Course offered at the University of Nairobi (UON), Requirements & Fees Structures

Course offered at the University of Nairobi (UON), Requirements & Fees Structures

All PROGRAMME clusters

The University of Nairobi is committed to training high caliber healthcare professionals and innovative researchers in emerging health challenges and our professionals are at the forefront of the national health policy formulation. As a result of this remarkable contribution, more than 50% of healthcare professionals and researchers in the healthcare sector in Kenya have been trained at UoN.

The academic programmes offered are highly competitive in the market and are relevant to the country’s health needs. We offer a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate degree programmes leading to the award of diplomas and degrees at Bachelors, Masters, Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Medicine.

Bachelor programmes

Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBCHB)

Course code – H31

The Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery curriculum imparts knowledge, clinical skills and competencies necessary in holistic medical practitioner. Students are exposed current technologies and improved teaching methods facilitating consolidation of knowledge, involvement in critical thinking and research that enables them to practice evidence based medicine.

Graduates are expected to be self-motivated, disciplined and ethical doctors well versed with holistic approach to health care management.

The course is fulltime and extended over six academic years, of 204 weeks spread over 30 weeks for first and second years and 36 weeks each for third to sixth year of study. This is a total of 8,160 hours.

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Bachelor of Science (Bsc) In Human Anatomy (intercalated)

Course code – H302

Students pursuing a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery and have completed and passed all the courses of the first and second year have the option of pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Human Anatomy.

Successful applicants will be selected for admission to the Bachelor of Science in Human Anatomy on the advice of the Board of the Faculty of Medicine. Successful applicants will be required to give an undertaking that, upon completion of the course they will continue with their studies for the Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery Degree.

Through this degree programme, the students will be exposed to modern research methods that will enable them enhance their research skills, building upon their work of the first and second year courses.

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Bachelor of Science (BSC) in Medical Physiology

Course code – H303

Students pursuing Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery and Bachelor of Pharmacy and have completed and passed all the courses of the first and second year have the option of pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Medical Physiology.

The course will last one academic year. The course will be on full time basis extending for three terms. It will consist of discussion classes, tutorials and practical sessions, with special reference to the development of skills related to conducting original investigations, the analysis of data and preparation of papers containing original observations. Students will be required to present at least one comprehensive review paper per term. Students will be required to undertake extensive guided reading. The candidates will be expected to identify a specific research project and write a short dissertation.

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Master Programmes

Master of Medicine in Psychiatry (Mmed. Psych.)

Course code – H544

The Master of Medicine degree course in Psychiatry is intended to train medically qualified doctors to master the practice of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mental illness as well as giving them a sound scientific foundation to enable them to teach students (undergraduate and post graduate), and carry out original research. The emphasis in this course is on clinical and practical work and most of the teaching will be by “bed side” teaching in the wards during ward rounds and clinical case conference.

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Master of Medicine in Ophthalmology

Course code – H545

The design of the Master of Medicine in Ophthalmology curriculum is student centered and problem based.  The courses are as much as possible integrated, community oriented and systematically arranged. The duration of the Master of Medicine in Ophthalmology course is three years. The structure of this curriculum is based on three levels of knowledge, which spiral from one to the other:

The first level of basic sciences (e.g. anatomy, physiology, optics, pharmacology, pathology and microbiology related to the eye) is required for understanding the later courses in the programme.

The next level is applied pathology, pharmacology, microbiology, community eye health and research methodology which lead to the level of clinical ophthalmology. This final level comprises mostly surgical and clinical courses during which the practical aspects of the programme are undertaken to bring out the skills required.  This structure provides for a systematic integration of theory and practice. It should be noted that levels referred to are levels of knowledge and do not necessarily correspond to a particular term or academic year of study.

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Course code – H546

The Master of Medicine in Pediatrics and Child Health degree programme was launched in 1973 prompted by the need to have locally trained specialists in the field equipped with knowledge and critical clinical skills relevant to local health problems provide leadership of curative and preventive services and be involved in training and research.

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Course code: H566

The goal of the M.Med in human pathology Programme is to produce a competent and professional pathologist who is able to: Perform medical autopsies to contribute to medical knowledge, quality assurance and medical education, Perform forensic autopsies to serve society and contribute to public protection, Participate in medical education, Conduct and supervise research in pathology and Provide diagnostic histopathologists and cytological services.

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Course code: H556

The Master of Medicine in Obstetrics and Gynecology curriculum was revised in 2014.The revised curriculum will also instill leadership qualities to the specialists for effective service delivery in alignment with the Millennium Development Goals and attainment of Vision 2030 of Kenya.

This course aims to: Impart in learners, knowledge, clinical skills, and competencies relevant to reproductive health care; Equip the learners with requisite discipline, professional qualities, etiquette and ethics necessary for safe reproductive health practice; Equip in the learners academic abilities for self-learning, critical thinking, research abilities and ability to translate research into practice and policy; Equip the learners with skills to provide leadership and governance in provision of reproductive health services.

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Course code: H569

Orthopedic surgery is the surgical specialty for the diagnosis and treatment of injuries, diseases, and congenital deformities of the musculoskeletal system.

This course aims to: To equip doctors with comprehensive knowledge of Orthopedics and trauma surgery; To equip doctors with adequate knowledge and skills for teaching, carrying out research and delivering of orthopedic and trauma services; To develop capacity of the doctor, for generating, disseminating, imparting and preserving knowledge and skills in orthopedics and Trauma surgery; To produce a specialist doctor capable of promoting preventive and curative orthopedic and Trauma services.

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Course code: H575

Kenya’s specialized surgical care needs have increased greatly over the years, and continue to do so. The general doctor-population ratio in Kenya is 1:7100 compared to the recommended World Health Organization figure of 1:600. For the specialty of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery, the ratio is 1:3500,000.

This course aims to produce Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeons with the requisite skills and competence in the overall care of the patient with general thoracic, cardiac and/or peripheral vascular problems, and to produce Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeons able to meet the requirement of the World Health Organization programme of Integrated Management for Essential and Emergency Surgical Care.

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Course code: H555

Anesthesia is an essential service in modern medical practice and health delivery systems all over the world. It is one of the most important scientific discoveries in recent times and has revolutionized the practice of surgery and related subjects

This programme aims to train students in all aspects of a safe practice of Anesthesia, train anesthesiologists with adequate knowledge, skills and professional attitudes essential for safe practice of anesthesiology, critical care medicine and pain management, and to train anesthesiologists with adequate knowledge in clinical problems encountered in surgery and medicine.

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Course code: H558

Since the introduction of training in master of medicine postgraduate programme (MMed- Internal Medicine) in 1973, new concepts and challenges have emerged in medicine. The increasing awareness of both infectious and non-infectious diseases requires physicians who are both competent in interventions, to prevent and reduce the new threats to health at the community level, and skilled in advocacy, to influence health policies

This course aims to equip the candidate with the ability to:  Demonstrate knowledge and skills in the management of medical conditions; Demonstrate competency in the diagnostic and therapeutic skills for ethical and effective patient care through application of relevant information to clinical practice; Deliver highest quality care with integrity, honesty and compassion while exhibiting appropriate personal and interpersonal professional behavior; Contribute to development of new knowledge through high-quality research, develop and implement a strategy for self-learning, and facilitate learning of others

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Course code: H557

Public medical service providers currently demand that Surgeons of all subspecialties should have basic knowledge and skills to treat any emergency lifesaving surgical conditions before onward referral to the relevant subspecialty The current program for MMed Surgery of the University of Nairobi, which was compiled in 1972 has been revised to bring it in line with these global developments. This will benefit our clients, and make us competitive internationally.

This course aims to produce a general surgeon with sufficient knowledge and skills in the basic foundations of surgery, to produce a general surgeon with sufficient knowledge and skills in management of general surgical diseases.

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Course code: H581

Kenya is a developing country with scarce financial and human resources. Currently the national pediatric surgeon to population ratio of 1:4000,000 falls far below the internationally recommended ratio of 1: 300,000. Likewise, Sections 42, 43 and 53 of the Constitution of Kenya state the right of every Kenyan child to health care. Thus the shortage of pediatric surgeons is a human resource gap that needs to be urgently addressed

This course aims to Train a surgeon with knowledge, requisite skills and competencies in management of: Pediatric surgical conditions; Emergency surgical conditions 2. Be able to translate research findings into clinical practice

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Course code: H582

Plastic Reconstructive and surgery deals with replacement of lost body tissues, deformities resulting from trauma, radical surgery, inborn malformations and improvement of physical cosmetic appearance of an individual. Currently there is one plastic surgeon to six million Kenyans while the recommendation WHO ratios 1:100,000.

This course aims to Train Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons with knowledge, requisite skills and competencies in; management of emergency surgical conditions, management of disease conditions requiring plastic and reconstructive surgery and ability to translate research findings to clinical practice.

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Course code: H583

Urology is a surgical specialty focusing on the urinary tracts, including the reproductive system of males. The urologist is a specialist, trained to diagnose, treat, and manage patients with urological disorders. Of the top 20 causes of deaths in Kenya, urological diseases are amongst the most common.

This course aims to; To equip learners with knowledge, clinical skills and competencies relevant to urological care; Requisite discipline, professional qualities, etiquette and ethics necessary for safe urological practice; Skills in leadership and governance in urological practice; Ability for self-learning, critical thinking, research skills and translation of research findings into practice and policy.

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Course code: – H560

The Masters in Medicine degree course in Diagnostic Radiology is intended to provide in-depth clinical academic knowledge and impart practical skills required by the imaging specialist. It provides comprehensive coverage of the physical principles of medical imaging, the anatomical basis of imaging, the techniques employed to generate medical images, the interpretation of images based on clinical information and radiation protection.

This course aims to: equips the student with the practical skills to perform imaging and interventional procedures, interpret images and write competent reports; Equip the student with adequate knowledge on the physical principles of diagnostic imaging; Impart adequate knowledge to the trainee on the safe usage of ionizing and non-ionizing radiations used in medical imaging; Equip the student with adequate skills in the techniques of performing imaging and interventional procedures, the interpretation of images in the background of sound clinical and pathological changes associated with disease and the presentation of reports; Equip the student with the skills and ability to carry out research in Diagnostic Imaging; Prepare the student to adequately manage Diagnostic Imaging Departments.

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Course code: – H567

The Master of Medicine in Neurosurgery program aims at enhancing the practice of Neurosurgery throughout Kenya and the East, Central and Southern African region by improving on patient management at the primary care level. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends at least one Neurosurgeon for every 200,000 people. Kenya has a ratio of one neurosurgeon for every five million people.

This course aims to: Train a neurosurgeon with satisfactory knowledge, clinical ability and surgical skills of management of surgical diseases of the nervous system; Train a neurosurgeon with knowledge of principles of General Surgery necessary in the practice of neurosurgery and common surgical emergencies.

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Doctoral Programmes

Doctor of Medicine

Course code – H90

The program offers the learner with advanced clinical and academic training, making the learner be fully prepared for challenges in the increasingly diverse medical career.

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Fellowship programmes

Fellowship in paediatric anaesthesia

Course code: H111

The program is designed to train anaesthesiologists with relevant knowledge, skills and competencies for safe delivery of anaesthesia care to children.

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Fellowship in Medical Oncology Training Programme

Course code: H113

The learner will be equipped with competencies to recognise cancer, make prompt diagnosis and offer appropriate treatment in addition to acquiring skills to effectively carry out cancer prevention programs, community surveillance and early detection.

The training programme will be completed in a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 4 academic years

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Fellowship in Clinical Nephrology

Course code: H114

In Kenya, it is currently estimated that 10,000 people develop end stage renal disease out of which only 1,000 (10%) access medical care. Of these, only 250 undergo dialysis at Kenyatta National Hospital with approximately 50 receiving transplantation annually, thus approximately 200 people go to for transplantation outside the country. In line with the Constitution of Kenya, 2010 Article 43 (1) (a) there is therefore, an urgent need for an increase in capacity building at county level for service provision. This falls within the mandate of East Africa Kidney Institute.

In line with this mandate, the University of Nairobi has developed Fellowship courses to address skills gap for the healthcare providers (HCPs) at the county and Nation wide level.

The Course takes two years.

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Fellowship in Paediatric Nephrology

Course code: H115

The Fellowship in Nephrology programme is intended to provide opportunity for eligible individuals to attain fundamental knowledge, procedural skills, practical skills, and professional and ethical behavior, essential for the practice of nephrology to the standard recognized internationally.

The program takes two years.

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Fellowship in Paediatric Emergency and Critical Care

Course code: H116

The Fellowship in Paediatric Emergency and Critical Care is a Clinical Fellowship Program intended to equip Paediatricians with highly specialized clinical knowledge and practical skills, essential for the evaluation and management of acutely and critically ill children in both urban and rural centres, to internationally recognized standards.

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Fellowship in Gynaecological Oncology

Course code: H117

Gynecologic Oncology Fellowship is an advanced clinical training aimed at training sub-specialty skills for managing reproductive cancers.  The training is offered to individuals who have completed Masters in Medicine (MMed) in Obstetrics and Gynaecology course or equivalent and are already recognized as specialists. This is in keeping with the University of Nairobi Vision, ‘to be a world-class university committed to scholarly excellence’ and our Mission ‘to provide quality university education and training and to embody the aspirations of the Kenyan people and the global community through creation, preservation, integration, transmission and utilization of knowledge’.

The Clinical Fellowship training program will cover a minimum duration of 24 months and a maximum of 48 months from the date of registration.

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Fellowship in Healthcare Capacity Building for Sustainable Development (health economics)

Course code: W65

The purpose of the Fellowship Program is to improve health outcomes by strengthening leadership and management of healthcare programs and in particular HIV/AIDS interventions. The program uses an academic training model that is locally owned, relevant and sustainable. More specifically, the Program is geared towards equipping health care workers with technical skills and knowledge to ensure efficient and effective implementation of health services. Further, the program aims at establishing a capacity building framework for the participating local organizations to enhance the delivery of quality services.

The Fellowship targets middle to senior level public health professionals in the public and private sector. Fellows will be selected based on their potential for leadership and commitment to the health service in the public or private sector and will be expected to provide leadership in HIV prevention, care, and treatment programs at community, regional, national and international levels upon graduation.

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Higher Doctorate Degrees

Those eligible for the award of a Higher Doctorate of the University of Nairobi must among other requirements be holders of the Doctor of Philosophy or Doctor of Medicine degree of the University of Nairobi or the Doctor of Philosophy degree from any other recognized university of at least five years standing.

The Common Regulations for Higher Doctorates of the University of Nairobi other than Honorary Degrees are set out in the University Calendar. The Higher Doctorate, the regulations stipulate, shall only be awarded for the original published work such as would give a candidate authoritative international standing in his/her particular field of research.

The application must be based wholly or substantially on original work of distinction carried out by the candidate. The term ‘‘published’’ shall mean printed in a referred journal, book or monograph which shall have been made available to the public.

The submitted works by the candidate is assessed by an Evaluation Panel.

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The World Health Organization continuously highlights the importance of good structures in oral health services. The changing pattern of oral disease and socio-demographic factors imply that adjustment of existing oral health manpower structures are needed for several developed countries. In developing countries, the challenge is to stimulate training programmes for types of personnel which would match the oral health needs and the infrastructure of the country.

Dental Sciences

Bachelor programmes

Bachelor of Dental Surgery

Course code – V28

The University of Nairobi seeks to meet the needs of oral health services in the country and beyond through the Bachelor of Dental Surgery degree programme.

The programme is abreast with the advancement in dental knowledge and the demand for leadership skills. UoN has incorporated leadership and management and information technology in the course content.  A lot of  emphasis has been placed on the clinical and/or practical examination in the evaluation process.

The curriculum runs for four academic years of 44 weeks each.

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Master programmes


Course code: – V601

The discipline of Prosthodontics deals with the provision and maintenance of prostheses and/or restoration of teeth to function, aesthetic harmony and comfort utilizing a variety of techniques both direct and indirect while using the appropriate dental materials. The discipline also encompasses patients’ evaluation, diagnosis and treatment planning which includes prevention and disease control as well as the requirement of long-term maintenance of restored dentition. The purpose therefore of MDS Prosthodontic shall be to produce high caliber graduates who are capable of maintaining the practice of Prosthodontics in scientific research and in clinical practice.

The course aims to: provide the MDS Prosthodontics candidates with comprehensive knowledge and skills in the practice of Prosthodontics; Provide sound experience in management of patients requiring oral rehabilitation with restorations, fixed and/or removable prostheses;  Enhance the fortification of the interdisciplinary management of Prosthodontics and other dental disciplines. ; Train the MDS Prosthodontics graduates in research skills thus enabling them to undertake independent and original research project.

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Course code: – V602

The University is committed to providing a postgraduate specialist training program in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (OMFS) which is of an international standard and produces specialist practitioners with a high level of knowledge and advanced clinical skills and attitudes in the specialty in order to provide the best evidence-based patient care. Since 2011 the department has strived to fulfill this commitment with significant success. It has produced a total of 20 specialists who are now serving in the public and private health institutions within the country and the region. However, despite this success the department feels that the program is due for review and up-scaling in order to remain relevant.

The broad objectives of the training programme are to ensure that all candidates:  Are highly competent practitioners in OMFS; Have the requisite knowledge, skills and professional attitudes for successful independent practice and; Have the necessary attitudes and attributes to strive for continual review and improvement of their practice. These attributes are essential to providing the highest possible quality of service to meet the relevant healthcare needs of the communities they serve

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Course code: – V603

Pediatric Dentistry programme provides for the study of the child growth and development, oral and systemic diseases, and facilitates access to the latest operative techniques required to provide primary and comprehensive preventive and therapeutic oral health care, while equipping the learner with advanced clinical and research knowledge and skills to meet these demands.

