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The Ministry of education has finally released free education funds to all public schools in the country. The funds for tranche 2 disbursement had been withheld due to the current prolonged closure of all learning institutions; as a result of the covid-19 pandemic.

The ministry used data for learners registered with NEMIS (national education management information system). Each secondary school learner got Sh3,725 in the latest disbursement.

The funds were deposited in the schools’ operations accounts between August 3 and 5, 2020; with no disbursement for the tuition account.

Education Cabinet Secretary George Magoha confirmed that indeed the funds have hit schools’ accounts.

“All the requisite funds have already been released to schools. Therefore, it is expected that the support staff will continue receiving their wages.” He told Legislators last week.

Magoha said the funds will be used to pay teachers working on Board of Management terms and Sub-ordinate staff; who have gone for 5 months without salaries.

“The Government has set aside sufficient funds to pay Board of Management teachers, non-teaching staff; including security men and women to ensure proper maintenance and safety in schools,” he explained.

In total each learner in all public schools receives Sh22,244 per year under the government’s Free Day Secondary Education (FDSE) program. Of this Sh9,400 goes into operations including Personal Emoluments (Salaries and wages for BOM staff).


2Medical/ Insurance2,000.00
5Other Vote Heads9,400.00
6Maintenance and Improvement5,000.00
7Grand Total22,244.00

Other vote heads: local travel and transport, Administration, Electricity, Personnel emolument.


In related news, schools have embarked on the process of paying BOM teachers and staff. A spot check showed that most schools had only opted to pay part of the July salaries; writing off the unpaid balances.

“My monthly salary is Sh12,000. But, I have just received a pay of Sh5,500 only. Attempts to reach the Principal have been futile with his phone either going unanswered or off,” said one of the affected teachers but, who sought anonymity for fear of being victimized.

At Arnesen’s High School, the BOM teachers have been told that they will only be paid part of their August, 2020 salaries.

“Subject to a BOM meeting held on August 4, 2020 it was decided that you will be paid half salary in August, 2020,” says the memo at our disposal.

“From September 1, 2020 you will proceed on unpaid leave until such a time when the Ministry gives further instructions on reopening (dates) of schools,” the memo goes on to say.

See also; BOM teachers’ salaries; Why CS Magoha’s latest response is a bane for BOM teachers

It is not clear on whether schools should pay all arrears, owed to the BOM staff, using the just disbursed funds. Apart from paying salaries and wages, the funds in the operations account are also used to meet local and transport, administration and electricity expenses.

Disbursement of capitation to schools will done in the ratio 50:30:20; for term 1, 2 and 3 respectively.