Why tsc is under pressure to address a looming teacher crisis in JSS in January?
The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) requires a total of 149,350 teachers to handle Grade 7,8 and 9.
So far the commission has employed 76,928 teachers in junior secondary representing 51.5% of the requirement.
This means more 72,422 teachers are needed to address teacher shortage in JSS.
For this reason, TSC plans to deploy more PTE teachers and excess secondary school teachers to JSS next year to help address this shortage.
Sources have revealed that TSC will not allow anything less than a minimum of C+ as KCSE mean grade and minimum of C+ in two teaching subjects for deployment of primary school teachers to JSS.
TSC may be forced to transfer some teachers currently teaching at Senior Secondary schools and whose workload has been reduced as a result of the reduction of classes from 4 to 3.
It remains to be seen how the teachers’ employer will address the teething staffing needs at Junior Schools. Some Primary school teachers have been used to handle some subjects in Junior Schools even if they do not meet the minimum requirements to teach at such levels.