The Master of Dental Surgery (MDS) Degree in Pediatric Dentistry is essential for training specialized manpower for the country so as to improve the Pediatric Dental Specialist: patient ratio which currently stands at 1:1.5 million pediatric patients.

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Course code: – V604

Periodontology is the specialty in dentistry which deals with the diseases of the supporting structures of the teeth. These diseases comprise a group of inflammatory conditions of the supporting tissues of the teeth and are caused by bacterial biofilm. Periodontal diseases are thus infectious in nature and are affected and modified by environmental, physical, social and host stresses. Periodontal disease is the most common oral disease affecting mankind.

The course aims to enable learners to treat all forms of periodontal disease on a biologically rational basis; Train specialists who will be competent in all theoretical and practical skills pertinent to the specialty; Equip students with current knowledge/skills from the biomedical sciences and relate the information to diagnosing, treating and maintaining patients with advanced periodontal diseases; Equip students with skills to conduct literature searches and critically evaluate published data and thus contribute to the available research knowledge in the field of dentistry by carrying out and publishing an original research project; Impart enhanced practical skills with improved self-appraisal and awareness; Enhance the multidisciplinary approach towards the management of periodontal cases; Understand the place of oral health care in the wider medical, psychological and social context

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Higher Doctorate Degrees

Those eligible for the award of a Higher Doctorate of the University of Nairobi must among other requirements be holders of the Doctor of Philosophy or Doctor of Medicine degree of the University of Nairobi or the Doctor of Philosophy degree from any other recognized university of at least five years standing.

The Common Regulations for Higher Doctorates of the University of Nairobi other than Honorary Degrees are set out in the University Calendar. The Higher Doctorate, the regulations stipulate, shall only be awarded for the original published work such as would give a candidate authoritative international standing in his/her particular field of research.

The application must be based wholly or substantially on original work of distinction carried out by the candidate. The term ‘‘published’’ shall mean printed in a referred journal, book or monograph which shall have been made available to the public.

The submitted works by the candidate is assessed by an Evaluation Panel.

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Veterinary medicine

Veterinary medicine is the branch of medicine that deals with the prevention, control, diagnosis and treatment of disease, disorder and injury in animals. Veterinarians also deal with animal rearing, husbandry, breeding, research on nutrition, among other issues. For an agricultural country like Kenya, veterinary medicine is an important part of the sector.

Bachelor programme

Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine

Course code – J30

The Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine programme is designed to train personnel with the requisite knowledge and skills to work as veterinary surgeons, animal scientists and nutritionists, veterinary pharmacists, public health officers and epidemiologists.

The degree programme responds to the emerging needs by addressing animals in the Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASAL) regions, emphasizing acquisition of practical skills including entrepreneurship. At the end, the students are well equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to meet the market expectations.

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Master programmes


Course code: – J536

The increased demand for livestock and livestock products, and Small Animal expertise calls for specialized knowledge and skills. This requires new technologies and approaches to meet the demands. A changing society, which is informed, with specific needs and the need for environmental conservation with specific demands, requires a specialized veterinarian. The programme aims to produce a graduate who becomes a specialist. The graduate will have a better focused career path and will be responsive to both public and private sector needs. The graduate will be in tandem with regional and international trends and will be more inspired and motivated to provide quality services. The Masters programme combines a taught course and a research component in clinical veterinary medicine.

The course aims to produce: Specialist in one of the following areas; bovine medicine and herd health; ovine and caprine medicine and flock health; porcine medicine and herd health; camel medicine and herd health; equine medicine and herd health and small animal medicine, by equipping the candidate with adequate knowledge, skills and attitudes; A graduate who is in tandem with regional and international trends; A graduate with adequate knowledge, skills and attitudes for planning, analyzing, executing, reporting and evaluating research projects; A graduate who can teach and carry out research at the University and other tertiary institutions.

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Course code: – J541

The Master of Veterinary Surgery degree is intended to equip the graduates with specific surgical skills that will enable them develop specialties for surgical practice in specific fields. The course will entail specialized course including principles of veterinary surgery, veterinary diagnostic imaging, soft tissue surgery, veterinary orthopedics and dentistry, anesthesiology, emergency and critical care. The course is also intended to train such clinicians on how to carry out scientific research, publication and introduce them to teaching of undergraduate students in veterinary surgery.

The course aims to: Equip graduate veterinarians with knowledge, skills and competence in specialized areas of veterinary surgery; Promote aptitude and clinical proficiency of graduate veterinarians in diagnosing, surgical handling, postoperative management and prognostication of animals with surgical disease/condition; Provide graduate veterinarians with opportunities to pursue careers in specialist surgical practice, research and teaching; Promote knowledge of surgical science through research and publications.

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Course code: – J540

Reproductive wastage constitutes a large part of potential genetic losses in animals worldwide. The veterinarian plays an important role in management and prevention of most conditions causing these losses. The main objective of this course is to enhance capacity building in the area of Theriogenology among veterinarians by training individuals to attain competence in handling cases of reproduction and obstetrics and thus ensure optimal animal productivity. Graduates from this course will be enabled to seek registration as Consultants with the Kenya Veterinary Board as well as other international relevant bodies.

The course aims to equip the graduate with: Specialized knowledge and skills to handle reproductive problems; the capacity to be recognized as a consultant with the Society of Theriogenology.

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Doctoral Programmes

Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Veterinary Clinical Studies

Course code: J87

The course is offered at the University of Nairobi to promote high standards of scholarly creativity, proficiency in a clinical discipline and professional service, experience in teaching, and independent and critical research.

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Higher Doctorate Degrees

Those eligible for the award of a Higher Doctorate of the University of Nairobi must among other requirements be holders of the Doctor of Philosophy or Doctor of Medicine degree of the University of Nairobi or the Doctor of Philosophy degree from any other recognized university of at least five years standing.

The Common Regulations for Higher Doctorates of the University of Nairobi other than Honorary Degrees are set out in the University Calendar. The Higher Doctorate, the regulations stipulate, shall only be awarded for the original published work such as would give a candidate authoritative international standing in his/her particular field of research.

The application must be based wholly or substantially on original work of distinction carried out by the candidate. The term ‘‘published’’ shall mean printed in a referred journal, book or monograph which shall have been made available to the public.

The submitted works by the candidate is assessed by an Evaluation Panel.

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Bachelor programme

There have been rapid changes in global health environment requiring greater clinical orientation, leadership and management roles for pharmacists in addition to international technological advances in pharmaceutical industrial sector and Information Technology driven delivery of pharmaceutical services. In recognition of this, there is need to train graduates who can serve in all the pharmaceutical sectors and who are adaptive enough to continue with knowledge growth throughout their professional practice as they are engaged nationally, regionally and internationally.

Bachelor of Pharmacy (B.PHARM)

Course code – U29

Our Bachelor of Pharmacy programme design ensures that both the lecturers and students are more productive. The distribution of hours to various subjects has been rationalized, taking into consideration both horizontal and vertical integration.

The programme duration of five years, each lasting 36 weeks, enhances objectivity and places greater emphasis on acquisition of skills and competencies. The preclinical subjects have been spread over two years, as opposed to the current one year. The common undergraduate courses are well adapted within the curriculum with emphasis on relevance to the pharmacy profession, other health professions and the interaction with the patient. On completion of the course, the graduates will be expected to be competent in the provision of quality pharmaceutical services.

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Master programme


Course code: – U590

Pharmacy services in recent years have expanded significantly beyond drug preparation and distribution. These evolutionary changes are expressed as greater involvement by pharmacists in drug related decision making and patient care activities. The World Health Organization through the concept of pharmaceutical care sees a pharmacist as an integral member of the patient care team. The discipline of Clinical pharmacy is responsible for ensuring the safe, appropriate, and cost-effective use of drugs in patients, through the application of specialized skills and knowledge. The Master of Pharmacy in Clinical Pharmacy programme aims at instilling knowledge and skills that will enhance the provision of pharmaceutical care at patient level

The course aims to produce a professional with sufficient knowledge, skills and attitudes to be able to: Integrate knowledge of the biological, biomedical, and pharmaceutical sciences with clinical information to make decisions regarding rational drug therapy; Assess patients in order to monitor, evaluate, design, recommend and implement patient specific pharmaco therapeutic plans.

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Doctoral Programmes

Doctor of Philosophy in Pharmacy

Course code: U80

The Doctor of Philosophy in Pharmacy degree offered at the University of Nairobi prepares clinical scientists for careers in academia, government and industrial settings.

Higher Doctorate Degrees

Those eligible for the award of a Higher Doctorate of the University of Nairobi must among other requirements be holders of the Doctor of Philosophy or Doctor of Medicine degree of the University of Nairobi or the Doctor of Philosophy degree from any other recognized university of at least five years standing.

The Common Regulations for Higher Doctorates of the University of Nairobi other than Honorary Degrees are set out in the University Calendar. The Higher Doctorate, the regulations stipulate, shall only be awarded for the original published work such as would give a candidate authoritative international standing in his/her particular field of research.

The application must be based wholly or substantially on original work of distinction carried out by the candidate. The term ‘‘published’’ shall mean printed in a referred journal, book or monograph which shall have been made available to the public.

The submitted works by the candidate is assessed by an Evaluation Panel.

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The University of Nairobi offers a unique range of educational opportunities in architectural studies spanning the diverse range of professions involved in planning, architecture and construction, development and costing, valuation and management of the environment and infrastructure. Its driving philosophy is geared towards the promotion of effective training, education, relevant research and academic excellence in the built environment and related fields.

Our Bachelor of Architectural Studies/Bachelor of Architecture is a two-tier degree programme that has architectural design as its central discipline. The course structure provides for an intermediate degree, the Bachelor of Architectural Studies (B.A.S.), after four years of study and a professional degree Bachelor of Architecture (B. Arch) after six years.

Architecture (Part 1)

Bachelor programmes

Bachelor of Architectural Studies (B.A.S.)

Course code – B02

This is a two-tier degree programme. The Bachelor of Architectural Studies takes 4 Years and with an additional 2 Years making a total of 6 years, one graduates with the professional degree in architecture known as Bachelor of Architecture.

To this end, the programme structure is pivoted around the Design Studio, with lecture inputs in related and supporting subjects aided by tutorials, seminars, laboratory and workshop instructions as well as field exercises.

The first five years of the programme tackle design issues of increasing scale and complexity at individual, group and community levels, in the context of urban and rural human settlements.

The sixth and final year of the programme requires each student to prepare and submit a written thesis and a design project in an area of choice, as approved by the University.

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Bachelor of Architecture (B. Arch) – Part 2

Course code – B02

The course structure provides for an intermediate degree, the Bachelor of Architectural Studies (B.A.S.), after four years of study and a professional degree Bachelor of Architecture (B. Arch) after six years.

The fifth and sixth years of the course are focused on preparing the student for a career in architectural practice. After a series of theory units geared to this goal, the student is required to prepare and submit a project paper and design project in area of his choice approved by the University.

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Master programmes

Master of Architecture (M.ARCH)

Course code: – B52

The University offers a Master of Architecture program which began in 1992. This postgraduate programme offers qualified graduates the opportunity to gain further education and experience in design and research in selected areas of specialization in Architecture. the two-year Postgraduate Master of Architecture Programme comprises coursework, studio projects, examination and thesis.

Guided by market surveys, needs and stakeholders’ assessments, this programme is tailored to nurture and inspire postgraduates to meet the needs of the Kenyan, East African region as well as the global built environment. The goal of this programme is the advancement of the discipline of Architecture to create a physical environment that enhances the quality of and harmony of human habitat.

The course aims will help to equip the graduate to: Use advanced design techniques as well as advanced professional skills in the selected area of specialization; Pursue issues and to reason coherently concerning the selected area of specialization’s matters with a clear mastery of the scientific procedures; Demonstrate full awareness of the current “state of art” in the selected area of specialization and proficiency for independent research in the writing of his/her thesis.

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Doctoral Programmes

Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Architecture

Course code: B802

The Doctor of Philosophy in Architecture program at the University of Nairobi is designed learners who want to work in academia or in professional practice that is based on research.

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Higher Doctorate Degrees

Those eligible for the award of a Higher Doctorate of the University of Nairobi must among other requirements be holders of the Doctor of Philosophy or Doctor of Medicine degree of the University of Nairobi or the Doctor of Philosophy degree from any other recognized university of at least five years standing.

The Common Regulations for Higher Doctorates of the University of Nairobi other than Honorary Degrees are set out in the University Calendar. The Higher Doctorate, the regulations stipulate, shall only be awarded for the original published work such as would give a candidate authoritative international standing in his/her particular field of research.

The application must be based wholly or substantially on original work of distinction carried out by the candidate. The term ‘‘published’’ shall mean printed in a referred journal, book or monograph which shall have been made available to the public.

The submitted works by the candidate is assessed by an Evaluation Panel.

Click here for the charges for higher doctorate degrees


Engineering and Surveying

If you are looking to pursue a career in engineering or surveying, then the University of Nairobi is the best place for you. Our curriculum is designed to provide sound professional education in engineering and surveying. Students are encouraged to take part in applied and theoretical research, as well as in practical professional training.

The syllabus takes into account recent scientific and technical advances in the education and training of engineers. It is relevant and broad based in line with the requirements of the engineering profession. To improve on its utility, the programme has been and will continue to be re-aligned to be consistent with the changing needs of the society.


Bachelor programmes

Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering

Course code – F16

Students pursuing the Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering are take courses in applied mechanics, hydraulics, surveying, materials, structures, engineering management, geotechnical engineering, transportation engineering and engineering and environmental health and water resources engineering. Courses in mathematics, computer programming and non-technical subjects are also obligatory in the programme. Throughout their studies, students are encouraged to take part in applied and theoretical research, as well as in practical professional training.

Each semester courses, except for structural design, has 45 contact hours including lectures and tutorials and comprise one course unit. There are practical assignment terms lasting for eight weeks at the end of the third year of study.

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Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Course code – F17

The course has taken into account the latest developments in this field of engineering and the national requirements. Each semester course shall have a total of 45 contact hours including lectures and tutorials and shall comprise one course unit. Laboratories shall have 60 hours per semester and shall comprise one course unit, except in the first year of study when they shall have 45 hours. There shall be a practical assignment term lasting for eight weeks at the end of the third year of study. There shall also be industrial attachment of undergraduate students during the long vacation of the fourth year of study.

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Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering

Course code – F18

The Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering programme is a 5-year programme that is structured to emphasize both engineering theory and practical skills. These skills will enable students to solve practical problems and analyze different situations by converting concepts into reliable and cost-effective designs of devices and processes.

The programme includes a practical assignment term lasting for eight weeks at the end of the third year of study and industrial attachment of at least eight weeks at the end of fourth year of study.

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Bachelor of Science in Geospatial Engineering

Course code – F19

Geospatial Engineering is the art and science of collecting, storing, analyzing, managing and disseminating geospatial information to facilitate rational and optimum use of land resources. With the broadening of applications and growth in technology, Geospatial Engineering now includes analysis of deformation of engineering structures, industrial metrology, analysis of earth deformation due to geodynamic phenomena, and monitoring of satellite orbits within the broad framework of space science and technology. It also extends to the analysis and integration of multi-dimensional geospatial phenomena to facilitate informed decision making by various professionals.

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Bachelor of Science in Biosystems Engineering

Course code – F21

Biosystems Engineers are expected to provide efficient engineering solutions to technical problems involving living things and the natural environment. Students receive a broad exposure to engineering through courses such as mechanics, materials, thermodynamics, electronics and circuits, transport processes, unit operations, instrumentation and design.

They study “life” sciences and ways biological systems interact with the environment. This diverse background makes them capable of understanding the engineering aspects of projects and enables them to operate well through a multidisciplinary approach. The programme includes biosystems and other biology-based production systems, the environment, food and processing systems in agro-industries, energy, machinery systems and structures.

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Bachelor of Science in Petroleum Engineering

Course code – F22

The Petroleum Engineering undergraduate program at the University of Nairobi is primarily concerned with the economic extraction of oil, gas, and other natural resources from the earth. Producing oil and gas is accomplished through the design, drilling and operation of wells and well systems, and the integrated management of the underground reservoirs in which the resources are found. A minor emphasis of the petroleum engineering programme is the study of transportation of crude and refined petroleum products as well as downstream activities such as storage and distribution of petroleum products.

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Bachelor of Quantity Surveying

Course code – B66

The Bachelor of Quantity Surveying is a 4 year full time programme that aims at equipping the students with skills to apply basic principles in measurements, management, technology, economics, and law in the construction industry. Students will acquire skills practical and specialized technical skills relating to the cost engineering, critical analysis, interpretation and discussion of information and data relating to construction projects. The program produces graduates who help to improve the efficiency of the building construction process. It prepares learners for careers in the construction industry in the areas of building and engineering construction, cost modeling, construction cost consultancy and quantity surveying, project management, and dispute resolution, among others.

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Master programmes


Course code: – F535

The syllabus takes into account recent scientific and technical advances in the education and training of engineers. It is relevant and broad based in line with the requirements of the engineering profession. To improve on its utility, the programme has been and will continue to be re-aligned to be consistent with the changing needs of the society. It has been developed from a programme of five options to the current five distinct areas of study: Environmental Engineering, Irrigation and Water Resource Engineering, Power and Machinery Engineering, Process and Food Engineering and Structures Engineering, each one addressing a unique engineering need in the society. The programme is targeted towards those graduates who would like to practice at a higher level in industry, research and education.

The course aims to give additional knowledge and necessary skills to the engineering graduates to enable them practice at a higher level in industry, research and education

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Course code: – F537

The course is intended for engineers with suitable qualifications and/or professional experience who wish to study further or expand their range of expertise in specified field of civil engineering. The options offered are tailored to the requirements of the civil engineering industry. The course contents will enable participants to specialize in any of the five following options. Not all these options will be available in any one year.

