The Commission for University Education, CUE, has scrapped a total of 133 courses being offered at local universities. The Commission terms these courses ‘useless’ causing agony to thousands of students who may be undertaking the courses or who have graduated. The most hit University is Tom Mboya University College which offers 25 unapproved courses. CUE castigates universities for starting up new courses without an aim of minting cash; when they know that they lack both human and physical resources to support content delivery.
At a glance, this is the list of unapproved courses being offered at some universities:
- Applied statistics with Information Technology
- Actuarial Science
- Bachelor of Science, Botany
- Bachelor of Arts, Economics
- Bachelor of Arts, Counseling Psychology
- Bachelor of Arts, Geography
- Bachelor of Arts, Development and Policy Studies
- Bachelor of Arts, Community Development
- Bachelor of Arts, Political Science
- Bachelor of Arts, Peace Education
- Bachelor of Science, Informatics and Natural Resource Management
- Bachelor of Science, Anthropology
- Bachelor of Arts, Kiswahili Studies
- Bachelor of Arts, Public Administration and Governance
- Bachelor of Education, Sciences
- Bachelor of Education, Arts
- Bachelor of Arts, International Relations
- Bachelor of Science, Human Nutrition and Diatetics
- Bachelor of Science, Biochemistry
- Bachelor of Science, Public Health
- Bachelor of Commerce
- Bachelor of Education, Early Childhood Education
Here is the list of affected universities and the number of unapproved courses that have been rejected by the CUE:
- Garissa University (10),
- Alupe University College (10),
- Kenya Highlands Evangelical University (7),
- Lukenya University (6),
- Kisii University (5),
- Kenyatta University (4),
- Dedan Kimathi University of Technology (4),
- Moi University (3)
- Kabarak University (2).
- University of Embu (6),
- Turkana University College (5),
- The East African University (4),
- Technical University of Mombasa (2),
- University of East African Baraton (2),
- Karatina University (4)
- Great Lake University, Kisumu (8),
- African University (3),
- Bomet University College (1),
- Catholic University of East Africa (2),
- Co-Operative University of Kenya (3),
- Gretsa University (1),
- Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Institute of Science and Technology (6)
- Kenya Methodist University (2).
- Tom Mboya University College (25)
The 133 courses that have been scrapped by the Commission for University Education are (the affected capacities for respective courses have been indicated in brackets; totaling to over 10,000). Bachelor of Education, Arts is the most hit with over 1,200 vacancies unapproved:
- Bachelor of Science- Business Information Systems (60)
- Bachelor of Business Management and Information (200)
- Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness Management (100)
- Bachelor of Arts in Counseling Psychology (60)
- Bachelor of Science in Aquaculture and Fisheries (60)
- Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition and Dietetics (50)
- Bachelor of Science in Public Health (50)
- Bachelor of Arts in Counseling Psychology (100)
- Bachelor of Arts in Public Administration and Governance (200)
- Bachelor of Business Information Technology (200)
- Bachelor of Education, Early Childhood, (100)
- Bachelor of Library and Information Studies (200)
- Bachelor of Procurement and Supply Chain Management (300)
- Bachelor of Science, Computer Science (100)
- Bachelor of Arts in Counseling Psychology (100)
- Bachelor of Science in Clinical Medicine (40)
- Bachelor of Human Resource Management (30)
- Bachelor of Science, Computer Science (30)
- Bachelor of Science, Environmental Health (30)
- Bachelor of Science, Hospitality and Tourism Management (30)
- Bachelor of Arts, Applied Linguistics (50)
- Bachelor of Arts, Peace Education (100)
- Bachelor of Educator Arts; Geography, Maths and Business (150)
- Bachelor of Education Arts; Geography, Kiswahili, History and CRE (150)
- Bachelor of Arts, Business Studies with Information Technology (50)
- Bachelor of Arts, Developmental Studies with Information Technology (40)
- Bachelor of Arts, Sociology with Anthropology with Information Technology (50)
- Bachelor of Arts with Information Technology (100)
- Bachelor of Education, Early Childhood Education with Information Technology (50)
- Bachelor of Education, French Studies with Information Technology (30)
- Bachelor of Education, Home Science with Information Technology (50)
- Bachelor of Science, Agricultural Economics with Information Technology (40)
- Bachelor of Science, Health Records and Information (50)
- Bachelor of Science, Agricultural Education and Extension (50)
- Bachelor of Science, Agronomy with Information Technology (50)
- Bachelor of Science, Applied Statistics with Information Technology (60)
- Bachelor of Science, Biochemistry (50)
- Bachelor of Science, Earth Science with Information Technology (40)
- Bachelor of Science, Industrial Chemistry with Information Technology (40)
- Bachelor of Science, Mathematical Sciences with Information Technology (80)
- Bachelor of Science, Mathematics and Computer Science (70)
