements. The list features
The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, pays extra allowances (hardship allowances) to teachers working in areas classified as hardship. While classifying an area to be a hardship area, the
The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, opted to recruit teachers on an internship programme in a bid to address the teething staffing gaps in public primary and secondary schools.
The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, established 36 job groups for teachers under the current Collective Bargaining Agreement, CBA. The placement of the tutors in the various job groups