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Course code: – F538

The proliferation of numerous applications in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) has generated a great demand for well trained personnel, especially in developing countries like Kenya where the GIS industry is still young but growing fast. In response to this demand, University of Nairobi, has been offering short(certificate) courses in GIS for the last three years. Experience gained from this CPD programme indicates that most of the professionals currently working in the local GIS industry lack formal GIS training and the required capacity to effectively manage GIS projects. The above factors provide the impetus for launching the proposed Master of Science in Geographic Information Systems [MSc. (GIS)]. This programme is designed to accommodate the diverse interests of professionals from different backgrounds currently working or aspiring to work in the GIS industry.

The course aims to: Equip students with the relevant skills and knowledge to pursue careers in the GIS industry as GIS practitioners and educators; Provide students with comprehensive knowledge of the functionality and applications of GIS technology; Expose students to the design and implementation of GIS projects; Equip students with the relevant skills and knowledge to carry out research in GIS.

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Course code: – F540

The course is intended for engineers with suitable qualifications and/or professional experience who wish to study further or expand their range of expertise. The course contents will enable students to specialize in any one of the following options: a) Advanced Thermo-Fluids Engineering b) Advanced Applied Mechanics) Industrial Engineering d) Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering.

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Course code: – F542

The high cost of energy is one of the most serious constraints to economic growth in Kenya. Currently, it is estimated to account for up to 50% of the production costs in the manufacturing sector. This has resulted in diminished prize competitiveness of locally produced goods and reduced profits for investors. It is anticipated that as the economy grows, demand for energy will increase and this may keep the energy cost high for the next several years.

Energy management is an effective means of reducing energy cost; principally by utilizing energy in the most efficient manner. Energy efficiency is beneficial not only to the economy but also to the environment. The availability of well-trained persons in the different aspects of energy efficiency is a limiting factor to the effective development and implementation of energy efficiency programmes. Master of Science degree course in Energy Management will provide appropriate knowledge and skills for energy management within manufacturing sector, service industries and business enterprises. This will enable the economy to cut energy cost, heighten competitiveness and minimize adverse effects on the environment. In addition, the course will promote entrepreneurship in energy utilization and can lead to Energy Manager certification.

The programme is designed to train on current practical methods and technologies for efficient use of energy.

The course aims to equip graduates with: Knowledge in energy, sources, availability and use; Knowledge and skills required for development, acquisition and application of improved methods and analysis in process design, operations and management to minimize energy costs, improve productivity and reinforce environmental responsibility; Technical as well as financial skills and ability to carry out research in energy management as well as develop and implement energy management projects.

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Course code: – F546

The course offers opportunities to candidates with suitable qualifications who want to pursue further studies in electrical and electronic engineering. The course has taken into account the latest developments in this field of engineering and the national requirements. The course is offered in two fields; Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Options in these two fields have been carefully grouped into clusters, which define areas of further specialization.

The Master of Science degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering shall be done by coursework, examinations and thesis.t here shall be two fields of specialization:

Electrical Engineering; and Electronic Engineering. The course shall be full time and shall extend for at least two academic years; one academic year for coursework and one academic year for thesis research and writing.

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Course code: – S56

The University offers MSc. Degrees in Nuclear Science. To promote globally competitive quality education and training in peaceful applications of nuclear science techniques and associated technologies. The program is designed to enhance multidiscipline research capacity towards building a knowledgeable resource base for sustainable development in line with the aspirations of Kenyans as pronounced in the short and long-term strategic plans of the country and the University of Nairobi. The goal of this programme is to enable learners to assimilate knowledge and acquire competency in current and evolving technologies in peaceful applications of nuclear and associated science techniques in research. Thus, contributing to the development of research capacity and a knowledgeable human resource for sustainable economic and socioeconomic development.

This course aims to help the graduate: Apply knowledge of radiation techniques in the investigation of problems affecting society and development; Illustrate the ability to disseminate scientific knowledge to stakeholders and policymakers; Demonstrate the potential to specialize in the field of nuclear energy production; Produce innovations using nuclear science and associated technologies for the benefit of society.

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Doctoral Programmes

Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Nuclear Science and Technology

Course code: S95

To promote globally competitive quality education and training in peaceful applications of nuclear science techniques and associated technologies. The program is designed to enhance critical reasoning, problem-solving, and in-depth analysis through independent research. It is an important aspect of capacity building of a knowledgeable resource base for sustainable development in line with the aspirations of Kenyans as pronounced in the short- and long-term strategic plans of the country and the University of Nairobi.

The goal of this programme is to produce independent thinkers and highly skilled human reason to support sustainable higher education and to promote Kenyan and regional manpower able to compete in the competitive local and global job market.

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Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Environmental & Biosystems Engineering

Course code: F801

Graduates of Doctor of Philosophy in environmental and biosystems engineering are prepared to design engineering solutions and to use technology and data to solve real-world problems in the biological fields of precision agriculture, remote sensing, water management, statistical informatics, data mining, and cyberinfrastructure development.

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Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Civil Engineering

Course code: F802

The course is intended for engineers with suitable qualifications and/or professional experience who wish to contribute to new knowledge or expand their range of expertise in specified field of civil engineering. The research are tailored to the requirements of the civil engineering industry. The course will enable participants to specialize in any of the five thematic areas for civil engineering.

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Doctor of Philosophy in Geographical Information System

Course code: F803

The curriculum of this course is designed to provide the learner with a broad and deep understanding of geographic theory and research methods.

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Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Course code: F804

This PhD program prepares the professionals that the Electrical Engineering industry requires, from engineers and entrepreneurs who will develop new electrical systems and businesses to researchers and theoreticians who will advance the science and technology that underpins these systems.

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Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Geospatial Engineering

Course code: F806

This program is intended to train professionals in research, innovation, teaching, and policy. The program will teach students how to clearly define problems and then apply what they’ve learned to come up with new solutions.

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Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Mechanical Engineering

Course code: F807

The program aims to prove a student’s ability to conduct independent, creative research. Graduates of this program usually go on to work as professors in universities or as researchers in industry or government research labs.

The duration of the degree programme is 3 academic years (6 Semesters).

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Higher Doctorate Degrees

Those eligible for the award of a Higher Doctorate of the University of Nairobi must among other requirements be holders of the Doctor of Philosophy or Doctor of Medicine degree of the University of Nairobi or the Doctor of Philosophy degree from any other recognized university of at least five years standing.

The Common Regulations for Higher Doctorates of the University of Nairobi other than Honorary Degrees are set out in the University Calendar. The Higher Doctorate, the regulations stipulate, shall only be awarded for the original published work such as would give a candidate authoritative international standing in his/her particular field of research.


Bachelor programmes

Bachelor of Construction Management

Course code – B76

The Bachelor of Construction Management is a 4 year full-time degree programme. It is a multi-faceted discipline derived from the four main areas of knowledge namely management, law, economics and technology. Its concept, principles and practice are applied with judgment to develop ways to utilize resources economically in the construction industry. Graduates will acquire knowledge in principles and practices that focus on the management activities and challenges that organizations face when they undertake construction projects. The degree programme covers basic concepts, principles, systems and procedures which impact on management functions and processes throughout the project life cycle.

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Real Estate

Bachelor of Real Estate

Course code – B_04

The real estate property discipline today is subjected to extraordinary forces that have redefined its attributes and introduced new expectations in property development, valuation, management and administration.

The curriculum is a response to the changing trends in the real estate industry and allows for a considerable degree of flexibility and integration of several disciplines. This programme offers the Bachelor of Real Estate degree with two options namely, valuation and property management, and land and housing administration.

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Urban & Regional Planning

Bachelor of Arts in Planning

Course code – B65

The Bachelor of Arts in Planning degree programme is designed to respond to the needs of the Kenyan public and the Government of Kenya in particular, by enacting a wide range of planning legislation to guide, manage and regulate urban and regional growth and development. Specifically through the proper allocation and use of private and public land as well as other land-based resources, the planner will make key contribution in decision-making.

The programme provides planners with the requisite skills and specialized knowledge needed to address numerous challenges associated with rapid urbanization, resource use and rapid population increase in Africa.

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Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

Course code – P15

The Bachelor of Science in Computer Science programme imparts and fosters students with the requisite knowledge, skills and attitudes for professional excellence and competences in computer science theories and practice areas through quality teaching, research and innovation. The dynamic and emerging trends in Information, Communication and Technologies (ICTs) developments and the appropriation of the same ICTS, provides the context that continues to inform our teaching and learning.

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Master programmes


Course code: B53

The Master of Arts in Construction Management is a 2-year part-time degree programme. It is a multi-faceted discipline derived from the four main areas of knowledge namely management, law, economics and technology. Its concept, principles and practice are applied with judgement to develop ways to utilize resources economically in the construction industry and make it profitable for all players. It aims at providing graduates with knowledge of principles and practices that focus on the management activities and challenges that organizations face when they undertake construction projects. Additionally, it equips learners with skills necessary for further independent research or specialized professional employment in the construction industry. This will enable him/her to make rational decisions and provide solutions in regard to complex construction situations. The philosophy of the programme is to develop an integrative environment of the construction project guided by the project objectives and not by individual professional interests. Additionally, to produce highly skilled and innovative graduates of construction management equipped to solve the management challenges of the highly technical construction industry.

The course aims to equip the graduate with the ability to: Appraise the needs to all project stakeholders; Integrate knowledge and skills in resolving management challenges in the implementation of construction projects; Perform all the processes as per the nine areas of knowledge in PMBOK; Evaluate and close a project; Assess the quality of performance in the construction industry; Develop appropriate building methods for effective and efficient utilization of resources in the construction industry; Create empowering and innovative approaches to the discipline of construction management; Critically evaluate issues in the construction industry.

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Course code: B51

From its inception in 1968 the University of Nairobi has been offering program leading to the Bachelor of Arts in Design (B.A. in Design). However, there is increasing demand in Kenya and challenges, which graduates of current B.A. in Design are unable to address with a sense of professional competence. The shortfall in meeting the challenges are attributable to the gaps which today’s higher education programs, at diploma or undergraduate levels, have not been able to address and meet. The gaps can be abridged through the Master of Arts Degree in Design (M.A. in Design). The M.A. Design emphasizes research to extend the boundary knowledge, to acquire professional skills and to address unmet needs. It strives to address local, national, regional and international challenges. It also lays emphasis on interdisciplinary collaboration, concerns for the disadvantaged and national development goals.

The course aims to: Enable students to accurately translate cultural, social economic and intellectual concerns into successful concepts and designs; Sharpen student’s ability to assess design challenges which are experienced locally, nationally.

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Course code: – B92

There is an increasing demand for skills and expertise in property valuation, property development appraisals, land administration and property management. To meet this demand, the department of land development offers a Master of Arts degree course in Valuation and Property Management. The programme targets real estate professionals such as valuers, property managers, building surveyors and land administrators. The main objective of the course is to develop proficiency in operational skills of candidates so that they can effectively apply them in making financial and economic decisions in all aspects of property valuation, property development and property management. This expertise will be useful to people directly involved in real estate property management and valuation. It is also valuable for decision makers who must judge real estate investment proposals prepared by others. The course is useful in the promotion of careers for professionals working in government ministries, financial institutions, international organizations, private enterprises, and real estate consulting firms that use these skills intensively. It is the only course in the Eastern and Southern African region offering this unique combination of postgraduate training in valuation and property management.

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Course code: – B63

The Master of Arts in Planning programme aims to train a high caliber of professionally qualified personnel in urban and regional planning. Many African countries have recently adopted policies for decentralized development and governance, which has led to a growing demand for qualified planners. The programme provides planners with the requisite skills and specialized knowledge needed to address numerous challenges associated with rapid urbanization, resource use and rapid population increase in Africa. The programme incorporates theoretical foundations of planning and a strong practical and professional training, along with basic multidisciplinary knowledge in planning areas, methods of research and analysis and computer application skills. The course is intended for graduates and professionals with relevant educational background and experience who wish to take up planning roles with public, private, voluntary and international agencies working at local, subnational, national and international levels. The regulations and syllabus for the degree of Master of Arts in Planning have recently been revised to introduce a new approach in planning and provide flexibility for candidates to pursue the course on a semester basis.

This course aims to: Provide requisite skills and knowledge needed to contribute effectively to the formulation, design and implementation of local, sub-national and national planning in its various concerns; Provide in depth knowledge and understanding of the complex interactions between the natural and the built environment and the dynamic nature of urban and regional development; Develop appreciation and commitment to professional standards and ethics, recognizing the pluralistic nature of development, variety of stakeholders and the planner’s multiplicity of roles.

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Course code: – W50

A paramount challenge for the new millennium is “The Management of Rapidly Expanding Urban Areas (Cities and Towns) in the South”.  It is imperative, therefore, that governments train managers for this challenge.  Urban Management calls on a range of disciplines and interests: architects, planners, engineers, economists, sociologists, managers and many others are involved. The programme shall be covered in a period of up to fifteen (15) semesters and will involve study by course work, examinations and a research project. There shall be twelve (12) compulsory (core) courses and five (5) electives which all candidates will be required to take. Each course shall be taught for a period of forty-five (45) contact hours, except Urban Project Design and Implementation which will entail ninety (90) contact hours.

This course aims to helps the graduate to: Acquire knowledge and expertise in key aspects of urban management; Deepen the understanding of the multidimensional and dynamic aspects of urban management; Develop an understanding of the spatial issues, knowledge and skills needed to design for the functional, aesthetic, social and cost needs of urban communities; Deepen the understanding of specific methodological areas; Develop competence in the management of municipal and metropolitan development; Appreciate interventions which reflect context responsive concepts of sustainable development and deal with different levels of the urban environment; Relate to exchange and feedback between practice and academic theory.

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Doctoral Programmes

Urban and Regional Planning

Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Urban Management

Course code: B806

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Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Planning

Course code: B803

The Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Planning at the University of Nairobi is designed to help students understand how planning and development interact at the rural, urban, and regional levels.

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Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Computer Science

Course code: P80

In the recent past, there has been tremendous interest in the field of Computer Science, especially with the demand for Computer Science academicians, demand for high calibre Computer Science practitioners for industry, rapid changes in the Computer Science area and the assimilation and institutionalization of Computer Science locally, regionally and globally, which is among several factors that has driven the SCI research agenda.

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Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Information Systems

Course code: P801

The philosophy of the Doctor of Philosophy in Information Systems Programme is to develop and disseminate knowledge in the Information Systems discipline; whilst at the same time influencing Information Systems practitioners’ actions, understanding and policy direction using cutting edge research. In pursuing this philosophy, the University of Nairobi expects that doctoral candidates shall develop as academic researchers by continuously developing research writing skills as authors of scholarly papers by themselves or co-author with their supervisors for publication in scientific journals and conference proceedings. In addition, the doctoral candidates shall be expected to present findings from their research at various national and international conferences. The University recognizes the dynamic nature and emerging trends in ICT developments, the importance of individual, organizational, communities and societal context, complexities that shall guide the PhD research agenda.

The program shall take a minimum of three (3) academic years and a maximum of five (5) academic years.

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Higher Doctorate Degrees

Those eligible for the award of a Higher Doctorate of the University of Nairobi must among other requirements be holders of the Doctor of Philosophy or Doctor of Medicine degree of the University of Nairobi or the Doctor of Philosophy degree from any other recognized university of at least five years standing.

The Common Regulations for Higher Doctorates of the University of Nairobi other than Honorary Degrees are set out in the University Calendar. The Higher Doctorate, the regulations stipulate, shall only be awarded for the original published work such as would give a candidate authoritative international standing in his/her particular field of research.

The application must be based wholly or substantially on original work of distinction carried out by the candidate. The term ‘‘published’’ shall mean printed in a referred journal, book or monograph which shall have been made available to the public.

The submitted works by the candidate is assessed by an Evaluation Panel.

Click here for the charges for higher doctorate degrees


The University of Nairobi  has the responsibility of providing client-responsive and focused education that is based on effective and up-to-date.curricula. In recent times, agricultural production systems have become increasingly more intensive and susceptible to adverse effects of climatic variability and changes in local, regional and global markets. In addition, the local, regional and global food situation is grim due to increased demand and the increasing use of staple food crops as alternative energy sources. There is therefore need for graduates who can effectively generate and promote technologies, strategies and services that enhance agricultural productivity and quality while preserving the environment as envisaged in Kenya’s vision 2030 and the Agricultural Sector Development Strategy.

Bachelor programmes

Bacheor of Science in Agriculture 

Course Code- A22

The Bachelor of Science in Agriculture programme is a rigorous and broad-based curriculum designed to produce graduates who through extension, teaching, research, or consultancy will provide technical services in agribusiness, agricultural policy formulation, animal production, crop and land management, and environmental protection.

Click here for more information.

Bachelor of Science in Horticulture 

Course Code- A85

Horticulture is currently one of the fastest growing industries in Kenya and is the country’s highest foreign exchange earner. Among horticultural crops, vegetables, fruit crops, and cut flowers have the highest value: volume ratio making them the export crops of choice. The horticultural sub sector offers an alternative for increased food self-sufficiency, food security, improved nutrition and generation of increased incomes and employment. Despite this phenomenal growth, horticulture is a highly specialized field requiring well-trained personnel to cover areas of production, handling, storage, value adding, marketing and distribution. The need for trained manpower for this industry is urgent especially in light of stiff competition in the international markets for good quality products.

Click here for more information on this course

Bachelor of Science Agricultural Education and Extension 

Course Code- A83

The emphasis of the programme is on Rural Sociology, Extension Education, Cultural and Rural Development. The aims and objectives of the programme shall be to produce personnel who will help to enhance participation of agricultural change agents, such as extension agents, farm advisors, community agents and the others who are dedicated to developing Kenyas food supplies and helping people in other ways. The course is planned for both regular Government sponsored students and self-sponsored (parallel) students. The course will offer the flexibility of full -time as well as part- time teaching. Students shall cover the programme in four academic years, involving study by course work, project paper and field work.

