The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, is in the process of profiling teachers whose medical conditions are prohibiting them from performing teaching duties, optimally. Through a circular written by Mrs. J.M Maundu, on behalf of the TSC Secretary, and dated 23 October, 2018, the TSC directs all County directors to provide data of this group of teachers. “The commission requires data on teachers who are unable to perform teaching duties due to medical reasons,” Writes Maundu.
The Commission now asks the TSC County Directors to ‘liaise with all heads of institutions to provide data on:’
- Teachers who have been out of station (their working stations) on account of ill health for over six months.
- Teachers unable to perform their teaching duties due to substance abuse (Drug and Alcohol abuse)
- Teachers who have mental challenges and cannot teach.
- Any other pending cases in the counties where the teacher has not been in station for over 3 months and is not officially on approved leave of absence or study leave.
The TSC collects this information via its, Teachers Management Information System, TMIS, found on its online portal.
Details to be submitted to the head office are: Name of the teacher, TSC Number, Current station and reason (s) for non performance of duty. The information is to be submitted by 15th November, 2018. TSC is doing this is in a bid to address staffing gaps in public schools in Kenya.