How to Log in to Management University of Africa Students Portal online, for Registration, E-Learning, Hostel Booking, Fees, Courses and Exam Results
How to Log in to Management University of Africa Students Portal online, for Registration, E-Learning, Hostel Booking, Fees, Courses and Exam Results

Universities have Students Portals that enable students to get many services online at their convenience. To access the Student Portal, one must be a duly registered student. Once admitted to university, a student is given the Students Portal Log in credentials; Registration Numbers and Password.

To Log onto the Management University of Africa Students Portal, use the link;

Here is a list of some of the common services that students get in the Students Portal, Once Logged in:

    •  Fees Statement
    •  Print Statement
    •  Proforma Invoice
    •  Fees Structure
    •  Receipts
  • Academics tab providing information and services on:
    1. Time Table
    2. Registration for Units
    3. List of Registered Units
    4. List of Attempted Unit(s)
    5. Exam Card
    6. Provisional Results
    7. Provisional Results / Year
  • Hostel Booking; Here you can reserve a room even when you are on recess.
  • Password Resetting; In case you forget your Log in Password, you can easily reset it by using this tab.


Located in South C, Nairobi, the university offers the following Courses:

Bachelors of Management and Leadership

The programme has been developed with the understanding that as the challenge to have well managed institutions in the society increases, relevant management and leadership are required to adjudicate the emerging demands both in public and private sector. The Bachelor of Management and leadership programme( BML) is offered with the following options:

Business administration | Human resource | Procurement | Marketing

Career Opportunities

Students who complete the BML programme have a number of career and academic progression options. The BML programme will equip students with the necessary skills to launch their careers in Strategic Management, Organisational Leadership and entrepreneurship. The programme offers a good foundation to postgraduate degrees such as the MBA.

Entry Requirements

  1. KCSE –  Mean Grade C+ with C plain in both Mathematics and English or Kiswahili or Mean Grade C or its equivalent with diploma in the relevant area of study from a recognized Institution.
  2. IGCSE – 5 Upper level passes (equivalent to C+).
  3. GCE –  Five (5) O’ Level (Equivalent to C+) with a pass, C in Maths & English or Kiswahili.
  4. 12th Grade –  GPA of 2.5.
  5. KACE – 2 principal passes & a minimum pass of 7 in Maths and English or Kiswahili at KCE.

Semester Dates

  • January-April
  • May – August
  • September – December

Students Assesments Mode

Assessment will be based on;

  • Continuous Assessment Test (CAT)
  • Work Based Assessment (WBA)
  • End of semester written examination

University Minimum Admissions Requirements

  1. KCSE Mean grade C+ (PLUS) with C in Math and English or Kiswahili
  2. IGCSE 5 Upper Level Passes.
  3. GCE 5 ‘O’ Level passes with C and above and/or equivalent of Mean grade C+ (PLUS) with C in Math and English or Kiswahili
  4. 12 GRADE GPA of 2.5.
  5. KCE Div II and above and 7 in Math and English/Kiswahili
  6. KACE 2 Principal passes of C and and KCE 7 in Math and English/Kiswahili.
  7. Diploma Diploma from a recognized institution and approved by the MUA University Council with KCSE C plain aggregate with C- in Maths and C- in English/Kiswahili OR Bridged Maths and English/Kiswahili
  8. Pre – university / Bridging course Pre – university/bridging certificate from recognized institution by MUA University Council. And KCSE C+ with C- in Maths and C- in English/Kiswahili OR Bridged Maths and English/Kiswahili
  9. Professional qualifications Professional qualifications from a MUA Council recognized examining body and KCSE C with C- in Maths and C- in English/Kiswahili OR Bridged Maths and English/Kiswahili

NB: Exemptions and Credit transfers shall be awarded to the relevant units at a Fee of Ksh 3,000 per unit.

Admission Criteria

To be considered for admission an applicant should:

  • Meet the minimum academic qualification criteria set out above
  • Complete and submit the application form to the admissions office.
  • Submit certified copies of relevant qualifications documents/certificates for admission including KCSE results slip/certificate or its equivalent
  • Attach 2 pass port size photographs
  • Attach a Copy of national ID or passport
  • Pay KES 2000 application fees to the university account – (The Management University of Africa, Co-operative Bank of Kenya Mombasa Road , Branch Acc. No. 01129504445300)
  • Admissions will be for JanuaryMay, and September classes. Applications can be made anytime but applications late for a particular admission semester will automatically be carried forward to the next semester admissions.

Bachelors of Development Studies


This programme has been developed with the understanding that there is a widening demand for professionals who can be able to initiate and mobilize communities to participate in the facilitation of their own development. BDS resonates with the needs of the devolved government as stipulated in the new constitution with the need to have the people in the rural areas to be fully involved in the community development activities.

MUA graduates will be well equipped with gender development skills to enable them design and facilitate development events that lead to Gender Equity in all human development endeavors.

BDS has the following options :

i) Economic development

ii) Entrepreneurship

iii) Project management

iv) Environmental Management

Career Opportunities

The BDS programme prepares students for careers and opportunities in the following fields; Development finance, Monitoring and Evaluation, Public Administration. With working opportunities in; Non-Government Organisations, Development Institutions, Development Banks amongst others

 Minimum Admission Requirements

  1. KCSE – Mean Grade C+ with C plain in both Mathematics and English or Kiswahili or Mean Grade C or its equivalent with diploma in the relevant area of study from a recognized Institution.
  2. IGSE –  5 Upper level passes (equivalent to C+).
  3. GCE – Five (5) O’ Level (Equivalent to C+) with a pass, C in Maths & English or Kiswahili.
  4. 12th Grade – GPA of 2.5
  5. KACE – 2 principal passes & a minimum pass of 7 in Maths and English or Kiswahili at KCE.