Click here for more information.

Food Science and Technology

Food safety and quality is an issue of high priority both nationally and internationally. Initially food safety and quality was thought to be the preserve of the food manufacturing industry. Much has changed as food safety and quality is now described along the food chain from primary production to consumption. The food sector is currently facing strong commercial pressure to provide high quality and safe food products. Hence for firms to survive in the competitive food sector worldwide they must integrate food safety and quality planning in their strategies and future planning. There is clearly an indication of lack of adequate knowledge on the safety measures necessary during primary food production, handling, processing, distribution and preparation by key players along the food chain. However the food sector lacks adequately trained human resource to effectively handle the challenging and emerging issues in food safety. In order to enhance food safety and quality along the entire chain it becomes therefore imperative to enhance capacity

Bachelor or Science Food Science and Technology 

Course Code-  A24

 The degree program has remained popular and the declared student capacity continues to be fully utilised. The programme lays a good foundation for the world of work, research, and advanced learning across diverse fields. It imparts practical knowledge and skills in Food Science and Technology. It aims to produce highly trained professionals with the ability to effectively innovate, generate and promote technologies and strategies; by offering services that promote industrial innovation and responsible consumption and production as envisaged in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) nine and ten respectively, and Kenya’s Vision 2030. The degree programme is aligned with the UNESCO Standards Classification of Education and Training of 2013.

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Bachelor of Science in Food Nutrition and Dietetics 

Course Code-  A90

Bachelor of Science in Food,Nutrition and Dietetics  has maintained its competitiveness as demonstrated by increased demand, evidenced by the rising number of students’ enrolment against a decreasing demand for some courses since 2006. The training of Food Science, Nutrition and Dietetics professionals is informed by the sustained evidence in support of the important and multidimensional role that nutrition and dietetics play in human growth and development; productivity, and wellbeing. Globally, the field has gained greater eminence with the surge in lifestyle-related (non-communicable) diseases as well as increased demand and rationale for preventive approaches in public health. Training professionals in Food, Nutrition and Dietetics makes a vital human resource development contribution in clinical and public health sectors, as well as in multiple economic and development sectors.

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Animal Science 

The University of Nairobi has  participated in the production of over 1,700 veterinarians,  400 rang managers, 600 agricultural engineers in addition to 50 Masters of Science in Animal Nutrition, Genetics and Animal Breeding and Livestock production systems as well as 15 PhD’s in specific aspects of Animal science Academic Programmes The department offers courses in animal production to undergraduates of the faculties

Bachelor of Science in Leather and Technology

Course Code-  J36

The Kenyan economy is largely based on Agriculture, which contributes 30% of the Gross Domestic Product. Ten percent of this is derived from the livestock sector. The need to improve capacity in the livestock sector, therefore, cannot be overemphasized. While the sectors dealing with primary livestock products such as milk, have been taken care of, the leather industry has largely been neglected. Graduates of this course will  enhance application of leather technology for application at grassroots, national and international levels. Examples of such services would include animal husbandry, slaughtering and flaying, hides and skins improvement, leather tanning, leather goods manufacture and business.

Click here for more information.

Bachelor of Science in Wildlife Management 

Course Code- J42

The BSc. degree in wildlife is designed to produce personnel with the requisite knowledge and skills to work in wildlife, fisheries, tourism, environment and related fields. Wildlife, fisheries and tourism are key sectors in national economies. This requirement demands adequate capacity building in both personnel and technology. The above sectors are expanding rapidly and so is the demand for the relevant skilled personnel. In recognition of this demand, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine together with Kenya Wildlife Services (KWS) have teamed up to offer a hands-on, practical oriented training in these fields. The combined resources of these two institutions in terms of manpower and facilities are best placed to provide this training.

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Bachelor of Science in Fisheries and Aquaculture Management 

Course Code- J49

Fisheries and aquaculture contribute to food and nutritional security and sustain the livelihoods of many households which are engaged in subsistence or related commercial activities. Despite the increased demand for fish and fish products for local and export markets, the subsector is threatened by environmental pollution, degradation of wetland ecosystems (including water hyacinth), habitat and biodiversity loss, and inadequate feeds and fish fingerlings. Although the economic stimulus package for construction of fish ponds is a noble idea, the shortage of skilled human resource is one of the major constraints to the optimal performance
of the enterprise.

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Medical Lab Science 

The School of Medicine, in line with the University of Nairobi’s mission of producing highly skilled manpower, has developed this programme to continue producing graduates with intellectual and practical skills for local and international needs. Through this programme, the School intends to continue providing a major link in facilitating implementation of the One Health Concept in the management of Human, Animal and Ecosystem Health programmes in Kenya in tandem with global trends.

Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Science & Technology 

Course Code- H38

The Medical Laboratory Science and Technology course is designed to provide scientific basis for training skilled personnel in laboratory science based techniques. Graduates would perform laboratory tests to inform decision making in the area of biomedical laboratory sciences. Members of this profession will play pivotal role in teaching research and health care. In this area they will act as catalysts for industrial development .

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The University of Nairobi prepares individuals to provide leadership in Nursing Practice, Administration, and Education. The graduate will be expected to carry out Research and Publication. He/she should also be able to function effectively in a variety of settings where the sick are cared for and the health of individuals, families and communities is promoted and maintained.

Bachelor of Science in Nursing 

The programme prepares graduates who can lead a productive life as individuals and professional persons. They should demonstrate an educational basis upon which post-graduate studies for further specialization as clinician, educator, administrator or researcher in nursing may be built. The graduates of this programme should be eligible for post-graduate work at any recognized University. They should also be registrable with the Nursing Council of Kenya and  be capable of functioning universally.

Course Code-  H32

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Agribusiness Management 

Agribusinesses play a vital role in paving the smooth road to industrialisation.  In a liberalized environment, private sector development is important and agribusiness play an essential role.   The University of Nairobi is committed to provide the agro-industry with personnel who will need little practical training on the job to be able to perform well.

Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness Management 

Course Code-  A87

 Agribusinesses have provided the growing centre of transformation process in both developed and the developing nations.  The effective and efficient organization of Agribusinesses is a major pre-requisite of agricultural and economic development.  Therefore, the programme offers a wide exposure to problems affecting the agribusiness industry through real life case studies.  It also exposes its students to the most recent advances in information technology and management.  The programme is thus well grounded to provide the agro-industry with personnel who will need little practical training on the job to be able to perform well.

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Bachelor of Science in Agriculture 

Course Code- A22

In recent times, agricultural production systems have become increasingly more intensive and susceptible to adverse effects of climatic variability and changes in local, regional and global markets. In addition, the local, regional and global food situation is grim due to increased demand and the increasing use of staple food crops as alternative energy sources. There is, therefore, need for graduates who can effectively generate and promote technologies, strategies and services that enhance agricultural productivity and quality while preserving the environment as envisaged in Kenya’s vision 2030 and the Agricultural Sector Development Strategy. The Bachelor of Science in Agriculture programme is a rigorous and broad-based curriculum designed to produce graduates who through extension, teaching, research, or consultancy will provide technical services in agribusiness, agricultural policy formulation, animal production, crop and land management, and environmental protection.

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Natural Management

Bachelor of Science Range Management 

Course Code- A25

In Kenya, rangelands cover over 80% of the country and are home to about 36% of the human population, 50% of the national livestock herd and most of the wildlife and biodiversity. Despite their importance, rangelands in Africa are subjected to human-induced degradation, with 31% of the area estimated to suffer severe loss of productivity. The sources of degradation range from inappropriate cultivation of marginal areas, deforestation to overgrazing. Presently, forest cover is disappearing at the rate of 3.7 to 5 million ha per year, and grazing contributes about 34.5% of the total soil loss in these areas. This has placed the rangelands to be hotspots of ecological vulnerability and desertification. Observed rangeland resource degradation trends is made worse by climate change that has increased the frequency and intensity of droughts, flush floods, as well as, increased livelihood risks for the local communities.

The program will empower the professionals meet emerging socio-economic and environmental challenges as envisaged in government development plans, e. g. vision 2030. Also, the revised course content addresses issues in internationally and nationally recognized conventions and protocols (CCD, CBD, and the Kyoto protocol on climate change) that partly focus on rangelands.

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Bachelor of Science in Management of Agro-Ecosystems & Environment

Course Code- A26

As agricultural production shifts more towards intensively controlled systems and with stringent biosafety requirements, training that focus on environmentally friendly and sustainable technologies and practices take Centre stage. There is need, therefore, for graduates with technological and managerial skills on environmental issues related to agriculture. The Bachelor of Science in Management of Agro-ecosystems and Environment (BSc. MAE) degree programme would enable graduates to assess and solve environmental problems as managers in diverse fields dealing with or related to agroecosystems. The programme aims to equip students with the scientific knowledge and skills required to tackle technical issues on management of agriculture-related aspects in the environment such as reduction or control of degradation and pollution, and promotion of environmentally acceptable and sustainable production practices.

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Bachelor of Science in Environmental & Natural Resource Management

Course Code- I41

The field of natural resources conservation and management is a complex interdisciplinary nature and, therefore, it is difficult to provide a thorough coverage of all areas of natural resources management and environmental sciences in one undergraduate curriculum. The course will be composed of four core subject areas, namely biological sciences, physical sciences, environmental science and policy.

The Bachelor of Science Degree in Environmental Conservation and Natural Resource Management is designed to produce natural resources and environmental professionals with a broad interdisciplinary background coupled with specific focus in identifying, understanding, protecting, enhancing and managing natural resources and their environment. It is a campus-wide programme coordinated by the School of Biological Sciences.

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Bachelor of Science in Dryland Economics and Agro-Ecosystem Management

Course Code- A28

The Bachelor in Science (BSc) in Dryland Economics and Agro-Ecosystem Management (DEAM is accredited by the University of Nairobi.

The training programme for the degree of Bachelors Science in Dryland Economics and Ecosystem Management is conceptualised and designed to produce manpower that is expected to contribute towards redressing these unique constraints limiting the productivity and ecosystem management within the IGAD drylands. It is conceived taking cognizance of the diverse educational backgrounds of the students emanating from the IGAD region. The aim is to contribute to increased food security and the resilience of communities living on (semi-) arid lands by strengthening their ability to cope with environmental and socio-economic change. The objective of the programme is to produce graduates trained in the discipline of economics and ecosystems management with a good blending of practical work to promote agricultural productivity and living standards in the drylands.

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Master programmes 

Master of Science in Crop Protection 

Course code – A507

Annual fees– Kshs. 84,000 (August/September 2021/2022 Academic Year intake)

Agriculture is the main economic activity in Kenya, with horticulture being a major foreign exchange earner. The export of high-value and labor intensive horticultural commodities, such as fruits, vegetables and ornamentals play a key role in foreign exchange earnings. However, for the country to fully benefit from international trade opportunities the produce must comply with international standards and the import requirements of the importing countries. Increased access to international markets creates wealth at all levels, from macro-economic growth to poverty reduction both at individual and family levels. The revised MSc. Crop protection curriculum has introduced flexibility in the mode of delivery and incorporates new topics to address the changing job market requirements. Open and distance learning is preferred by employers and self-employed people since it allows students to undertake training while still on the job.

This course aims : To enable students acquire knowledge and skills to offer advisory services in all matters related to crop and environmental protection; Design and execute research programmes aimed at solving crop and environmental protection problems; Collect, analyze, interpret and present data in crop and environmental protection experiments; Acquire competence in pesticide safe handling, usage, disposal and monitoring their fate in the environment; Manage crop and environmental protection issues including integrated pest and disease management (IPDM) and other environmentally safe procedures; To acquire entrepreneurial skills for use in creating employment opportunities.

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Master of Science in Plant Pathology

Course code – A508

Annual fees– Kshs. 384,000 (August/September 2021/2022 Academic Year intake)

Agriculture is the main economic activity in Kenya, with horticulture being a major foreign exchange earner and the staple crops are important to food security. However for the country to attain food security and to fully benefit from international trade opportunities, pre- and post-harvest crop losses due to plant diseases must be reduced to minimum levels possible. The postgraduate training programme in plant pathology will cover causes of plant diseases, factors that influence plant disease epidemics and their management, including training on pesticide use, efficacy and their effects on the environment. Host-pathogen relationships, plant disease resistance and biotechnology aspects will also be addressed. In addition, the trainees will be taught research methodologies to equip them with tools required in experimental design, data collection, analysis, interpretation and communication of research findings. Therefore, the training programme will produce competent personnel capable of handling all issues relating to plant diseases, their management and making enlightened decisions in this field. The revised MSc. Plant Pathology curriculum has introduced flexibility in the mode of delivery and incorporates new topics such as entrepreneurship and phyto sanitary regulations in order to address the changing job market requirements. Open and distance learning mode is preferred by employers and the self-employed since it allows students to undertake training while still on the job. The revised curriculum is therefore, designed to offer client-friendly training in plant pathology to produce graduates well prepared and equipped for the modern job market.

This course aims to: Train qualified personnel in the field of plant pathology who will be competent in identifying and managing plant diseases using environmentally safe procedures; Equip the candidates with the necessary tools to undertake research in all fields of plant pathology; Train the candidates on how to collect, analyze, interpret communicate and present their research findings in seminars, workshops and scientific publications.

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Master of Science in Agricultural Information and Communication Management 

Course code – A514

Agricultural Information and Communication Management Programme at postgraduate level was strongly supported by the findings of a training needs assessment undertaken by Regional Agricultural Information Network (RAIN) in 2005. The National stakeholders workshop on the AICM postgraduate programmes (MSc. and PGD) adopted the following findings by RAIN/ASARECA and the Regional Taskforce: It was established that agricultural professionals of all cadres in the Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in Eastern and Central Africa (ASARECA) region with Agricultural Information and Communication Management (AICM) skills are few or lacking. More specifically, agricultural researchers, educators and technologists in National Agricultural Research Systems, universities and extension services lack skills that can make them self-sufficient in meeting basic information needs to generate and disseminate technology. Existing university programmes do not have adequate Information and Communication Technology/Information and Communication Management (ICT/ICM) content, explaining the low ICT/ICM competency among graduates. There is a growing recognition that ICM is an emerging profession in development.

The programme targets graduates from a variety of backgrounds and specialization including agricultural and related sciences, the biological sciences, information and communication science, information technology and social sciences. AICM also provides for admission of mid-career candidates with relevant experience in their relevant areas of specialization. The aim of AICM program is to enhance the competency of professionals in the agricultural field and other development workers in managing and communicating agricultural information for accelerated development and poverty reduction, and to strengthen the capacity of universities to provide high – level education and research services in AICM.

This course aims to: Build capacity at the MSc level with competence to develop and operate agricultural information systems, carry out research to identify the needs and problems of the different agricultural information users, and provide professional AICM support to the agricultural and related professionals; Enhance professional careers and competence of researchers, academicians, students, policy makers and members of the civil society through interventions in agricultural information and communication management; Strengthen the capacity of university to train AICM professionals and to provide research and consultancy services in technology diffusion and uptake.

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Master of Science in Plant Breeding and Biotechnology 

Course code – A518

Plant breeding has for a long time been focused on developing types better suited for satisfying agricultural needs for food and nutrition, and even for clothing, fuel, drugs and aesthetically pleasing ornamentals. Improved materials have led to increased yields, better varieties for new agricultural areas, better agronomic and horticultural characteristics, varieties resistant to heat, cold ,or drought and improved quality of agricultural products. Much has been achieved through classical breeding made possible by the application of Mendelian and statistical genetics. Genetic improvement has taken on a complex dimension of the interrelationships of genes, crops and the environment and/or issues of genetic resources ownership, access and equity. Biotechnology that makes it possible for rapid genetic manipulation brings with it intellectual property concerns. Complete sequencing of several plant genomes has provided immense genetic information that needs to be harnessed to contribute towards improving crops. All these have changed the face of plant breeding with implications on global trade, third world poverty and food security.

the Plant Breeding and Biotechnology programme is thus tailored to remain versatile to the changing times by incorporating industry focused content and modern student centered delivery methods. The programme content and mode of delivery is structured to meet the students’ aspirations and to expose the students to the job market opportunities and the emerging advances in the field of plant breeding, applied genetics and biotechnology

this course aims : To produce graduates with ability to identify research imperatives in plant breeding and biotechnology, design and execute plant breeding research projects aimed at solving the problems within a changing agricultural environment; To train highly skilled plant breeders and plant biotechnologists who will help optimize the country’s ability to attain food security and better nutrition while improving agriculture-based incomes from improved products and maintaining the natural resource base.

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Master of Science in Agronomy 

Course code – A509

Agriculture plays a vital role in Kenya’s national economic development as a source of livelihood, industrial raw materials and employment. The Kenya government growth-oriented Agricultural Sector Development Strategy (ASDS), which is in line with Vision 2030, seeks to facilitate the sector’s transformation from the subsistence to an “innovative, commercially-oriented, and modern agriculture sector. The strategy underpins the need to build capacity that will drive increased crop productivity while managing the resources and environment efficiently, effectively and sustainably.

This course aims: To train skillful agronomists qualified in scientific basis of sound environmental managerial skills for increased crop productivity, environmental and product safety; Equip graduates with analytical and communication skills to enhance knowledge generation, dissemination and utilization.

