TSC teachers Email activation online at https://tscsearch.azurewebsites.net/
New TSC Email Activation Step by Step Guide.

Are you looking for a simplified procedure for you to activate your TSC Email? The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, has opened a new Electronic platform. All teachers are expected to activate their Emails online.

TSC Email activation guidelines

See also; TSC online portal; https://teachersonline.tsc.go.ke/

To easily activate your Email, follow the easy steps below;

  1. Go to your browser, under search bar… Type www.tsc.go.ke
  3. EMAIL ACTIVATION; (A new page loads)
  4. Fill in your TSC NO. CLICK ‘NEXT’.
  5. Fill in your ID NO. Then click on ‘VERIFY’
  6. Then ‘VERIFY IMAGES’ based on instructions eg-select all images with tractors…
  7. After verification, TSC confirms already uploaded data of you.
  8. Click the tab ‘VIEW MY CREDENTIALS’. This gives you an official email account and its password [email protected] and TEMPORAL PASSWORD-POT43211.
  9. Then from here click office.com to go to the site
  10. once in that site, sign in by entering the email you had been given eg… [email protected]
  11. Then click next. Enter password you had been given eg pot50556 and then sign in
  12. Once open office.com will request for additional information on your account for security
  13. Click ‘next’ and select I WANT A DIFFERENT METHOD. Under the drop down menu select ‘PHONE’.
  14. Enter official no(as it will be used to reset your account, TSC PAYSLIPS ETC)
  15. Select country (KENYA) ENTER NO E.G 254723123123
  16. Under phone highlight ‘text me a code’. Then, you click ‘next’.
  17. Now, enter the code sent to you eg 444444 and click ‘proceed’ followed by ‘done’ and your account will be activated.
  18. From here you will have to change the password you had been given to a new one. Select ‘update your password’. Enter old password eg 444444 then your new password and click ‘Confirm new password’
  19. Sign in again with your new email and your new password and you good to go.

The exercise of activating the emails takes effect from 15th February, 2021 and will close on 30th April, 2021. Upon the expiry of the registration window, all emails outside the e-platform shall not be acted upon.

Remember to get all TSC news here; TSC News Portal.

Get all manuals on email activation and use here; The new TSC E-platform.