Over 26,000 examiners invited to mark the 2019 KCSE exams

The Kenya National Examinations Council, KNEC, has invited over 26,000 examiners to mark this year’s Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) scripts. According to the Council the examiners include newly trained ones and the experienced lot. This number of examiners will be expected to mark the scripts and complete in good time; ahead of results release before Christmas. Already, examiners have downloaded their marking invitation letters indicating the marking centre, payment rates and other logistics.


The Kenya National Examinations Council, knec, invited the existing and qualified newly trained Examiners to apply for the 2019 marking exercise, online. The site was accessible from 22nd October, 2019 by all Kenya Certificate of Primary Education, KCPE, and Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education, KCSE, KCSE Examiners.

Important links:


Among other requirements, Examiners are NOT allowed to carry away answer scripts, marking schemes or any marking materials from the marking rooms/centres neither allowed to bring in any unauthorized materials. All marking must be done in the specified rooms at the marking centre. Any examiner found contravening this regulation will be dismissed instantly and a report made to his/her employer for disciplinary action.


According to KNEC, the marking service to be provided by the examiner is as follows:
  •  Normal marking of examination answers scripts;
  •  Checking of marked answer scripts to ensure validity, reliability and accuracy of mark allocation and
  • Verification and adjudication of captured marks.


Students are currently writing their KCSE exams that started on October 21 and ends on November 27, 2019. Those invited will mark the scripts in the following subjects:
  1. English- 101
  2. Kiswahili- 102
  3. Mathematics- 121
  4. Mathematics, Alternative B- 122
  5. Biology- 231
  6. Physics- 232
  7. Chemistry- 233
  8. Biology for the Blind- 236
  9. General Science- 237
  10. History- 311
  11. Geography- 312
  12. Christian Religious Education, CRE- 313
  13. Islamic Religious Education, IRE- 314
  14. Hindu Religious Education, HRE- 315
  15. Home Science- 441
  16. Art and Design- 442
  17. Agriculture- 443
  18. Wood Work- 444
  19. Metal Work- 445
  20. Building Construction- 446
  21. Power Mechanics- 447
  22. Electricity- 448
  23. Drawing and Design- 449
  24. Aviation Technology- 450
  25. Computer Studies- 451
  26. French- 501
  27. German- 502
  28. Arabic- 503
  29. Sign Language- 504
  30. Music- 511
  31. Business Studies- 565

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