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Master of Science in Horticulture 

Over the past two decades, the horticultural industry in Kenya has expanded tremendously becoming a major contributor to the country’s economy and the leading foreign exchange earner and a major employer. However, stiff competition in regional and global markets and the problems encountered in production, processing, financing, and environmental management pose a serious challenge. The Master of Science (MSc) programme in horticulture is designed with a view of training high quality graduates with requisite professional and technical skills to effectively handle issues of crop productivity, quality, postharvest handling and value addition. The trainees will be equipped with knowledge and skills on global issues including good agricultural practices, climate change, biodiversity, biotechnology, environmental management and market access. In addition, the trainees will be taught research and communication skills to enable them develop strategies that will enhance the growth of the horticulture sub-sector. The revised MSc Horticulture curriculum has introduced flexibility in the mode of delivery and incorporates new topics such as entrepreneurship, phyto sanitary standards, crop biotechnology and improvement, and scientific communication in order to address the changing market demands.

This course aims: To enable graduates to acquire in depth theoretical knowledge and practical skills in horticultural crop production; To build the capacity of graduates to formulate a research problem, design and execute scientific research project and reporting and communication in horticulture to stakeholders; To enable graduates to acquire entrepreneurial skills for use in creating employment opportunities.

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Master of Science in Applied Human Nutrition 

Course code – A510

Advanced training and research in nutrition is necessary in order to address upcoming challenges and emerging issues in nutrition and health. There is an increasing demand on training in applied nutrition over the years. The M.Sc. programme is designed to help the trainees understand malnutrition and its consequences and methods of alleviating nutritional problems. The programme will, therefore, build capacity for the improvement of nutritional policy making in Kenya and other developing countries in African and other regions. The programme will offer practical training using appropriate data collected in Kenya and other African countries.

This course aims: To provide students with abilities to assess community nutritional problems from a multi-disciplinary point of view, while applying information technology in suggesting/working out realistic and feasible intervention measures; Provide students with abilities to implement investigations in the field of applied nutrition and analyze, interpret and disseminate findings to the relevant stakeholders; Provide students with abilities to effectively use relevant nutrition tools and information to advocate for nutrition actions and influence policies.

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Master of Science in Food Safety and Quality

Food safety and quality has become an issue of high priority nationally and internationally due to globalization of the food market.  Food Safety is central to public health, poverty reduction and sustainable development. Access to safe food is a human right.

The programme shall take two (2) academic years of four (4) semesters. An academic year shall constitute 2 semesters. The Master of Science in Food Safety and Quality shall be offered by course work, end of semester assessment and thesis. Course work shall not exceed one year. A total of twelve (12) course units shall be undertaken and passed by all students. A course unit shall be defined as 45 instructional hours comprising of lectures, tutorials, assignments and practical. The student shall carry out supervised research culminating into a Master’s Thesis. A student may be allowed to defer their studies for a period not exceeding one year, as per University policy.

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Master of Science in Animal Nutrition and Feed Science

Course code – J515

This course aims to: Equip animal nutritionists with knowledge and skills in nutrition and feed science to enhance sustainable utilization of feed resources and improve animal productivity; Train personnel to undertake academic responsibility in research, consultancy and teaching and promote application of biotechnology in animal nutrition and feed science.

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Master of Science in Animal Genetics & Breeding 

Course code –J521

The Master of Science In Animal Genetics & Breeding degree programme is intended Equip genetics  and animal breeders with knowledge and skills in animal genetics and breeding to enhance sustainable management of animal genetics resources. As well as train manpower to undertake academic responsibility in research, consultancies and teaching in animal genetics and breeding. Learners are trained to document and conserve animal biodiversity and apply biotechnology in livestock improvement.

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Master of Science in Livestock Production Systems 

Course code – J522

The Master of Science in Livestock Production Systems is designed to Equip production system analysts with knowledge and skills in livestock systems analysis to help integrate components of production systems for sustainable use of resources and improved livestock productivity.  The Degree programs trains personnel to undertake academic responsibility in research, consultancy and teaching in livestock production systems as well as equip the analysts with ability to document, evaluate and monitor production systems.

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Master of Science in Wildlife Health & Management 

Course code – J524

The Master of Science in Wildlife Health & Management degree programme focuses on the trends and changes in the status of wildlife health research and management have developed in the last several years which necessitate a re-examination of the national and regional needs for post graduate wildlife health training. University of Nairobi has developed a post graduate program in wildlife health and management to produce personnel capable of undertaking research and management in wildlife health issues at the academic, government, regulatory/policy, or commercial level. To develop a core of faculty and collaborators active in wildlife health research and to provide practical training for those interested in medicine, surgery and disease surveillance of wildlife species.

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Master of Science in Food Science and Technology 

Course code – A511

This programme is grounded in the belief that the department should provide quality education and training in food science and technology, among other fields. The department strongly believes in the importance of creation, preservation, integration, transmission and utilization of food science and technology knowledge and skills. The training of Food Science and Technology professionals is informed by the sustained evidence in support of the important and multidimensional role that food science and technology plays in human growth and development; productivity, and wellbeing. Globally, the field has gained greater eminence with the surge in lifestyle-related (non-communicable) diseases as well as increased demand and rationale, for preventive approaches in public health. Training professionals in Food Science and Technology makes a vital human resource development contribution in the reduction of food losses, addition of value to primary food products, efficient utilization of resources in food processing and preservation, sustainable waste management in food processing factories, employment creation, income generation and hunger eradication.

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Master of Science in Nursing 

Course code – H554

The programme is designed to train nurses with proper nursing skills in various specializations within the nursing profession.  These major areas requiring specialized training include Obstetric Nursing/Midwifery, Medical- Surgical Nursing, Nursing Education, Paediatric Nursing, Nursing administration, Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing, Community Health Nursing, Geriatric Nursing, Oncology Nursing and Oral Care/Dental Nursing among others.  It is hoped that through training, there will be improved supply of skilled manpower in the field of Nursing. The main objectives of this programme is to; Develop personnel specialized in clinical areas of Nursing, Equip students with skills and ability to teach and carry out research in Nursing and Equip students with managerial and administrative skills to enable them undertake professional leadership positions in their areas of specialization.

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Master of Public Health 

Course code – H57

The Master of Public Health is a 2 year programme targeting students who want to specialize in the area of Public health. The main objective of this course is to offer a multi-disciplinary postgraduate course in order to train experts capable of meeting the emerging challenges in the field of public health. The course admits students with a background in medical, dental, veterinary, nursing and allied sciences as well as holders of a first degree in a discipline closely related to public health and medicine degree in environmental health, sociology, nutrition, demography, statistics, economics, planning, administration and anthropology, education and communication.

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Master of Science in Clinical Cytology

Course code – H574

The University of Nairobi is the only institution in the region that offers the Master of Science in Clinical Cytology programme. The program has a major emphasis on practicals, mainly in applied Cytotechnology, molecular techniques and applied Cytomorphology.  The programme equips the learners with skills, knowledge and ability to offer clinical cytology services, As well as Equip the learners with skills in undertaking research and training in cytopathology and capacity to translate research into policy and practice.

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Master of Science in Clinical Chemistry

Course code – H584

The course aims to train medical and science graduates in the principles and practice of Clinical Chemistry. This will therefore develop individuals who are highly competent in the tools for diagnosing of diseases and thereby assist clinicians in effective diagnosis, treatment and follow up of patients. Students who undertake this course will be trained on how offer specialized Clinical Chemistry diagnostic laboratory services and effectively manage laboratory personnel, equipment and reagents, and implant quality assurance programs relevant to clinical chemistry.

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Master of Science in Clinical Psychology 

Course code – H547

The Master of Science in Clinical Psychology is a 2 year programme is designed to provide specialized training to mental health professionals. This course provides learners with solid knowledge and essentials skills and competencies in Clinical Psychology -theoretical and practical and research.

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Master of Science in Agricultural and Applied Economics 

Course code – A512

The Master of Science in Agricultural and Applied Economics programme involves of collaboration of 16 universities in the Eastern, Central and Southern Africa region. Its underlying premise is the need for highly trained local professionals to address the challenges posed by far reaching changes in global and local economies, technology, and marketing, by adapting their advanced knowledge and methods to the particular institutional, political and economic circumstances of the region. The growing economies need professionals whose skills will range from analysing the implications of changes in trade and macroeconomic policy to studying the performance of local markets for agricultural products, services and inputs. Others will be working with scientists to determine the economic as well as technical feasibility of new products and processes.

Master of Science in Range Management 

Course code – A505

The Master of Science in Range management prepares students for a career in managing rangelands. The course contains advance coursework that focuses on the economic aspect of raising healthy livestock and plants while preserving the surrounding areas. Students also learn rehabilitation and reclamation techniques for rangelands that are damaged.

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Master of Science in Land and Water Management 

Course code – A519

The MSc in Land and Water Management programme aims to produce professionals equipped with practical skills, which will enable them to carry out, extension, teaching, research or consultancy in land resources and environment management, enhance land productivity by using appropriate and sustainable agricultural production technologies, manage water resources for agricultural production and agro-industries at farm and watershed levels. Carry out research on land and water management technologies and innovations.

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Master of Science in Environmental Governance 

Course code – A60

The Master of Science in Environmental Governance programme is a 2 Year multidisciplinary and experiential learning program.  The principal components of the program focus on the holistic nature of environment training and integration on of environment, livelihoods, peace and sustainability. The graduates from the program will represent a critical mass of future potential key researchers, all trained in interdisciplinary research, while still representing different scientific traditions and backgrounds and forming an inspiring and cross-pollinating research circle. The researchers will address natural resource conflicts and offer solutions for peace building.

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Doctoral programmes 

Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Agricultural and Applied Economics 

Course code: A820

The programme shall take a minimum of 3 years and a maximum of 5 years.

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Doctor of Philosophy in Agriculture Resource Management 

Course code: A815

The programme has updated and expanded content to provide essential new coverage of topics critically important to meet current and emerging challenges in land and water management such as intensification of resource use, carbon sequestration in agroecosystems, global warming and climate change. More specifically, the programme offers content that addresses current technical, planning, socio-economic and policy aspects of land and water management. It is expected that the trainees in this curriculum will acquire knowledge and skills that will enable them to address the many complex challenges in increasing the productivity and sustainability of the land and water resources.

The programme shall take a minimum of 3 years and a maximum of 5 years.

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Doctor of Philosophy in Horticulture 

Course code: A807

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Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Plant Pathology 

Course code: A805

The Universiity of Nairobi continues to equip graduates who through research inform policy makers. Graduates  of this degree will work  in Pests and Diseases control, Pesticides testing and production, Researchers,
Non-Governmental Organizations, Entrepreneurial self-employment in agricultural production,National and international research organizations, Lecturers in tertiary technical and academic institutions. The applicant must be able to produce evidence of adequate academic background in the discipline and capacity to carry out original research by submitting a research concept note on the proposed topic of study.

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Doctor in Philosophy Degree in Crop Protection 

Course code: A806

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Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Soil Science 

Course code: A809

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Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Agronomy 

Course code: A810

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Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Plant Breeding and Biotechnology

Course code: A811

The applicant must be able to produce evidence of adequate academic background in the discipline and capacity to carry out original research by submitting a research concept note on the proposed topic of study.The concept note shall include a brief statement of the problem, research objectives, research hypothesis, brief literature review, summary of proposed methodology, expected outputs, work plan and key references.

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Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Applied Human Nutrition

Course code: A818

The degree programme shall consist of course work, examinations and thesis. It will take a minimum of 3 years and a maximum of 5 years.

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Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Food Science and Technology 

Course code: A81

The University of Nairobi produces graduates that are internationally recognized from this programme. The Graduates are well prepared to enter Food industries, Government ministries, Parastatals, Non-governmental organizations and research institutions in the various fields involved in food processing and human nutrition, research and development, as well as planning and implementation of projects.The programme shall take a minimum of 3 years and a maximum of 5 years.

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Doctor of Philosophy in Range Management 

Course code: A802

Skilled manpower trained at the post-graduate level in rangeland resource management is limited in most African countries.  The majority of the rangeland resource managers in the region have been trained abroad where training is not appropriate for the African set up where the mode of production is largely labour-intensive, low capital subsistence pastoralism.  Trained skilled manpower is expected to act as a catalyst for enhancing the productivity and human support capacity for pastoral systems in the region.

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Doctor of Philosophy in Management of Agroecosystems & Environment 

Course code: A817

This programme is delivered by the University of Nairobi’s Faculty of Agriculture . It is among the programmes that produce graduates that are sought after globally. With the increase in search of ways to address food insecurity, ecosystems and environment conservation in Africa and the world, these graduates become authorities in their field of study. The degree programme shall consist of course work, examinations and thesis. The course work shall be taken in the first year of study, within a duration of 1 year.

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Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Governance & Management 

Course code: A82

The program has assembled interdisciplinary approaches to development, legal pluralism and its consequences on environmental and conflict management and integrative governance approaches. The principal components of the program focus on the holistic nature of environment training and integration of environment, livelihoods, peace and sustainability. The graduates from the program will represent a critical mass of future potential key researchers, all trained in interdisciplinary research, while still representing different scientific traditions and backgrounds and forming an inspiring and cross-pollinating research circle. The researchers will address natural resource conflicts and offer solutions for peacebuilding. Further, the graduate will offer authoritative transformative leadership in environmental issues, do research and teach at universities.

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Doctor of Philosophy in Public Health 

Course code: H806

The programme aims at producing specialists who will be able to provide leadership in community health at all levels. The emphasis is re-orientation from hospital clinical practice to community health practice, with special emphasis on the community. Graduates from this programme are expected to have acquired competence in the following; Academic health research, training and mentorship, Policy analysis and health services management, Evaluation of health projects and programmes, Provide strategic advisory services in health, Peer review and publication.

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Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing 

Course code: H807

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Doctor of Philosophy in Tropical & Infectious Diseases 

Course code: W80

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Doctor of Philosophy in Virology

Course code: H82

Knowledge translation involves three important processes of research, policy development and implementation.  KAVI– ICR has been availing data emanating from the Institute’s research projects and programmes and will continue doing so to policy makers for policy development, changes and implementation.

As part of the Institutes mandate to capacity building, KAVI-ICR offers

Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Operational Science.

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Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Immunology

Course code: H83

The objective of this programme is to develop researchers that have a solid foundation in immunology.

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Doctor of Philosophy in Clinical Research 

Course code: H85

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Doctor of Philosophy in Implementation Science 

Course code: H88

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Higher Doctorate Degrees

Those eligible for the award of a Higher Doctorate of the University of Nairobi must among other requirements be holders of the Doctor of Philosophy or Doctor of Medicine degree of the University of Nairobi or the Doctor of Philosophy degree from any other recognized university of at least five years standing.

The Common Regulations for Higher Doctorates of the University of Nairobi other than Honorary Degrees are set out in the University Calendar. The Higher Doctorate, the regulations stipulate, shall only be awarded for the original published work such as would give a candidate authoritative international standing in his/her particular field of research.

The application must be based wholly or substantially on original work of distinction carried out by the candidate. The term ‘‘published’’ shall mean printed in a referred journal, book or monograph which shall have been made available to the public.

The submitted works by the candidate is assessed by an Evaluation Panel.

Click here for the charges for higher doctorate degrees

Applied and Technical Chemistry

Bachelor of Science in Industrial Chemistry

Course Code- I08

Industrial Chemistry is the branch of chemistry which applies physical and chemical processes towards the transformation of raw materials into products that are of benefit to humanity. The goal of the Bachelor of Science in Industrial Chemistry degree programme is to produce graduates who will be highly skilled in this activity. We do this by first giving the students a strong foundation in chemistry, mathematics and physics. The Industrial Chemistry graduate is a chemist with knowledge linkages in engineering, chemical processing, economics and industrial management.

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Bachelor of Science Analytical Chemistry

Course Code- I14

Analytical chemistry is the science of measurement and identification of the chemical compounds that underlie most aspects of modern life and plays a central part within the chemical industry. It also involves the processing and communication of information about the composition and structure of matter.

The students will be expected to complete a total of 12 courses in each of the first two academic years.  The first two years comprise Eight (8) core chemistry courses covering the traditional areas of inorganic, organic and physical chemistry, as well as a basic grounding in mathematics and computer skills (including use of the World Wide Web).  In the final two years, in addition to the traditional core chemistry courses designed for chemistry majors, students will choose from specialist options in the field of analytical chemistry.  They will also undertake a small analytical chemistry-type research project and/or dissertation in your final fourth year.

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Applied and Technical Physics

Bachelor of Science in Astronomy & Astrophysics

Course Code- I44

The mounting of this course is meant to be the basis for serious capacity building to attain the critical mass of expertise needed for the development of space science in Kenya which ultimately will be critical to the establishment of a Kenya Space Agency, whose establishment is long overdue.

Currently, Kenya is engaged in some joint Space Science activities, with the Italian Government through the San Macro Project in Malindi

This degree course is designed to train graduates who will have the relevant skills to work in areas of Basic and Applied Space Sciences, such as Satellite Space Stations (e.g. San Macro in Malindi), Astronomical observations and Aeronautical Engineering.

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Bachelor of Science in Microprocessor Technology & Instrumentation

Course Code- I39

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Applied Sciences

Bachelor of Science in Geology

Course Code- I13

The University of Nairobi allows students to specialize in Geology by registering for Geology courses only in the third and fourth years of the B.Sc. programme. Students wishing to specialize in Geology are advised to select apart from Geology courses, appropriate courses in Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics and Geography in the 1st and 2nd years.

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Bachelor of Science in Meteorology

Course Code- I10

The Bachelor of Science in Meteorology programme is a four year programme, developed to embrace new developments in the science of meteorology and the expanding areas of meteorological application.

The course is designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills in weather and climate system analysis, weather forecasting, early warning, environmental pollution and Environmental Impacts Assessment, Biometeorology, Agrometeorology, Hydrometeorology, Renewable Energy Resources, Marine Meteorology, Aviation Meteorology and Environmental Meteorology.

