Tea growers who supply their green leaves to the Kenya Tea Development Authority, KTDA, are crying foul after the Agency announced low rates per Kilogram in the bonus payments. This payments are for green leaves delivered to KTDA between 1st July, 2018 and 30th June, 2019. The figures are far much lower than what the farmers received last year.
Specialty teas are a type of teas which are manufactured differently from other teas by way of gradually rolling and drying the fermented green leaf into smaller sizes without breaking the leaf, unlike the more conventional Cut-Tear-Curl (CTC) method.
Here are the Approved payment rates per factory countrywide:
1 | Kiamokama | Kisii | 11.50 |
2 | Eberege | Kisii | 12.30 |
3 | Ogembo | Kisii | 12.30 |
4 | Rianyamwamu | Kisii | 11.50 |
5 | Nyamache | Kisii | 14.40 |
6 | Itumbe | Kisii | 14.40 |
7 | Rukuriri | Central | 39.20 |
8 | Mungania | Central | 37 |
9 | Imenti | Central | 36 |
10 | Githongo | Entral | 35.10 |
11 | Kagwe | Central | 35 |
12 | Kathanga | Central | 35 |
13 | Kiambaa | Central | 34.50 |
14 | Kionyo | Central | 33 |
15 | Mataara | Central | 31.30 |
16 | Kinoro | Central | 31.15 |
17 | Theta | Central | 31.10 |
18 | Weru | Central | 31.05 |
19 | Gachege | Central | 30.10 |
20 | Gatunguri | Central | 29.20 |
21 | Githambo | Central | 27.75 |
22 | Makomboki | Central | 36.50 |
23 | Gacharage | Central | 37.10 |
24 | Ngeere | Central | 37.15 |
25 | Ikumbi | Central | 35.50 |
26 | Njunu | Central | 34.40 |
27 | Kangaita | Central | 36.05 |
28 | Imenti | Central | 36.0 |
29 | Rorok | Rift Valley | 20 |
30 | Kapset | Rift Valley | 20 |
31 | Boito | Rift Valley | 20 |
32 | Kobel | Rift Valley | 20 |
33 | Tegat | Rift Valley | 20 |
34 | Toror | Rift Valley | 20 |
35 | Chelal | Rift Valley | 20 |
36 | Mogosiek | Rift Valley | 20 |
37 | Litein | Rift Valley | 20 |
38 | Kiegoi | Central | 29 |
39 | Momul | Central | 28.20 |
40 | Kanyenya | Central | 28.10 |
41 | Kiru | Central | 28 |
42 | Michi | Central | 26.05 |
KTDA blames the low payout on the reduction in tea prices in the World market.
Black CTC teas The tea that is most commonly consumed in Kenya is processed using the unique Cut-Tear-Curl (CTC) method of manufacture which produces black granular particles. KTDA produces 4 primary grades of black CTC tea based on the size of the granule particle.
KTDA recommends farmers pluck ‘two leaves and a bud’ for the reason that these contain high concentrations of chemicals called ‘Catechins’ that are responsible for producing the distinctive flavor, rich aroma and bright colors that good quality tea exhibits.
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