Home insurance Cover; Resolution Kenya Insurance Services
Home insurance Cover; Resolution Kenya Insurance Services

The Resolution Kenya home insurance cover is designed to cover the house, contents domestic employees as well as protects the owner against legal costs arising from incidents or accidents.


Resolution Home Insurance Policy gives indemnity to restore/compensate you against losses or damage arising from any of the following causes:

  • Fire, lightning, earthquake, storm or floods,
  • Explosion of domestic appliances,
  • Riots & strikes and malicious damage,
  • Damage caused by falling aircraft or other aerial devices,
  • Bursting or overflowing or water tanks apparatus or pipes,
  • Impact by vehicles, animals and falling trees or branches,
  • Accidental death or injuries to domestic employees,
  • Legal costs arising out of acts or omissions of the owner of occupier,
  • Loss, accidental damage, and or theft of items covered.

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What is covered?

A – Buildings

Covers a private dwelling house or private flat including domestic outbuildings, fixtures and fittings walls, gates and fences all on the same premises.

B – Contents

Covers loss or damage to personal belongings like furniture, household goods, electrical equipment and other personal items if they are stolen, destroyed by fire or other insured event.

C – All Risks

Covers items that are taken out of the house like jewellery, laptop computers, mobile phones, cameras etc.

D – Workmen Injury Benefit Act

WIBA cover for both indoor and outdoor domestic servants. 2 workers are covered for free.

E & F – Owners & Occupiers Liability

Covers legal liability in respect to third party injury or damage to property parties arising from the insured’s negligence as owner or occupier of the property insured under the policy.

How to Claim

  • Notify the nearest police station for all losses.
  • Notify Resolution Insurance of the claim and submit all relevant documents.
  • Resolution Insurance will then process the claim
  • Admissible Claims are paid within 7 days of signing discharge voucher.

Special Conditions / Exclusions

  • No one article shall be deemed of greater value than 5% of the Total Sum Insured on the Contents or Kshs. 50,000/= unless such article is specifically listed in the schedule.
  • The total value of Platinum, Gold and Silver articles, Jewellery and Furs shall not exceed ONE-THIRD of the Total Sum Insured on Contents unless specially agreed herein and accompanied by Valuation Certificates.
  • Un-occupancy – 7 days for contents, 30 days for buildings (Subject to the building being under the care of a caretaker at all times)
  • Terrorism & Political Risks Exclusion
  • Mechanical or Electrical Breakdown
  • Wear and Tear, Depreciation, Atmospheric Conditions
  • Breakage of Glass or Articles of Brittle Nature unless caused by Fire or Theft
  • Excess on Section C only: 10% each and every loss minimum KES. 2,000