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Education science

Bachelor of Education (Science)

Course Code-E35

The Bachelor of Education (Science) Degree Programme is intended to prepare teachers for secondary schools.  However, it is also suitable for people who are involved in educational management and training in the tertiary institutions both in the public and private sectors.  In addition some subject combinations provide competency in Research , Planning and Management of science and technology institutions as well as technological research practices.  Students who go through the programme can also become trainers in tertiary institutions as well as institutions of higher learning

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Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry

Course Code- H12

Bachelor of Science in Chemistry is a foundational course in chemistry that has material covering the traditional branches of chemistry namely organic, inorganic and physical. It also has courses from other branches of chemistry such as analytical chemistry, environmental chemistry and industrial chemistry as well as other disciplines such as physics. It seeks to explain factors that cause reactions to occur, how they occur and their adverse and non-adverse effects on our well being. It prepares one to pursue postgraduate studies in any of these fundamental branches.

The students in the final two years, in addition to the traditional core chemistry courses designed for chemistry majors, will choose from specialist options in the field of analytical chemistry. They will also undertake a research project and/or dissertation in their final fourth year

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Bachelor of Science in Microbiology & Biotechnology

Course Code- I23

This is a collaborative Programme between the Departments of Botany and Zoology. The first two years of study are designed to give the students a broad but well detailed coverage of biology including introductory courses in Microbiology. During this time the students will also take foundation courses in chemistry and biochemistry. This will enable them to gain a better understanding of how microorganisms function and to appreciate the diversity of their roles in nature during the later part of the course.

In the last two years of study, the Microbiology/Biotechnology Programme will endeavor to expose the students to the immense biotechnological potential that microorganisms have and how it is exploited for economic benefit in the modern age. Students who have successfully gone through the programme should be able to find employment opportunities in food and pharmaceutical industries; medical; agricultural and other research institutions; quality control and even diagnostic laboratories among others.

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Bachelor of Science in Statistics

Course Code- I63

Statistics is a practical discipline which helps us to solve real problems in the real world. The field of Statistics provides the Scientist with some of the most useful techniques for evaluating ideas, testing theory and discovering the truth. The Scientist thus can make informed decisions by using Statistical methods. Statistics has applications in Bioinformatics, Biostatistics, Computing (Statistical computing is a highly sought skill), and Economics, Finance, Psychology, Physics and Health industry. In all these fields evidence-based decision making impacts positively in proper utilization of available resources and spur Economic growth. The delivery of the programme is based on inter-faculty collaboration and the use of information technology (IT). The aim of this programme is to provide students with the opportunity to develop confidence and skills to apply statistical principles to solve practical problems in industry and public service.

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Actuarial Science

Bachelor of Science in Actuarial Science

Course Code- I574

The University of Nairobi provides students with the opportunity to develop confidence and skills to apply Actuarial Science techniques to solve practical problems in the financial sector and society in general. This course is ideal for those who excel in and enjoy mathematics, in particular modelling and probability, especially those who like asking “What if?”. It will equip the student with the skills to become an actuary and also offers a good starting point for those who want to use their skills in risk management, investment management or financial analysis.

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Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

Course code – P15

The Bachelor of Science in Computer Science programme imparts and fosters students with the requisite knowledge, skills and attitudes for professional excellence and competences in computer science theories and practice areas through quality teaching, research and innovation. The dynamic and emerging trends in Information, Communication and Technologies (ICTs) developments and the appropriation of the same ICTS, provides the context that continues to inform our teaching and learning.

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Masters Programmes 


Course code – U53

The Master’s degree programme in Industrial Pharmacy is intended to produce a pool of personnel who will be involved in research, drug development and manufacture of quality pharmaceutical products. The programme provides students with advanced theoretical and practical knowledge in the pharmaceutical industry and equips the students with advanced contemporary knowledge on the principles of pharmaceutical design, discovery, research and development.

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Course code – U59

Pharmaceutical analysis is one of the key specialities in the field of pharmacy practice that focuses on quality of drugs at the production, registration, circulation and utilization stages. The Master of pharmacy degree course in Pharmaceutical Analysis is intended to train highly qualified analysts involved in both quality assurance and quality control of pharmaceuticals and related substances. On completion of the course, the students will be expensed to be competent in modern analytical techniques, monitoring of pharmaceutical and related manufacturing processes and the setting up and running of a quality control laboratory. The analyst will obtain sound scientific foundation to qualify them for academic appointments and carry out original research.

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Course code – H548

This programme aims to provide students with the theoretical and practical knowledge of human anatomy. The programme shall be done by coursework and dissertation. Candidates shall undertake six core courses and one optional course in the first year; and a research project leading to a dissertation in the second year. The research project for the dissertation shall be undertaken only after successful completion of coursework.

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Course code – H550

This programme is to designed enable students have an in depth understanding of structure and functioning of the human body, the programme exposes students to current literature and research findings in Physiology.

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Course code – H549

The Master of Science degree in Medical Microbiology incorporates training in various methods of diagnosis and control of these diseases. Apart from focusing on understanding the biology, pathology, immunology, molecular biology, diagnosis, control and management of these diseases, the course prepares candidates for higher doctorate degrees in the field of microbiology.

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Course code – W62

The Master of Science in Medical Statistics course aims at training such personnel by equipping them with the relevant knowledge of theoretical and practical aspects of statistics and their applications in health research. The Course prepares students to develop and apply techniques of mathematics, statistics and computing to health research and health care delivery, provide statistical expertise on public health issues and analyze and interpret medical data.

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MASTER OF SCIENCE IN Tropical and Infectious Diseases

Course code – W64

The Masters in Tropical and Infectious Diseases is designed to build core Infectious Disease Control teams consisting of physicians, dentists, pharmacists, nurses, epidemiologists and biologists; capable of predicting disease outbreak, carrying out disease surveillance and controlling disease epidemics. The established core teams will be expected to work closely with the relevant ministries, non-governmental and international organizations to combat and control diseases.

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Course code – J514

This program is designed to develop human resource with technical expertise in Veterinary Pathology, Microbiology and parasitology for effective diagnosis, control, innovative research and training on diseases of terrestrial and aquatic animals. veterinary Pathology, Microbiology and parasitology program provides world-class quality university education and training that will enable the learner to create, preserve, integrate and transmit knowledge and skills to meet the needs of the Kenyan people and global community at large.

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Course code – J519

The overall goal of this program is to develop human resource with technical expertise in clinical pathology for effective laboratory diagnosis, innovative research and training on diseases of terrestrial and aquatic animals.

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Course code – J526

This course provides training in essential skills epidemiological and Economics studies, the programme covers statistics and economics, and techniques in the economic analysis of epidemiological data.

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Course code – J527

The Master of Science Degree in Pharmacology and Toxicology is designed for Veterinary, Medical and other graduates involved in the protection and improvement of animals and human health and environment.  The post-graduate programme is intended to train graduates to conduct research, teach in academic institutions and also undertake other related duties in government service and private sector. Graduates will be exposed to a broad study of drugs, poisonous compounds, environmental pollutants, analytical techniques, recent advances in Pharmacology and Toxicology research.

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Course code – J530

The programme is a component of public health activities devoted to the application of professional veterinary skills, knowledge and resources to the protection and improvement of human health. The role of public health in the global health agenda is to promote activities that contribute to the improvement of health for all and help realize its objectives. Increasing population and urbanization calls for new methods of food production, food quality and safety assurance to reduce food related infections. Training in VPH will meet the demands for straight forward and clear answers regarding emerging disease problems. This course at the University of Nairobi is designed to cater for veterinarians and other public health personnel.

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Course code – J534

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Course code – J539

The Master of Science degree course in Anatomy and Cell Biology medical sciences is intended to train graduates for professional teaching and research in areas of basic medical sciences and especially comparative vertebrate anatomy. Graduates with the MSc degree should also be able to relate structures to function on in various vertebrate types in a comparative manner and should be able to carry out research in areas related to comparative aspects of vertebrate anatomical sciences. The course also emphasizes the importance of appreciating the three dimensional profile of body structures in situ to the students.

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Master of Science in Comparative Animal Physiology

Course code – J542

The programme offers  a comprehensive coverage in comparative physiology of vertebrates, provide an in-depth study through specific options in order to prepare course recipients for academic work in research and in institutions of higher learning and equips professional working in biomedical sciences with cutting edge knowledge in physiology that will improve their working skills.

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Course code – U51

To enhance knowledge and skills of the graduate to read and evaluate scientific literature and be able to conduct independent and original research, enhance knowledge and skills of the graduates so as to provide specialized services in specific  areas of pharmacoepidemiology and pharmacovigilance and to train graduates with skills, knowledge and competence so as to optimize

resource utilization for the most effective and least costly interventions.

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Course code – U52

Molecular pharmacology is a discipline concerned with the study of bio-molecular mechanisms that underpin how drugs interact with living systems to alter function. It is a relatively new discipline that focuses on cellular and molecular levels as sites of drug action and function. Learners are equipped with skills in molecular pharmacology is therefore needed to contribute to innovative research that would lead to discovery of new medicines or advance the understanding of biological phenomena. Graduates of the molecular pharmacology programme can find employment in research, academia and clinical settings.

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Course code – I581

The Master of Science in Meteorology programme aims to equip students with skills, knowledge and competencies in the science of meteorology and its applications, advanced theoretical and applied knowledge in Meteorology. The course also equips the students with tools necessary for them to work in operational, research and training institutions and expose the students to areas of current research and applied meteorological interests.

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Course code – I580

The course is designed to provide specialized training to make students adequately competent in their fields of specialization as well as train geological manpower in the fields that are commensurate with the country’s needs to cope with the contemporary challenges.

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Course code – Q56

The Master of Science course in Population Studies is intended to prepare graduates of Science in Mathematics or any other sciences with strong quantitative background for careers in government service, academic and private sector, which may demand more sophisticated skills for research and teaching in population studies. Particular attention will be given to a level of competence necessary for undertaking high quality research in population studies aimed at furthering the national development goals.

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Course code – I501

The programme covers research methods, chemical separation and instrumentation and statistics and chemometrics. Postgraduate students in analytical chemistry will acquire skills that will enable them develop new methods for use of instruments in the analysis of chemical compounds.  The course is structured to equip the students with knowledge in the operation of a wide range of modern analytical instruments.

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Course code – I605

The course covers research methods, material science, waste management, project management and total quality management, impart students with skills to understand develop and modify industrial technologies and therefore promote industrial development.  Provide students with knowledge in transforming the chemical and allied industry through their involvement in research and development, policy and business decision making.

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Course code – I572

The philosophy of Master of Science in Environmental Chemistry degree programme is that students are facilitated by various instructional means and conducive environment to acquire advanced environmental chemistry knowledge and skills to enable them to succeed in their careers and to make local and global contributions in environmental chemistry and related fields. This Master of Science in Environmental Chemistry degree programme responds to the goals of Vision 2030 by offering Environmental chemistry knowledge and skills that exploits natural resources in an environmentally sustainable way in order to drive the industrialization process.

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Course code – H561

The programme is designed equip students with theoretical and practical skills in Biochemistry and related fields that are applicable in major sectors of our economy namely, health,
agriculture and industry, train skilled personnel to undertake research and academic responsibilities in institutions of higher learning in the field of Biochemistry and related disciplines and to enhance the capacity of the students to exploit and conserve the rich
biodiversity available within the ecosystem.

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Course code – I583

The Master of Science in Biotechnology degree programme responds to the question
of the relevance of the degree to market, societal, economic, and environmental demands. At the end of this programme, the learner should be able to: Employ the fundamentals of disciplines that form biotechnology such as biology, computer applications, and mathematics and research methods. Apply modern biotechnological tools and related techniques in solving real-world biological challenges and improve quality of life. Illustrate the ability to carry out quality applied and basic research in a multidisciplinary platform. Evaluate and critique studies in related fields and assess tools for research. Design biosafety guidelines for genetically modified organisms and recombinant DNA products for the benefit of society.

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Course code – I560

This Programme is designed to provide sound knowledge of various aspects of the Bioinformatics as relevant to teaching, research development and entrepreneurship in Bioinformatics. This would assist in formulating adequate strategy to facilitate the application of biotechnology in research and encourage its use for the development of marketable products as well as to protect the environment and improve the quality of life. This Programme is designed to provide sound knowledge of various aspects of the Bioinformatics as relevant to teaching, research development and entrepreneurship in Bioinformatics. This would assist in formulating adequate strategy to facilitate the application of biotechnology in research and encourage its use for the development of marketable products as well as to protect the environment and improve the quality of life.

Click here for more information: MASTER OF SCIENCE IN BIOINFORMATICS


Course code – I574

The Master of Science in Actuarial Science course is designed to equip the students with advanced training in theoretical and practical aspects of Actuarial Science in order for them to work in life and non-life insurance companies (designing insurance products and valuing financial contracts and investing funds); consultancy (offering advice to occupational pension funds and employee benefit plans); government service (supervising insurance companies and advising on the national insurance); and also in the stock exchange, industry, commerce and universities. The overall objective of this course is to equip students with theoretical and practical knowledge, develop and apply techniques of mathematics, statistics, probability, and finance to solving real business problems.

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Course code – Z51

The programme is designed to advance knowledge in within the country and the region. It also responds to market need for experts in within government, business, civil society and international agencies. Its development follows stakeholder consultations and input. The design of the program and courses mainstreams issues of climate change. The philosophy of this programme is to inspire the learners to take a leading role in environmental decision making and policy initiatives. The Objectives of this course is to enable students to have good knowledge of environmental law and equip them with hands-on and relevant skills in environmental governance and to provide specialised training for those interested in practising environmental law as a specialised discipline either as drafters, legal advisers, corporate lawyers or legal practitioners

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Course code – Z50

This programme encompasses the identification of environmental problems, providing guidelines, objectives and action plans towards promotion of sustainable development. The programme specifically aims to equip students with hands-on and advanced skills in environmental governance; demonstrate the relationship between environmental policy and science and prepare policy makers and corporate leaders with skills to upstream and mainstream environment into development agenda

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Course code – I54

The Master of Science programme in Climate Change seeks to contribute to the national and global initiatives of responding to climate change effects through capacity building in various components of Climate Change Science including Change hazards, vulnerability and risk assessment; Mitigation; and Adaptation. This programme is unique in its coverage and is designed to cover a wide range of knowledge and skills required to address the challenges of regional and global climate change and sustainable development. The programme is designed to provide students with both theoretical and practical knowledge in Climate Change Science.

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Course code – I58

The Master of Climate Change Adaptation (MCCA) programme of the University of Nairobi seeks to improve the science and practice of climate change and adaptation. It explores the fundamental changes caused by anthropogenic and natural activities that influence the alteration of the living earth’s environment.

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Doctoral programmes 


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Course code: W83

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Course code: H810

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Course code: H804

The overall goal of the programme is to equip the grandaunts with knowledge, attitudes, skills and competencies that are necessary for a research scientist in specific thematic areas of human anatomy. The gradualness are expected to appraise scientific developments in the field of Human Anatomy for translational research, design research in specific thematic areas of anatomical sciences and translational research which address the science of health needs, practice dissemination of anatomical sciences to relevant audiences and demonstrate leadership in specific thematic areas of anatomical sciences and translational research.

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Course code: J84

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Course code: J86

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Course code: J90

The program is to produce highly skilled researchers with capacity to innovate, interrogate and make inferences on intricate issues on physiological and related sciences, using integrative, explorative and investigative approaches. The graduates from the program will represent a critical mass of future potential key researchers, all trained in interdisciplinary research, while still representing different scientific traditions and backgrounds and forming an inspiring and cross-pollinating research circle. The researchers will be in a position to address issues related to ambiguities, in physiological and related sciences, train and supervise postgraduate students at masters and doctoral levels. Additionally, the graduates will form a pool of trainers for universities worldwide.

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Course code: J92

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Course code: U802

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Course code: I823

The Doctor of Philosophy in Biotechnology programme offers high-level hands-on training in the new cutting-edge biotechnology techniques. These techniques can be exploited to solve human, animal, and plant health as well as environmental problems that continuously put the world under the pressure of diseases, pollution, and food shortage. Current trends in biotechnology offer an important solution to most of these problems in a multidisciplinary approach. The aim of this program is to train holistic graduates who are able to assume leadership roles in pursuit of knowledge through quality biotechnology research, consultancy, and community service. This course is aligned to the UNESCO standards classification of education and training (ISCED-F, 2013) section 0588 (Inter-disciplinary programmes and qualifications involving natural sciences, mathematics, and statistics) of the international standard classification of education by UNESCO. The Ph.D. candidates will be required to carry out their thesis research under supervision and subsequently compile a thesis that would be presented for examination in the prescribed manner for a Doctoral thesis in all faculties.

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Course code: I837

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Course code: I810

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Course code: I817

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Course code: I834

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Course code: I85

The Doctor of Philosophy in Climate Change and Adaptation programme of the University of Nairobi seeks to impart the science and practice of climate change and adaptation. It explores the fundamental changes caused by anthropogenic and natural activities that influence the alteration of the living earth’s environment.

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Course code: Z81

The PhD programme in Environmental Law focuses on developing the capacity of professionals in the field of development and implementation of environmental regulations, norms and institutions. Such professionals will also advise policymakers, administrators and actors in environmental governance and participate in resolving disputes in the environmental field.

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Course code: Z82

In a world fractured by the effects of environmental degradation, political turmoil, economic crises and chronic famine it is self-evident that cultures of peace depend on good governance and equitable access, utilization and distribution of natural resources. Transformative leaders and change agents with a multidisciplinary practical knowledge on resource economy, policy, legal pluralism, community mobilization skills and appropriate participatory approaches are required to assist communities in sustainable utilization of resources as well as develop policy and generate research data that would guide integrated environmental management. In response to needed human capacity in this area, the institute has developed a multidisciplinary and experiential learning program in peace and environmental studies.

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Higher Doctorate Degrees

Those eligible for the award of a Higher Doctorate of the University of Nairobi must among other requirements be holders of the Doctor of Philosophy or Doctor of Medicine degree of the University of Nairobi or the Doctor of Philosophy degree from any other recognized university of at least five years standing.

