The Ministry of Education has instructed school principals to make necessary changes to their earlier joining instructions and admission letters in readiness for admission of the 2020 form ones. Via a circular dated September 11, 2019 and done by the Ministry’s Mrs Margaret Muandale (For the Principal Secretary), the school Principals are expected to make changes on the admission letters ahead of the 2020 form one admission exercise to be done in January, 2020.
“This year all the schools are required to make changes of their previous letters through an online tool to reflect joining instructions for the year 2020,” reads the circular; in part. Get Full the Circular here: MOE Circular on editing of the 2020 form one admission letters
How to change the 2020 form one admission details
According to the Circular, school Principals are expected to follow the procedure below in order to make necessary changes to the 2020 Form ones’ online joining instructions:
- Use the link below to check whether your joining instructions are in the system.
Click here to edit your schools’ 2020 form one joining instructions and admission letters - Select County and Sub-County of your School, then Select your School.
- If the system prompts you to sign in, use your school email address (Gmail Account)
- If your letter is in the system, edit the information to the new changes for joining instructions 2020,
NB Do not edit the first page apart from changing the year to 2020.
“In case the school’s joining instructions is missing, the system will prompt the principal to upload the instructions in the system from your computer,” advises Mrs Muandale.
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The Ministry adopted the online system of selecting and admitting form ones this year. During this year’s admission process which started on 7th January, 2019 all learners were processed through NEMIS (National Education Management Information System). When a student arrived for admission, they presented their joining letters and verification of existences in the system was done. This same process is expected to be in play next year as the Ministry fully automates the selection process.
The Ministry of Education early this year directed all the 2019 Kenya Certificate of Primary Education, KCPE, candidates to revise their form one choices by August, 2019. This is opposed to the earlier dispensation where candidates switched schools after announcement of the KCPE results.
This year, it is only Private and Sub- County schools that were allowed to select their form one students manually. While, County, Extra County and National schools had placement of their form ones done electronically at the National Education Management Information System, NEMIS.