- Bachelor of Science, Mathematics and Economics with Information Technology (100)
- Bachelor of Science, Medical Laboratory Sciences (50)
- Bachelor of Science, Nutrition and Dietetics with Information Technology (50)
- Bachelor of Science, Physics with Information Technology (40)
- Bachelor of Library and Information Studies (200)
- Bachelor of Procurement and Supply Chain Management (300)
- Bachelor of science, Computer Science (100)
- Bachelor of Arts in Counseling Psychology (100)
- Bachelor of Science in Clinical Medicine (40)
- Bachelor of Human Resource Management (30)
- Bachelor of Science, Computer Science (30)
- Bachelor of science, Environmental Health (30)
- Bachelor of Science, Hospitality and Tourism Management (30)
- Bachelor of Arts, Applied Linguistics (50)
- Bachelor of Arts, Peace Education (100)
- Bachelor of Arts, Translation and Interpretation (25)
- Bachelor of Business and Management (100)
- Bachelor of Science (60)
- Bachelor of Science (150)
- Bachelor of Arts in Community Development (600)
- Bachelor of Commerce (800)
- Bachelor of Education, Arts (1,200)
- Bachelor of Education, Early Childhood Education (500)
- Bachelor Education, Science (800)
- Bachelor of Science, Dryland Agriculture (300)
- Bachelor of Science, Applied Statics with Information Technology (60)
- Bachelor of Science, Medical Laboratory Sciences (20)
- Bachelor of Science, Biochemistry (25)
- Bachelor of Science, Agricultural Biotechnology (25)
- Bachelor of Science, Control and Instrumentation (27)
- Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology (100)
- Bachelor of Science (100)
- Bachelor of Pharmacy (30)
- Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry (40)
- Bachelor of Education, Arts; English and Literature (150)
- Bachelor of Education arts; Geography, Mathematics and Business Studies (150)
- Bachelor of Education Science, Agricultural Education and Extension (50)
- Bachelor of Science, Agronomy with Information Technology (50)
- Bachelor of Science, Applied Statistics with Information Technology (60)
- Bachelor of Science, Biochemistry (50)
- Bachelor of Science, Earth Science with Information Technology (40)
- Bachelor of Science, Industrial Chemistry with Information Technology (40)
- Bachelor of Science, Mathematical Sciences with Information Technology (80)
- Bachelor of Science, Mathematics and Business Studies with Information Technology (50)
- Bachelor of Science, Mathematics and Computer Science (70)
- Bachelor of Science, Mathematics and Economics with Information Technology (100)
- Bachelor of Science, Medical Laboratory Science (50)
- Bachelor of Science, Nutrition and Dietetics with Information Technology (50)
- Bachelor of Science, Physics with Information Technology (40)
- Bachelor of Science, Environmental Science with Information Technology (50)
- Bachelor of Science, Forensic Science (40)
- Bachelor of Science, Geography and Natural Resources (40)
- Bachelor of Arts in Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution (60)
- Bachelor of Business Management (100)
- Bachelor of Development Studies (100)
- Bachelor of Science, Renewable Energy (60)
- Bachelor of Science in Natural Resource Management (60)
- Bachelor of Science in Fashion Design and Textile (60)
- Bachelor of Science, Nutrition and Dietetics (60)
- Bachelor of Commerce (300)
- Bachelor of Environmental Planning and Management (60)
- Bachelor of Laws (48)
- Bachelor of Science, Agricultural Biotechnology (60)
- Bachelor of Science, Agricultural Economics (100)
- Bachelor of Science, Animal production and Health (60)
- Bachelor of Science, Environmental Science (60)
- Bachelor of Science, Wildlife Management (70)
- Bachelor of Arts, Peace Education (40)
- Bachelor of Science in Polymer Chemistry (30)
- Bachelor of Science in Health Informatics (30)
- Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Modelling (120)
- Bachelor of Science in Medical Physics (30)
- Bachelor of Arts, Geography (80)
- Bachelor of arts, Political Science and Public Relations (60)
- Bachelor of Arts, Community Development (70)
- Bachelor of Science, Applied Statics with Computing (60)
- Bachelor of Science, Actuarial Science (60)
- Bachelor of science, Botany (25)
- Bachelor of Science, Informatics (50)
- Bachelor of Science, Natural Resource Management (40)
- Bachelor of Science, Zoology (25)
- Bachelor of Science, Environmental Studies (40)
- Bachelor of Commerce (550)
- Bachelor of Arts, Developmental and Policy Studies (80)
- Bachelor of Science, Animal Science (41)
- Bachelor of Science, Soil Science (25)
- Bachelor of Science, Water Resources and Environment (60)
- Bachelor of Science, Biological Sciences (50)
The Commission of University Education has provided a list of approved Degree Courses at respective Public and Private Universities in Kenya. Click here to view/ download the list of Approved Degree Programmes: List of Approved Degree Courses
For a list of approved universities, in Kenya, click on this link: List of accredited universities in Kenya
Students who sat for their Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education, KCSE, exams are currently revising their degree choices via the Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service, KUCCPS, portal.