The Common Regulations for Higher Doctorates of the University of Nairobi other than Honorary Degrees are set out in the University Calendar. The Higher Doctorate, the regulations stipulate, shall only be awarded for the original published work such as would give a candidate authoritative international standing in his/her particular field of research.

The application must be based wholly or substantially on original work of distinction carried out by the candidate. The term ‘‘published’’ shall mean printed in a referred journal, book or monograph which shall have been made available to the public.

The submitted works by the candidate is assessed by an Evaluation Panel.

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Basic Science

Bachelor of Science in Biology

Course Code- I11

B.Sc. Biology is a program that places emphasis on disciplines that relate to natural resource management such as parasitology, entomology, microbiology and molecular biology. It is expected that these students shall have a broad-based foundation in biology including molecular biology, to provide graduates who will directly contribute to food production and poverty eradication.

Furthermore, the course is designed to produce capability for food processing industries and development, environmental protection and park development which requires specialists in biology and computer mathematical modelling in addition to taxonomists.

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Bachelor of Science in Chemistry

Course Code- I64

Bachelor of Science in Chemistry is a foundational course in chemistry that has material covering the traditional branches of chemistry namely organic, inorganic and physical. It also has courses from other branches of chemistry such as analytical chemistry, environmental chemistry and industrial chemistry as well as other disciplines such as physics. It seeks to explain factors that cause reactions to occur, how they occur and their adverse and non-adverse effects on our well being. It prepares one to pursue postgraduate studies in any of these fundamental branches.

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Bachelor of Science in Mathematics

Course Code- I09

Mathematics is a critical ingredient for the development of social and scientific disciplines. It is therefore absolutely necessary to continuously produce a stream of graduates with strong mathematical foundation and problem-solving skills for the challenges in the research domain as well as in industry in Kenya and globally. With the advances in technology, the nature of research and business is becoming increasingly complex and quantitative. A good background in mathematics is essential for taking full advantage of these developments in technology.

This program will equip the students with the necessary skills and capacity for advanced mathematical research as well as provide the necessary problem-solving skills to deal with real-life situations and emerging issues.

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Bachelor of Science General

Course Code- I20

The University of Nairobi’s Bachelor of Science course offers a unique range of educational opportunities spanning the diverse range of geological profession in the mineral, water, energy and environmental studies. The driving philosophy is geared towards the promotion of effective training, relevant research and academic excellence in geological and related fields. To enrich this program, the Department maintains close links with the needs of practice through scholarship, research, consultancy and the realization of the National and International development policy statements such as Vision 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) respectively. Virtually all the courses under this program are recognized and accredited by the Geological Society of Kenya, which is the relevant professional body in the country.

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Master programmes

Master of Science in Mathematics

Course code – I577

The rationale of this programme is to provide students with the opportunity to develop confidence and skills to apply mathematical techniques to solve practical problems in society in general. This course is ideal for those who excel in and enjoy mathematics, in particular modelling and especially those who like asking ‘What if?’ It will equip the student with the skills to become a mathematician and also offer a good starting point for those who want to use their skills in application of Mathematics.The overall objective of the course is to enable students to acquire an understanding of the fundamental structure of Mathematics, and lay a firm foundation for the study of Mathematics and its applications

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Master of Science in Physics 

Course code – I579

The M.Sc. Program aims at providing sufficient basis for specialization in the various distinct areas of Physics as a subject. The goal of the programme is to train high-level and competent personnel with the relevant knowledge and refined skills in Physics that are necessary for scientific innovations capable of making transformative contribution to the world of knowledge and further addressing societal challenges of industrial and human resource development for the betterment of humanity through Creation, Preservation, Integration, Transmission and Utilization of knowledge.

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Master of Science in Chemistry

Course code – I571

Master of Science in Chemistry has materials covering the traditional branches of chemistry namely organic, inorganic and physical chemistry. It also has courses from other branches of chemistry such as analytical chemistry and industrial chemistry. It seeks to explain factors that course reactions to occur, how they occur and their adverse and non adverse effects on our well being. Graduate students will in addition to the traditional areas of chemistry take courses in descriptive inorganic and physical inorganic chemistry. They will also be introduced to bioinorganic chemistry, inorganic polymers, research methods, reaction kinetics and synthetic chemistry.

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Doctoral programmes 

Basic Sciences


Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Physics

Course Code- I801

The goal of the programme is to train high-level and competent research scholars and, in many cases, future university faculty members personnel with the relevant knowledge and refined skills in thematic areas of physics such as condensed Matter Physics, Geo- and Space Physics, Electronics and Instrumentation, Nuclear and Radiation Physics and Laser Physics and Spectroscopy. This is necessary for scientific innovations capable of making transformative contribution to the world of knowledge and further addressing societal challenges of industrial and human resource development for the betterment of humanity.

The curriculum runs for three academic years.

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Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Meteorology

Course Code- I805

The PhD programme in Meteorology  is designed to provide students with advanced theoretical and practical knowledge in Meteorology and it application weather and climate related issue. The programme is designed to meet the needs of those graduates seeking careers in the fields such as Weather prediction, Climate Change Science; Climate Modeling; Agrometeorology, Hydrometeorology, Atmospheric Pollution and Physical Oceanography.

The curriculum runs for three academic years.

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Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Chemistry

Course Code- I809

The PhD in chemistry covers the traditional branches of chemistry namely organic, inorganic and physical chemistry. It also has courses from other branches of chemistry such as analytical chemistry and industrial chemistry. It seeks to explain factors that course reactions to occur, how they occur and their adverse and non adverse effects on our well being

The curriculum runs for three academic years.

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Doctor of Philosophy in Geology

Course Code- I822

The purpose of the Ph.D. in Geology is to provide qualifying students with an in-depth understanding and integrated knowledge of advanced applicable theory in the field of geology. A Ph.D. in Geology is a pure science-based research study that requires candidates to demonstrate high-level research capability and make a significant and original academic contribution nationally and internationally at the frontiers of the discipline of specialization.

The curriculum runs for three academic years.

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Doctor of Philosophy in Pure Mathematics

Course Code- I803

A Doctor of Philosophy in Pure Mathematics gives students the opportunity to develop problem-solving skills that can lead to careers in academia, research, or industry.

The curriculum runs for three academic years.

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Higher Doctorate Degrees

Those eligible for the award of a Higher Doctorate of the University of Nairobi must among other requirements be holders of the Doctor of Philosophy or Doctor of Medicine degree of the University of Nairobi or the Doctor of Philosophy degree from any other recognized university of at least five years standing.

The Common Regulations for Higher Doctorates of the University of Nairobi other than Honorary Degrees are set out in the University Calendar. The Higher Doctorate, the regulations stipulate, shall only be awarded for the original published work such as would give a candidate authoritative international standing in his/her particular field of research.

The application must be based wholly or substantially on original work of distinction carried out by the candidate. The term ‘‘published’’ shall mean printed in a referred journal, book or monograph which shall have been made available to the public.

The submitted works by the candidate is assessed by an Evaluation Panel.

Click here for the charges for higher doctorate degrees


Bachelor of Arts in Travel and Tourism Management

Course Code- C78

Since its inception in 1970s, The University of Nairobi’s Kenya Utalii College has been a premier institution in producing skilled human power for the tourism industry both locally and internationally. We feel that there is a growing demand for our product as the globe turns into a village and travel and tourism become the primary modes of leisure and recreation. Our degree program is comprehensive and tailored to prepare students for careers in the travel and tourism industry.

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Bachelor of Arts in Hospitality Management

Course Code- C79

The world has become a global village with many people traveling around the world both for leisure and business. Besides this, international tourism has been on the increase due to the efforts of governments in promoting it as an alternative source of foreign exchange. Domestic tourism in the developing world is also on the rise due to changing human tastes as a response to globalization.

These international and domestic tourists need entertainment and accommodation provided at the highest level of expertise and in professionally managed hospitality establishments, by staff who clearly understand the local and global dynamics of hospitality operations. Kenya Utalii College, through the University of Nairobi, aspires to produce such professionals through the Bachelor of Arts in Hospitality

The BA in Hospitality Management programme is designed with a view to blending theory with practically oriented courses so as to equip the graduate with the tools to enable him/her to confidently manage hospitality establishments in a world-class manner. The course will also enhance the student’s employability in the hospitality

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Media and Communication Studies

Bachelor of Arts in Journalism & Media Studies

Course Code- K59

Generally, communication and information transfer are central to the development of modern society. Communication technologies are part of society’s everyday economic, cultural, and political life. Thus, as mass media communication becomes essential in modern society, with a growing recognition that the study and practice of communication and the various ways it is affects society is vital, and as the world shifts to knowledge-based economy, excellence in journalism and communication training becomes key in the advancement of society. The Bachelor of Arts in Journalism, Media and Communication Studies degree programme provides excellence in practical and comprehensive training suited to the current demands of knowledge and information networked society. It addresses the needs of current students and the media and communication industry in the present times, but with keen focus on the future. The programme is intended to equip students with requisite knowledge and skills to excel in society and professionally.

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Bachelor of Arts in Broadcast Production

Course Code- K62

The University of Nairobi developed the Bachelor of Arts in Broadcast Production (Radio, Television and Film) degree programme in the context of the prospects and challenges facing the industry in Kenya and Africa. There has been phenomenal growth within the communication and media sector in Kenya, and in Africa, brought on by the liberalisation of the airwaves, following the democratisation wave in the early 1990s. The rapid developments in the information and communication technology have also resulted in fundamental changes in the communication and media sector.

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Applied Social Sciences

Bachelor of  Project Planning and Management

Course Code- L46

The Bachelor of Project planning and Management degree programme of the University of Nairobi prepares undergraduate students for careers in project planning and management in both public and private sectors of the economy. The programme intends to offer project management to a broad spectrum of students from the East African region and beyond.

To improve on its utility, the programme will continue to be realigned to be consistent with the changing needs of society. There is need to link with government needs and change in project management. The programme has been developed to offer three options: Project Monitoring, Evaluation and Control, Project Planning, Design and Implementation and Project Financing with each one of them addressing the unique needs of our society.

The flexible schedules will make the programme more accessible. The program will be offered through face – to – face and distance learning modes. The part-time and distance learning programmes are designed to accommodate the special needs of those in full-time employment and other demands.

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Fashion Design

Bachelor of Arts in Design

Course Code- B05

Bachelor of Arts in Design  is a unique programme that offers students  the opportunity to specialize in one of the four areas of Graphic, Interior, Product, Fashion and Textiles and Illustration design hence it is attractive to the youth seeking to create employment through application of creative skills. Graduates from the specializations offered have gone on to engage in self-employment, the public sector and private sectors. In the public sectors the graduates are engaged by the government, parastatals, media/broadcasting and publishing, others are teachers in secondary schools. In private sector, the graduates join advertising firms, publishing and media houses, corporate companies such as Bata Shoes and architectural firms.

The programme has a mix of delivery strategies that includes lectures, professional interactions, technology supported learning and case studies. The students are provided with opportunities to compete with their peers both locally and internationally.

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Interior Design

Bachelor of Arts in Interior Design

Course Code- B321

The University of Nairobi developed the BA in Interior Design to address the challenge of  youth seeking to create employment through their creative skills.  The programme was developed to address the rapidly expanding field of art and design  which responds to societal challenges by imparting skills and opening opportunities for self employment. The schools unique expertise in interior design lends itself to the development of unique,  aesthetic and pleasing furniture and interior spaces both public and private. There is high demand in this area as has been witnessed by fast growth in the building sector in Kenya.

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Masters Programmes

Master of Arts in Communication Studies

Course code – K50

The Master of Arts in Communication degree programme with specializations in Development Communication, Journalism, and Public Relations is intended to prepare students for careers in communication and media in public and private sectors, civil society, and international and inter-governmental organizations. The programme will expose students to broad interdisciplinary perspectives on communication, including communication research techniques; communication for social change; strategic image management; monitoring, management and evaluation of communication; and, journalism and media studies. Emphasis will be placed on mastery of knowledge and acquisition of the skills necessary for demonstrating first-rate techniques in writing and editing, communication planning, public relations, and management of communication and mass media organizations in a dynamic compositional and technological environment. The specialized programme also addresses emerging communication challenges in a changed communication terrain.

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The Master of Library and Information Science

Course code – C54

The Master of Library and Information Science (MLIS) programme of the University of Nairobi is geared towards empowering participants in management and leadership positions in information and knowledge organizations. The programme provides interdisciplinary and blended training opportunities in information and knowledge management, digital strategic planning and e-government, leadership, governance and management, entrepreneurship and innovation, procurement and assets management as well as records and information management. The programme integrates knowledge, skills and competencies to produce professionals who are globally competent, hence making the field of information science central in sustainable development and societal transformation. The course produces information professional leaders who are competent and champions of the digital and information technology revolution. The programme targets graduates from various backgrounds and specializations in humanities, social sciences and natural sciences. This is to ensure that the information professionals have adequate grounding in any discipline together with strong leadership potentials and commitments to deal with the challenges and opportunities of the modern knowledge and digital economy

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Project planning and management

Master of Arts in Project Planning and Management

Course code – L50

The demand for effective educational managers, administrators, curriculum developers, educational planners and educational economists has been on the increase over the years. All the nation’s educational institutions and programmes are expanding and require the services of highly qualified human capital. The school of Education of the University of Nairobi has a duty to contribute to the training of these specialists for the country, region and beyond. Further, with liberalization of economy in recent years, and the democratization processes taking place, there is an urgent need to equip scholars and practitioners in education with broad management skills for the dynamic environment of the second Millennium, hence the need for a practical oriented management development programme for educational specialists. In addition, natural disasters, manmade disasters and armed conflicts are becoming more frequent around the globe affecting an increasing number of children, families and communities hence the need to increase the disaster awareness and preparedness of educational personnel through programmes that are tailor made to address such challenges. The programmes offered by the Department of Educational Administration and Planning will contribute to research into problems affecting national development; and in the development of educational materials for the education systems at all levels of the education system.

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PHD Programmes 

Doctor of Philosophy in Communication & Information Studies

Course Code – K90

The programme emphasizes communication as a social science. The focus of the Ph.D program is on the nature and function of communication information, and media institutions, policies, systems and processes, and their impact on individuals and communities as well as social, organizational, national, and global affairs. The programme provides for a variety of concentration areas in communication and information studies, including but not limited to health communication, organizational communication, development communication, communication and culture, media law and regulation, mass media studies, and communication and information transfer via the new information technologies. To prepare Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) candidates for research, teaching, and/or professional leadership in their chosen area of concentration, candidates shall be required to take seminars.

The curriculum runs for three academic years.

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Library & Information Science

Doctor of Philosophy in Information Science

Course Code- C823

The Doctor of Philosophy in Information Science programme provides advanced level of learning and training through research and teaching in information science. Our vision is to transforming the information profession through excellent academic teaching, learning, research and consultancy for sustainable development. The programme provides unique opportunities for information leaders to play an increasing role in creation and innovation of new knowledge and skills to address societal problems through intellectual research. The programme provides in-depth study in respective areas of research and learning, including conceptualization and realization of information communication technologies (ICTs). This is to enable students to acquire advanced knowledge and skills relevant to the needs and demands of the labour market and employment opportunities at national and international levels.

The curriculum runs for three academic years.

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Applied Social Sciences

Doctor of Philosophy in Project Planning & Management

Course Code- L83

The PhD in Project Planning & Management provide an opportunity for candidates with an outstanding academic background to engage in an advanced study in a specialized field of research. Candidates are expected to have intellectual curiosity, self- discipline and a high level of motivation to be able to carry out research in their various areas of specialization and make a significant contribution to knowledge. The programme provides for a wide variety of specialization in project management. To prepare Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) candidates for advanced research and writing skills in their chosen area of specialization, candidates shall be required to take supporting coursework comprising seven course units lasting at least three semesters.

The curriculum runs for three academic years.

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Higher Doctorate Degrees

Those eligible for the award of a Higher Doctorate of the University of Nairobi must among other requirements be holders of the Doctor of Philosophy or Doctor of Medicine degree of the University of Nairobi or the Doctor of Philosophy degree from any other recognized university of at least five years standing.

The Common Regulations for Higher Doctorates of the University of Nairobi other than Honorary Degrees are set out in the University Calendar. The Higher Doctorate, the regulations stipulate, shall only be awarded for the original published work such as would give a candidate authoritative international standing in his/her particular field of research.

The application must be based wholly or substantially on original work of distinction carried out by the candidate. The term ‘‘published’’ shall mean printed in a referred journal, book or monograph which shall have been made available to the public.

The submitted works by the candidate is assessed by an Evaluation Panel.

Click here for the charges for higher doctorate degrees


Bachelor of Commerce (B.COM)

Course code – D33

 The Bachelor of Commerce programme of the University of Nairobi prepares undergraduate students for careers in business management both in the public and private sectors of the economy. To improve on its utility, the programme has been and will continue to be realigned to be consistent with the changing needs of society. It has developed from a programme of three options into the presently eight distinct options: Accounting, Finance, Marketing, Risk Management and Insurance, Human Resources Management, Business Information Systems, Procurement and Supply Chain Management and Operations Management, each one addressing the unique needs of our society.

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Bachelor of Science Finance and Accounting

Course code – D35

 This is a premier finance degree programme with a broad management context that combines theoretical and practical knowledge and experience that is appealing to a wide variety of employers and those want to be self-employed. This programme is an addition to the School of Business portfolio of degree programmes.

 This programme will provide the learner with the necessary preparation for a career within the finance industry.  It will provide the learner with an excellent mix of finance, economics, accounting and more general management knowledge, skills and competencies.

