Photo/ File- Prof Margaret Kobia who is the Head of Public Service in Kenya. Prof Kobia has announced salary increments for Civil Servants with effect from 1st July, 2019

Civil Servants are braced for good times as the Government moves to effect the third phase of their Salary increments this month. The Salaries and Remuneration Commission conducted a Job Evaluation exercise in the Public Service and recommended a salary review for the Civil Service. The review was to be implemented in four (4) phases taking into consideration the overall affordability within a sustainable Fiscal Framework.

The Government implemented Phase I and II of the salary review for Civil Servants in the National Government in Job Groups ‘A’ to ‘T’ with effect from 1st July, 2017 and 1st July, 2018, respectively.

During Phase I and II of the salary review, the four (4) phases for Job Groups ‘A’ to ‘F’ were merged and fully implemented to ensure that the salary was within the statutory minimum wage.

According to a Circular by the Head of Public Service, Prof Margaret Kobia, Phase III of the new Salaries and Salary Scales will be implemented for Job Groups ‘G’ to ‘T’ with effect from 1st July, 2019.

The new Salaries will apply to Civil Servants in the National Government in Job Group ‘G’ to ‘T’, who will be in the Service on or after 1st July, 2019.

Conversion of Salaries

Conversion of salaries will be processed automatically through the Integrated Payroll and Personnel Database (IPPD) System. The conversions should be verified immediately in order to ensure that any errors are detected and corrective measures taken promptly.

Incremental dates

The Civil Servants will retain their current incremental dates. However, where the incremental date falls on 1st July, 2019 officers will be granted their annual increment on the existing salary scales before their salaries are converted to the new salary points with effect from the same date, i.e. 1st July, 2019.

Other existing terms and conditions of service like allowances will continue to apply as currently stipulated.

This means that Civil Servants in Job group H, the entry grade for Diploma holders, will earn between KES 24,580 and 32,760. Job groups A and B have been collapsed and officers in these grades upgraded to job group C with an entry salary of KES 13,830.