TMIS Portal registration for TSC teachers.
TMIS Portal registration for TSC teachers.

TSC TMIS portal: The Teachers Management Infiormation System, TMIS, is an online platform used by the Teachers Service Commission, TSC, to manage teachers’ records. The portal contains such teacher details as: Personal details, date employed, date appointed to current grade, age, teaching subjects and workload.

Also see: How to update teachers’ mobile phone numbers on TMIS

TMIS portal is also used to file entry and exit returns for all teachers in a school. These are returns filled and filed by the head teachers, administrators or authorized officers entrusted with the responsibility by the Commission for onward respective processing at the Head Office and proper communications on issues like interdiction, injunction, suspension etc undertaken. (Exit/ Entry Returns can only be accessed once Logged In by Head of Institution).

Continue reading:TSC TMIS Portal (

All newly posted teachers are expected to have their details updated at the TMIS portal. Without having these details in the current station, one will miss out on the TSC online services like filing Teacher Performance Appraisal and Development (TPAD) records.

TMIS is a module in teachers’ online services that captures the following in an

  • Institution’s basic details.
  • Student enrollment –special or ordinary or both.
  • Teachers details including mobile numbers
  • Teachers with special needs
  • Teachers on study leave
  • Subject enrollment for the school
  • KCPE/KCSE performance.

Mobile numbers and basic details of teachers are updated on the page for Teachers
details. Below are the steps to follow to access Teachers online services and upload
mobile numbers.

How to access the TMIS Portal

To access Teachers online (TOS), use any of the methods below;

  • Access TSC website from the Online Services tab, click
    on teachers online service.
  • On the search engine type or
  • On the search engine, type teachers online and enter. From the many options displayed, select and Click on the option with the address

These methods will take the user to the TMIS home page.

Creating Password for a New User & Logging in

Step 1: To log into the system, input your username as TSC Number and password as welcome (for a new user who has not changed password). The window below is displayed.

Creating Password for a New User
Creating Password for a New User

Enter a new password and retype the same. Click save.

Step 2: On a successful login, the following window will be shown.

TMIS portal successful login window
TMIS portal successful login window

Now you can be able to capture or edit such details as: Deployment, Entry/ Exit Reports, TMIS returns among others.

Here is your complete guide: TMIS guide for all teachers

How to update a Teacher’s Mobile Number at TMIS Online Portal

To update a teacher’s mobile number in the Teacher Management Information System (TMIS), you can:

TMIS Online Portal
TMIS Online Portal
  • Locate a particular teacher and Click the Edit button in the Action column for the teacher you want to update
  • Input the teacher’s mobile number

Heads of institutions are also responsible for updating teachers’ mobile numbers in TMIS. They must do this within 30 days of all teachers in the institution activating their emails.

You can access the TMIS portal by:
Typing into your browser’s address bar

You can contact the Teachers Service Commission by: Calling the Safaricom hotline at 0722208552, Calling the Telkom hotline at 0777208552, and Emailing [email protected]

TSC portal login,
TSC online services,
TMIS portal, login,
TSC registration status,
TSC recruitment portal, online transfer, advertisement,