Semester Dates

  • January-April
  • May – August
  • September – December

Students Assesment Modes

Assessment will be based on;

  • Continuous Assessment Test (CAT)
  • Work Based Assessment (WBA)
  • End of semester written examination

University Minimum Admissions Requirements

  1. KCSE Mean grade C+ (PLUS) with C in Math and English or Kiswahili
  2. IGCSE 5 Upper Level Passes.
  3. GCE 5 ‘O’ Level passes with C and above and/or equivalent of Mean grade C+ (PLUS) with C in Math and English or Kiswahili
  4. 12 GRADE GPA of 2.5.
  5. KCE Div II and above and 7 in Math and English/Kiswahili
  6. KACE 2 Principal passes of C and and KCE 7 in Math and English/Kiswahili.
  7. Diploma Diploma from a recognized institution and approved by the MUA University Council with KCSE C plain aggregate with C- in Maths and C- in English/Kiswahili OR Bridged Maths and English/Kiswahili
  8. Pre – university / Bridging course Pre – university/bridging certificate from recognized institution by MUA University Council. And KCSE C+ with C- in Maths and C- in English/Kiswahili OR Bridged Maths and English/Kiswahili
  9. Professional qualifications Professional qualifications from a MUA Council recognized examining body and KCSE C with C- in Maths and C- in English/Kiswahili OR Bridged Maths and English/Kiswahili

NB: Exemptions and Credit transfers shall be awarded to the relevant units at a Fee of Ksh 3,000 per unit.

Admission Criteria

To be considered for admission an applicant should:

  • Meet the minimum academic qualification criteria set out above
  • Complete and submit the application form to the admissions office.
  • Submit certified copies of relevant qualifications documents/certificates for admission including KCSE results slip/certificate or its equivalent
  • Attach 2 pass port size photographs
  • Attach a Copy of national ID or passport
  • Pay KES 2000 application fees to the university account – (The Management University of Africa, Co-operative Bank of Kenya Mombasa Road , Branch Acc. No. 01129504445300)
  • Admissions will be for JanuaryMay, and September classes. Applications can be made anytime but applications late for a particular admission semester will automatically be carried forward to the next semester admissions.

Bachelor of Commerce

Core Specialization courses

  1. Entrepreneurial option (ENT)
  2. Human Resource option (HRM)
  3. Marketing option (MKT)
  4. Accounting option (ACC)
  5. Finance and Banking option (FIN)
  6. Insurance and Risk Management option (INS)

Minimum entry requirements for BCOM

  1. KCSE – Mean Grade of C+ (PLUS)
  2. IGCSE – 5 upper level passes (equivalent to C+)
  3. GCE –  O-Level Grade 1-5 Equivalent to (C+), A –Level 2 principles + 1 subsidiary
  4. 12TH GRADE –  GPA  of 2.5
  5. KACE – 2- Principles and 1 – subsidiary
  6. DIPLOMA – Relevant Diploma from a recorgnized institution with a credit pass

Duration of the Programme
The academic undergraduate programmes take 4 academic years. Each year will have 3 trimesters. Each Trimester will have 14 weeks of study ( 12 weeks for tuition and 2 weeks exams) Each unit will have 3 hours per week totaling to 36 lecture hours per unit per trimester and 3 hours for examination leading to 39 hours in total per trimester

Course requirements

  • Attend at least 80% of the lectures
  • Any deferment of the course must be approved by the senate.

Mode of Study (BCOM)

  • Part time 5.30 to 8. 30 pm
  • Full time
  • Weekend Sundays and Saturdays

Frequency of Intake

  • January , May and  September

Admission Criteria

To be considered for admission an applicant should:

  • Meet the minimum academic qualification criteria set out above
  • Complete and submit the application form to the admissions office.
  • Submit certified copies of relevant qualifications documents/certificates for admission including KCSE results slip/certificate or its equivalent
  • Attach 2 pass port size photographs
  • Attach a Copy of national ID or passport
  • Pay KES 2000 application fees to the university account – Management University of Africa , Co-operative Bank of Kenya, Mombasa Road Branch, Account No. 01129504445300
  • Admissions will be for JanuaryMay, and September classes. Applications can be made anytime but applications late for a particular admission semester will automatically be carried forward to the next semester admissions.

NB: Exemptions and Credit transfers shall be awarded to the relevant units at a Fee of Ksh 3,000 per unit.

MUA Diploma programmes

  • Diploma in Leadership and Management
  • Diploma in Entrepreneurship
  • Diploma in Information Communication Technology
  • Diploma in Business Information Communication Technology
  • Diploma in International Relations and Diplomacy
  • Diploma in Counselling and Psychology
  • Diploma in Pension Management
  • Diploma in Community Health and Development
  • Diploma in Project Management
  • Diploma in Supply Chain Management
  • Diploma in Education Arts (English and Literature)
  • Diploma in Early Childhood Development
  • Diploma in Secretarial Studies

Entry Requirements

The minimum requirements into the Management University of Africa Diploma Programme shall be as follows:

  • KCSE mean grade C- (Minus) or its equivalent; or,
  • MUA certificate in respective diploma programme or any related area; or,
  • A KNEC/KIM certificate in respective diploma programme or related areas or its equivalent; or,
  • A KNEC/KIM Diploma or its equivalent from a recognized institution of learning in a related area.

Important Links For You, Click below:

MUA links:

MUA Contacts

Postal Address: P.O Box 29677-00100, Nairobi, Kenya.
Tel: +254 20 2361161
Mobile: +254 722 224193

Email:[email protected]