Home Politics & Govt Government releases 2023 Inua jamii cash transfer programme funds

Government releases 2023 Inua jamii cash transfer programme funds

The Government has released Kshs. 8,577,808,000 as payment to 1,072,226 Inua Jamii cash Transfer programme beneficiaries currently on payroll. Beneficiaries can now access the funds.

Inua Jamii Cash Transfer Programme is a Government strategic intervention whose aim is to cushion the vulnerable members of our society and improve their livelihood.

The Inua Jamii Cash Transfer Program targets three categories of the vulnerable persons namely; Older Persons, Orphans and Vulnerable Children and Persons with Severe Disability.


This is to inform you that the Government has released Kshs. 8,577,808,000 as payment to 1,072,226 lnua Jamii cash Transfer programme beneficiaries currently on payroll.

The payment covers the July-August and September­ October 2022 cycles; and the disbursements will be through the contracted Payment Service Providers (PSPs).

This payment is scheduled to commence on Monday 9th January, 2023 with each beneficiary receiving KShs. 8,000.

Further, note the current payment is inclusive of the Nutrition Improvement through Cash and Health Education (NICHE) Complimentary top ups for 4,549 beneficiaries amounting to KShs. 8,400,500. In view of this you are asked to mobilize beneficiaries within your area of jurisdiction for the payment.

Attached herewith find the following documents for your reference during this payment process:

  1. Key messages; and
  2. Payroll for the Jul-Aug & Sep-Oct 2022 payment cycles (desegregated per County).


  • Cash transfers in Kenya have enhanced household purchasing power.
  • Safety nets have allowed households to make better investments for the future
  • There has been an impact on child health, with reduction in frequent illnesses of the children and other family members.
  • Evidence shows that there is an increase in Savings and Investments among the beneficiary households as a result of safety nets
  • Retention and transition of children in school was reported to have improved.
  • Local economy becomes vibrant during payment days.
  • There is evidence of reduction in poverty levels among the beneficiary households
  • There has been increase in food expenditure and dietary diversity.
  • Reduction in child labour among the benefitting households
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