• Sun. Oct 20th, 2024


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Meet this man, Miguna Miguna… A politician, a lawyer and a columnist. He has, in the past, unsuccessfully vied for political seats, sworn in Raila Odinga as president and was forcefully deported from Kenya.

Miguna Miguna Being deported
Miguna Miguna Being deported

For him, everything happening in Kenya is wrong; from the handshake to the lifestyle audits. Maybe he is right, maybe he is wrong.

We sample some of his recent statements. He has no kind words for the political class:

  • On Kenya’s victory and ensuing celebrations against Ethiopia, yesterday during the AFCON qualifier, Miguna wrote:

“Fellow Kenyans, celebrating the Kenya vs Ethiopia victory is like an adult celebrating that he has wrestled a toddler to the ground. Ethiopia went through a 30-year-civil-war and has been at the ICU since the war ended. Beat Brazil, France or Italy and I’ll join your celebrations. The Despots: Uhuru Kenyatta, Raila Odinga, William Ruto and their cabals are laughing their heads off in their multibillion mansions as hungry, oppressed, exploited and enslaved zombies are DISTRACTED to celebrating the Kenya vs Ethiopia meaningless victories. Liberate yourselves mentally. He goes on to say:
“I admit that Kenya is NUMBER 1 in the theft and plunder of public resources. Yes, we are number 1 in extra-judicial killings, torture and repression. We are often number 2 in long distance running. But what INTELLECTUAL pursuits are we number 1 in? Tell me.”

  • On Raila Odinga’s push for a referendum to change the constitution:

“Kenyans placed term limits and restricted their elected leaders or imposters to 2 terms of 5 years each to curtail authoritarianism. Now, the Despot, his hand cheque lapdog and sycophants are yelling that Uhuru Kenyatta must rule for life. A Constitution should never be repealed or changed to suit anyone no matter how powerful, repressive or wealthy s/he may be. A Kshs 200 billion referendum will worsen the lives of Kenyans. Respect and uphold the Constitution as it exists, deliver services and create jobs.”

Miguna Miguna Swearing in Raila Odinga as president
Miguna Miguna Swearing in Raila Odinga as president
  • On Kenyans’ angry reactions to former South Sudan Chief of General Staff General Paul Malong Awan Anei’s wealth, Miguna says:
    “Why are some Kenyans hypocritically upset about Paul Malong’s plundered wealth when Uhuru Kenyatta; Daniel arap Moi; Mwai Kibaki; Raila Odinga; William Ruto, Nicholas Biwott, Joshua Kulei, Chris Kirubi and their families have looted 1,000,000% more than him from Kenyans.”
    Miguna adds: “Kshs 5 trillion of public money has been plundered and stashed in tax havens abroad by Daniel Arap Moi, Uhuru Kenyatta, their families and cronies, yet Kenyan politicians are busy taking selfies with Bobi wine (a Ugandan Legislator) instead of protecting public interests – as their sycophants cheer.”
Miguna Miguna vied for the Nairobi gubernatorial seat in 2017
Miguna Miguna vied for the Nairobi gubernatorial seat in 2017
  • Miguna castigating Kenyan Members of Parliament hosting Ugandan Legislator, Bobi Wine:
    “Those pretending to support Bobi Wine in Kenya are cowards. The best way to fight for freedom is to confront tyrants in your own country. DIRECTLY CONFRONT Uhuru Kenyatta regarding his egregious violations of human rights in Kenya. Stop pretending to be fighting Museveni in Kenya.”
Miguna Miguna being roughed up by an angry mob
Miguna Miguna being roughed up by an angry mob
  • Miguna on the Government’s failure to create jobs for the youths:
    “The DUTY of a government is to create jobs and deliver basic services such as housing, healthcare, education, transportation and security – and to respect and uphold the law. How many sycophants out there can say that the Jubilee Party despots and their lapdogs have done that?”
    He goes on to say: “How many jobs has the Hand Cheque created for the unemployed youth since March 9th? How many looters have been charged or convicted since March 9th? How many VICTIMS of extra-judicial killings and police torture have had justice rendered to them since 2007?”
  • Miguna names tycoons hiding trillions of Kenyan money in overseas banks, as Kenyans languish in poverty:

“Leading Kenyan plunderers who are hiding TRILLIONS OF SHILLINGS looted public wealth abroad: Daniel arap Moi & Family, Uhuru Kenyatta & Family, Mwai Kibaki & Family, Raila Odinga & Family, William Ruto & Family, Nicholas Biwott and Chris Kirubi & Family.”
And Miguna writes off the lifestyle audit exercise by the president as just a mere Public Relations: “Kenyans must not support despotic PR exercises called ‘lifestyle audits,’ mythical bridges to nowhere or a referendum as Uhuru Kenyatta and his lapdogs Raila Odinga, MoivGideon, Kalonzo Musyoka and others continue looting TRILLIONS of our resources.”

Miguna Miguna
Miguna Miguna

That is Miguna Miguna for you!

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