The 2020 Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examinations have been officially released by the Education Cabinet Secretary Professor George Magoha. In the 2020 KCSE Simiyu Robinson Wanjala of Muranga High School is the top candidate with a mean score of 87.334 emerged the best candidate nationally.

According to CS Magoha, said a total of 143,140 KCSE 2020 candidates scored the minimum University entry grade of C+ (plus) and above.

The total number of candidates with straight A’s in the 2020 KCSE examinations was 893.

Here is the full list of the top candidates in the 2020 KCSE examinations

S/NNameSchoolScoreMean Grade
1Simiyu Robinson WanjalaMurang’a High School87.334A (plain)
2Wasonga Allan UdomaAgoro Sare Secondary School87.173A (plain)
3Sharon Chepng’enoKenya High School87.173A (plain)
4Muriasi Rob Ong’areAlliance High School87.139A (plain)
5 Mbugua Esther WashoshKenya High School87.113A (plain)
6Kipkoech Mark KogoAlliance High School87.106A (plain)
7Kenneth OrangaKabsabet High School87.049A (plain)
8Henry MadagaMaranda High School87,046A (plain)
9Chepkorir PatienceKenya High School87.046A (plain)
10Musomba Edith Machakos Girls High School87.013A (plain)

How to receive the KCSE 2020 Results 

There are various ways of getting your KCSE 2020 results from Knec; after they have been officially announced. These include: Using the Knec SMS Code, visiting the Knec online portal and going to your former school to collect your results.

You may also like; How to download the KCSE 2020/2021 Results online for the whole school: the knec online results portal;

Getting your KCSE 2020 results through the Knec SMS Code 20076.

Getting your KCSE 2020 results through the Knec SMS code remains the fastest way of accessing your results. See how to go about it, below.

Step No.Required Action
Step 1Go to Messages on your mobile phone and select new message
Step 2In the new message window, type in your KCSE 2020 index number in full followed by the word ‘KCSE’
Step 3This is an example of how your index should look like;
Step 4Check the index number again and if satisfied it is correct, the, send the message to the KNEC Official SMS Code 20076.
Step 5Wait for the reply from Knec with your full KCSE 2020 results.

Also visit; How to receive KCSE 2020/201 results via KNEC SMS code and download results for all candidates


To use this method to check 2020/2021 results you only need to remember your index number and access your mobile phone or computer Here is the procedure:

  • Visit the Official KNEC website (
  • Check  for the KCSE Results tab, click on it
  • Select the year you sat for the Exams
  • Enter your Index number.
  • Finally click the Submit button.
  • Your KCSE results should show on the screen after a while.


Principals can also access the 2020/2021 KCSE results online from the KNEC portal; Procedure

  1. Visit the official KNEC schools’ portal by clicking the link above.
  2. To login to the KNEC portal, Insert the User Name and Password which you used during the KCSE 2020/2021 registration.
  3. Once inside the portal, you will see several boxes. First, under the box labelled ‘FROM INDEX’, input the index number of the first candidate (in full) and in the box labelled ‘TO INDEX NUMBER’ input the last candidate’s index Number. Click on ‘VIEW REPORT’.
  4. Wait for the result slips to load. When all the slips are loaded, click on the Menu labeled ‘EXPORT’.
  5. Select the format you would like to export the KCSE Result Slips e.g. ‘WORD’ or ‘PDF’ formats.
  6. The KCSE Result slips will be downloaded to an offline storage in your computer.
  7. You can then print the downloaded result slips. Finally, candidates can check their KCSE 2020 results by visiting  their former schools a day after the official release of the exam.