How to Combine Work and Education: 5 Easy Tips for Beginners

It is not only young students who want to combine work and study. Additional education is also in high demand among those who want to change careers and gain new skills, knowledge, and experience. Maintaining a healthy balance between study, work, and personal life is no easy task. In this article, we’ve put together some tips to help you build the processes intelligently and not go crazy.

Never Set Impossible Goals

Accept the fact early on that you won’t be able to manage absolutely everything. Prioritize your tasks every day and focus on them. Planning is the best way to ease into multitasking mode. You can make a to-do list and plans for the day, week and even month ahead. Also, try to start using a calendar, reminders, and other services to structure your days as clearly as possible.

Pay Attention to Your Mental Health

For many who combine study and work, constant fatigue, anxiety, irritability, apathy and even depression seem natural companions of a high workload and an ever growing list of cases. In fact, all of these conditions can be indicators of burnout and are a clear indication of the extreme need for rest. This condition occurs when there is prolonged stress and a lack of things in life that are pleasurable. For this reason, a person loses the meaning of everything that happens, and a high load is perceived as forced pressure, which leads to a complete loss of interest and desire to do anything.

For most people who combine work and study, their whole life revolves around productivity. It seems to them that it is impossible to lose a minute of time, and “idle” pastime causes them a feeling of guilt. This is the wrong approach. Constant stress only leads to overwork, which results in a loss of concentration, performance, memory, and mood.

Everyone needs to relax sometimes. It can be watching soap operas, learning more about favorite sports for improving results at Bet22 live betting, going for a walk, talking to friends and so on. Through force, you should try to find time to relax or at least “switch”. You need to look for opportunities to bring something new into your life: sports, creativity, entertainment, acquaintances, or new places. Even a small one-day trip to a nearby city can bring relief, help distract and look at yourself and your life from a new perspective. In the case of combining work and study, this “unloading” should be purposefully planned and you should try not to think about work during the “idleness”.

Agree on a Flexible Schedule

Dividing your days between college and work equally won’t work, so prioritize it from the beginning. If you’re a student, negotiate a free office visit or a flexible work schedule. Remember, the most important thing is not the time spent in the office, but the result of the work. If you work on a schedule, select courses where you can take classes at a time that is convenient for you.

Break up Your Day Into Productive Periods

When the to-do list is crammed with tasks, there is a great temptation to try to sort them without stopping from morning till late at night. In fact, we have a period of maximum efficiency. It can start from 15-20 minutes to two hours of work without stopping. Between these periods, take breaks, and it’s better to spend this time away from any screens and social networks. Spend some time in silence and relax your body, and then get to work with renewed vigor.

Listen to Yourself and Adjust Your Plans if Necessary

There are few people who enjoy both work and study. Most of those who combine these activities perceive one of them as something forced. It’s okay: one way or another in the life of each of us there are always things that we do not like, but due to circumstances they simply must be done. In this case, strike a balance between what is difficult to do and what is enjoyable and engaging. Take a regular “inventory” of your feelings: if there are too many unpleasant things in your life, it is time to think about changes.


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