Home Latest Education News NEMIS- Latest communication from Education Ministry and how to update staff module

NEMIS- Latest communication from Education Ministry and how to update staff module

How to update the Learner's Bio Data on NEMIS
Procedure for admitting 2020 Form Ones through the NEMIS system: Ministry of Education

The Education Ministry has directed schools to update the staff module on the National Education Management Information System, NEMIS, platform. In a note sent to all County Directors of Education, all Primary and Secondary Schools are expected to update the teaching and none teaching staff details by the end of this month; April, 2019.

“Dear CDEs (County Directors of Education), staff module is now functional. Kindly inform principals and head teachers to capture staff details for both teaching and non teaching. All teachers including (those employed by) BOM (Board of Management) need to be captured. Thank you for your continued support . Data capture need to be done on or before 30/4/2019,” reads the memo.

Other areas that schools are also to update include: the learners’ contact details and the power (electricity) supply status. Schools are also expected to ensure that all learners are captured and the learners’ photographs are uploaded as they will be used in sports and National Hospital Insurance Fund, NHIF, verifications. Other areas that need attention are pending registration records and school information i.e Constituency and ward where the school is found.

Details of staff members required in order to be fed onto the NEMIS portal include: Employee Number, Name, Gender, ID Number, KRA PIN, Date of Birth, Employee Type, Employee designation and contact details among others.

The Education Ministry uses information fed onto NEMIS to disburse Free Education Funds and for Education Planning and Reporting. Already, the parent Ministry has collected the data on students without birth certificates in order to assist the learners get the documents; in some parts of the country. “It has been noted that some students do not have birth certificates. This has affected FDSE (Free Day Secondary Education) disbursement as well as KCPE and KCSE registration,’ reads, in part, a circular by the County Director of Education- Nyamira County.

In the past, schools with incomplete information on NEMIS have, in the past, missed the government’s Free Secondary Education (FSE) and Free Primary Education (FPE) capitation. Read full details here:Schools with incomplete learners’ data on NEMIS to miss government fees capitation.


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