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Bachelor of Laws (L.LB)

Course code – G34

Our premise is that the study of law should inculcate in students the requisite knowledge, skills and attitudes for a broad range of theories and practice areas. This proceeds from the fact that law is a contextual discipline informed by the social, economic, political and cultural context in which it operates. Indeed, law always interacts, is shaped by, and in turn shapes, the context in which it operates. This contextual nature of law will inform our teaching.

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Bachelor of Economics

Course code – X74

The Bachelor of Economics programme prepares students for globally competitive careers. The graduates have well-developed intellectual skills in economics. This is evident as graduates hold top careers in Economics at the local and international levels. This is a 4 -year undergraduate programme and students are expected to cover 54 units of study, each with 45 contact hours.

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Bachelor of Economics and Statistics

Course code – X75

The Bachelor of Economics and Statistics programme prepares students for globally competitive careers. The graduates have well-developed intellectual skills in economics. This is evident as graduates hold top careers in Economics at the local and international levels. This is a 4-year programme and students are expected to cover 54 units of study, each with 45 contact hours.

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Education (Arts)

Bachelor of Education (Arts)

Course code – E35

The Bachelor of Education (Arts) programme is intended to prepare teachers for secondary schools.  However, it is also suitable for people who are involved in educational management and training in the tertiary institutions both in the public and private sectors.  In addition, some subject combinations provide competency in Economic Planning, Business and Financial Management as well as Accounting Practices.  Students who go through the programme can also become trainers in tertiary institutions as well as institutions of higher learning.

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Master of Education

Course code – E55

The demand for effective educational managers, administrators, curriculum developers, educational planners and educational economists has been on the increase over the years. All the nation’s educational institutions and programmes are expanding and require the services of highly qualified human capital. The school of Education of the University of Nairobi has a duty to contribute to the training of these specialists for the country, region and beyond.

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Master of Business Administration

Course code – D61

The Master of Business Administration (MBA) programme of the University of Nairobi seeks to equip participants with skills, techniques and understanding required for successful managerial careers in the public and private sectors of the economy.  The UoN MBA programme strength is founded on its long history since 1972, experienced lecturers with a wide variety of backgrounds, and diversity in the student body in terms of backgrounds and nationalities. Participants are drawn from the Eastern African region and beyond. Our proximity to the vibrant Nairobi metropolis and central location gives us an important competitive edge regionally. The course is distinguished by its rigor and variety, offering one of the highest numbers of specialization options in the region. In its most recent revision, we benchmarked against top universities worldwide in North America, Europe, South Africa and the Far East. The quality of our graduates remains undisputed and will be zealously guarded through strict quality control and benchmarking with the world’s best.

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Master of Science in Human Resource

Course code – D64

Human resource managers are increasingly recognized as important contributors to overall business success. The Master of Science degree in Human Resource Management is designed to strengthen the ability of human resource professionals to perform this strategic role.  The degree emphasizes the application of the knowledge, competencies, and skills necessary to integrate business and human resource strategies. The Master of Science degree in Human Resource Management is designed to help human resource practitioners tap into new opportunities, handle new responsibilities and respond to new imperatives. The degree programme will open the door to advanced career opportunities and increase graduates competitiveness in this field. Graduates of this high-quality degree programme will be well prepared to address the wide spectrum of challenges facing the human resource management profession in this era of global competition. The degree is intended to prepare graduates for existing human resource positions such as Human Resource Director/Manager, International Human Resource Consultant, Organizational Development and Change Strategist, Human Resource Development Specialist and Reward Management Specialist.

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Master of Science in Finance

Course code – D63

The Master of Science (MSc) degree in Finance is designed to assist students enhance their managerial effectiveness within the fields of Finance, Accounting, Investments, Banking and Insurance.  The programme is practical and career-oriented, while maintaining high standards of rigour and scholarship. It provides new skills, analytical tools and perspectives, which provide a sound basis for financial management, accounting, investments, banking and insurance. Students are to be drawn from the Eastern and Central African region and beyond.

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Master of Science in Marketing

Course code – D65

Recent changes in the national, regional and global environments justify introduction of marketing science oriented academic programs in the School of Business. These changes include  the increased customer expectations especially in terms of the quality and range of goods and services; the rapid advance of micro-electronic technology which has revolutionized many of the processes by which goods and services are made available; increased competition in provision of goods and services; greater emphasis on consumer rights in terms of safety, reliability and  better information; fast improvements in worldwide communication systems enabling faster flow of information between customers, suppliers, and market intermediaries; increased supra-national laws and regulations affecting business as a result of decisions made by key international organizations; and fast changing global economic and socio-political environments.

To successfully manage the above demands of the modern information technology-based economy our graduates must be appropriately empowered. Although the current MBA Program offers several marketing courses, it is primarily a conversion degree in which students from all disciplines are admitted for purposes of acquiring general management principles. The Msc Marketing is a highly specialized course which provides students with valuable breadth and depth of marketing science. The government, the industry and the academia have also expressed keen immense demand for marketing science empowered graduates. These factors, among others, constitute the rationale for adding Msc in marketing to the package of customer driven programmes offered by the School of Business.

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Master of Science in Entrepreneurship and Innovations

Course code – D66

Entrepreneurship and innovation management represent the most important engines of value and new wealth creation in the contemporary economy. The Master of Science degree in Entrepreneurship and Innovations Management of the University of Nairobi is designed to give business managers and professionals a focused, relevant and utilizable body of knowledge in entrepreneurship and innovation management, suitable for people with an interest in starting and managing innovative ventures either within existing structures or by realizing new economic endeavours. As most corporations today realize that they need to be more innovative and entrepreneurial, the programme is positioned to prepare participants to help meet this challenge. The Master of Science degree in Entrepreneurship and Innovations Management is, therefore, devised in a way that can be utilized to position oneself for a fast-track career in innovative companies. The degree programme seeks to equip participants with requisite skills and knowledge for managing start-up businesses as well as successful entrepreneurial and innovative management of existing enterprises. The degree is intended to develop high caliber manpower for developing entrepreneurship through research, policy and practice. The programme is suited for people who hold senior managerial positions as well as those who intend to take up careers in advisory roles in entrepreneurship related programmes.  The programme offers students an opportunity to learn about and work directly with entrepreneurial firms.  The programme also provides an excellent preparation for students wishing to obtain an integrated view of business operations.

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Master of Science in Supply Chain Management

Course code – D67

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Master of Science in Operations and Technology Management

Course code – D68

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Master of Laws (LLM)

Course code – G62

The Master of Laws course is designed for students who are interested in gaining further skills and specializing in specific areas of law. The programme will enable students with a Bachelor’s Degree in law to delve into emerging areas of law at the national, regional and international levels.

The LLM programme consists of coursework, end of semester examinations and a project report. Teaching methods include lectures and seminars and group presentations. The programme is mounted for a minimum of three and a maximum of ten semesters of fifteen weeks each. Candidates are required to take a total of nine course units, carry out research and write a project report. These course units include three compulsory core units and at least four units in the candidates’ thematic area. The project is equivalent to four course units.

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Master of Arts in Economic Policy Management

Course code – X51

The program aims at meeting the demand for senior economic policy analysts and managers. Students will be equipped with: 1) a firm understanding of economic principles; and 2) ability to analyze a wide range of economic problems and formulate and implement meaningful economic policies. Each student will, at the end of training be proficient in economic theory, quantitative methods and applications (including computer applications, and in economic policy analysis and management).

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Master of Science in Health Economics and Policy

Course code – X53

This syllabus and accompanying regulations will prepare masters level graduates of economics to address complex multilateral trade needs of our time by equipping them with such economics and law as is useful in guiding the multilateral trade agreements of an evolving global trading system.

The program shall consist of 2 years of full time study by coursework, examination and a research project. The first year of study shall be devoted to coursework only, while the second year will be devoted to further coursework (first semester), and preparation of the research project. In each of the two semesters of the first year, the candidates shall be required to take FOUR units (4 core courses per semester). In the first semester of the second year, candidates shall be required to take 4 elective courses. The second semester of the second year will be completely devoted to research and preparation of a research project. The maximum duration for completion of the programme is 4 years.

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Doctor of Education

Course Code- E96

The Doctor of Education is an innovative programme based on the belief that theory and practice must be combined in a “hands on” learning environment that focuses on learning by doing. The university’s aim is to offer a demand-driven doctoral programme to meet the increasing need for competent educational managers, planners, economists and curriculum developers for the education sector. The programme blends four core disciplines of the department, namely, Educational Administration, Educational Planning, Economics of Education and Curriculum Studies and seeks to provide learners with an in depth analysis of basic principles, concepts techniques and conditions of the core areas.

The curriculum runs for three academic years.

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Doctor of Philosophy degree in Business Administration

Course Code- D80

The PhD in Business Administration programme provides for a wide variety of specializations in management. To prepare Doctor of Philosophy (PhD.) candidates for advanced research, teaching and writing skills in their chosen area of specialization, candidates shall be required to take supporting coursework comprising six course units and lasting at least two semesters. The PhD. programme seeks to orient candidates to the informed and critical application of knowledge to problems and issues concerning management disciplines and professions. The doctoral programme is intended to enhance individuals’ capacity and skills for positions involving teaching, and research, in local and international institutions.

The curriculum runs for three academic years.

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Doctor of Philosophy degree in Law

Course Code- G80

The PhD in Law is designed to provide advanced training to qualified graduate students who have already obtained a Masters of Laws (LLM) degree or its equivalent. The PhD prepares graduates for various career opportunities including teaching, legal research, policy development and public service among others.

The doctoral programme consists of full-time or part-time study and research and the writing of a thesis.

The curriculum runs for three academic years.

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Doctor of Philosophy degree in Economics

Course Code- X80

The PhD in Economics is designed to train graduates to conduct high quality research and  to make authentic contributions to the field of economics. The School has an outstanding research capacity. Areas of capacity concentration include development economics, health economics, environmental and resource economics, macroeconomics, trade and finance, industrial and enterprise economics. Over the years, the School has enjoyed close research/training collaboration with the University of Gothenburg, Cornell University, the World Trade Organisation and the Development Institute of the World Bank, the Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis, the Institute for Policy Analysis and Research, and the African Centre for Economic Growth.

The curriculum runs for four academic years.

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Higher Doctorate Degrees

Those eligible for the award of a Higher Doctorate of the University of Nairobi must among other requirements be holders of the Doctor of Philosophy or Doctor of Medicine degree of the University of Nairobi or the Doctor of Philosophy degree from any other recognized university of at least five years standing.

The Common Regulations for Higher Doctorates of the University of Nairobi other than Honorary Degrees are set out in the University Calendar. The Higher Doctorate, the regulations stipulate, shall only be awarded for the original published work such as would give a candidate authoritative international standing in his/her particular field of research.

The application must be based wholly or substantially on original work of distinction carried out by the candidate. The term ‘‘published’’ shall mean printed in a referred journal, book or monograph which shall have been made available to the public.

The submitted works by the candidate is assessed by an Evaluation Panel.

Click here for the charges for higher doctorate degrees


Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology

Course code – N06

The study of Anthropology is now widely recognized in developmental circles as a crucial subject in the development of any nation. Many countries in Africa are currently going through economic, demographic and political transition. The Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology programme is designed to fill the need created by lack of qualified locally trained anthropologists. It prepares the students to face current and future challenges of development in Kenya following anthropology’s holistic approach to issues.

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Social Work & Development Studies

Bachelor of Arts Gender and Development Studies

Course code – N12

The need to integrate gender concerns in all situations of development interventions has been the focus of many development efforts throughout the world over the last few decades.  The reason for the concern is the need to work towards a more equitable gender balance in all sectors of the economy and in different facets of life.

The Bachelor of Arts in Gender and Development Studies programme is designed and developed to articulate gender and development issues in a changing political, socio-economic and cultural environment.

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International Relations

Bachelor of Arts International Studies

Course code – R67

The Bachelor of Arts in International Studies programme is structured and designed to ensure that students acquire an appreciation of the importance of international studies in the contemporary world. It is designed to prepare students for careers in governments and their institutions and, in nongovernmental organizations, the private sector, international and regional institutions. Students will be exposed to debates in literature, research issues and developments in international studies. The programme is tailored to ensure that students possess an understanding of the complexity of international studies. The programme is unique and tailor made to suit emerging international developments. It is thus set to meet discipline and sector requirements. The programme is a response to demands from within and outside the country.

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Master programmes

Master of Arts in Communication Studies

Course code – K50

The Master of Arts in Communication degree programme with specializations in Development Communication, Journalism, and Public Relations is intended to prepare students for careers in communication and media in public and private sectors, civil society, and international and inter-governmental organizations. The programme will expose students to broad interdisciplinary perspectives on communication, including communication research techniques; communication for social change; strategic image management; monitoring, management and evaluation of communication; and, journalism and media studies. Emphasis will be placed on mastery of knowledge and acquisition of the skills necessary for demonstrating first-rate techniques in writing and editing, communication planning, public relations, and management of communication and mass media organizations in a dynamic compositional and technological environment. The specialized programme also addresses emerging communication challenges in a changed communication terrain.

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The Master of Library and Information Science

Course code – C54

The Master of Library and Information Science (MLIS) programme of the University of Nairobi is geared towards empowering participants in management and leadership positions in information and knowledge organizations. The programme provides interdisciplinary and blended training opportunities in information and knowledge management, digital strategic planning and e-government, leadership, governance and management, entrepreneurship and innovation, procurement and assets management as well as records and information management. The programme integrates knowledge, skills and competencies to produce professionals who are globally competent, hence making the field of information science central in sustainable development and societal transformation. The course produces information professional leaders who are competent and champions of the digital and information technology revolution. The programme targets graduates from various backgrounds and specializations in humanities, social sciences and natural sciences. This is to ensure that the information professionals have adequate grounding in any discipline together with strong leadership potentials and commitments to deal with the challenges and opportunities of the modern knowledge and digital economy

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Master of Arts in Diplomacy

Course code – R51

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Master of Arts in International Relations

Course code – C528

The Course shall last for a minimum of four semesters and a maximum of six semesters. Students shall take twelve units and a project paper equivalent to four units. Each course unit shall be covered by 45 hours of study. The course will be conducted through lectures, seminars and tutorials.

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Master of Arts in International Studies

Course code – R50

The MA. course in International Studies is designed as an academic course with emphasis on subject areas of practical use and importance in the conduct of international affairs. It is aimed at students, diplomats, professionals, business people and other individuals interested in furthering their academic and/or career objectives in the conduct of international affairs.

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Master of Arts in Anthropology

Annual fees – 216,000

Course code – N50 (August/September 2021/2022 Academic Year intake)

Anthropology is the study of humankind in a broad and comparative perspective. It provides a unified conception of human nature and human experience. One of the strengths of anthropology as a discipline is its “holistic” or integrative approach; it links the life sciences and the humanities and has strong links with disciplines ranging from biology and psychology to linguistics, political science, and the fine arts. Anthropology is appropriate for people with a wide interest including human cultures and civilizations both present and past, human variation, and human and animal behaviour.

The Master of arts (MA in Anthropology is designed to cater for graduates of anthropology and any other discipline interested in the applications of anthropology in their work It is aimed at interested in furthering their academic and professional expertise in the field of anthropology and other related disciplines.

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Master of Arts in Gender and Development Studies

Course code – N69

The master of Arts in Gender and Development studies is for students who are interested in gaining further skills and knowledge in gender and development issues. The program will enable students to mainstream gender into development planning, programming and policy implementation to achieve gender equality in resource allocation between women and men in society. It deals with critical gender analysis and practical skills as constructive approaches to reforming development practice towards more equitable and sustainable outcomes.

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Master of Arts in Women Leadership and Governance in Africa

Course code – M10

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Master of Development Studies (MDEV)

Course code – T51

Development Studies is a multi-disciplinary programme whose teaching, research and practice are continuously evolving in tandem with change processes in the society. Consequently, the relevance of the programme depends on the extent to which it reflects salient issues in the society. The Institute for Development Studies’ (IDS) master’s programme addresses contemporary development issues using appropriate theories and methodological approaches. The courses apply formal study and practical experience in the social sciences. The curriculum takes advantage of the varied academic background and experience of IDS staff to o ff er a programme characterised by theoretical rigour, emphasis on research methodology, people orientation and an interdisciplinary issue-based approach.

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Master of Arts in Armed Conflict and Peace Studies

Course code – C516

This programme aims at exposing students to a wide scope and advanced knowledge in conflict and peace research. It is predicated on a multilayered approach to understanding conflict and the varied mechanisms of realizing peace. The programme was set up due the general desire by learners to develop a deep understanding of the subject of Armed Conflict and Peace and consequently create a pool of professionals armed with knowledge and skills to tackle conflicts and entrench peace in many parts of the world. It aims to encourage the acquisition of armed conflict and peace knowledge that is underpinned by critical analysis, interpretation and presentation of data.
Learners are expected to demonstrate analytical and logical knowledge on issues of conflict and peace
ii. Develop capability to create and disseminate knowledge in Conflict and Peace Studies

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Master of research and Public Policy

Course code – C52

Master of Research and Public Policy (MRPP) is a collaborative graduate programme involving 16 universities from 9 countries in Africa under the auspices of Partnership for African Social and Governance Research (PASGR). The programme has a dual focus on social science research and public policy as distinct from public administration or public management. It targets those who wish to be researchers and future academics as well as policy practitioners as it applies public policy as an area of applied research as well as professional practice.

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Master of Public Administration

Course code – C51

The Master of Public Administration (MPA) programme is designed to benefit and tap the experiences of practitioners currently working in the Kenyan public service and from other organisations. The programme also targets public servants and other interested individuals from other countries in the region and beyond. As a needs-based programme, it enables students to acquire requisite knowledge and skills to improve their performance in public service and develop insights and skills needed to plan, formulate, execute policy, as well as to monitor and evaluate. The programme has been developed in consultation with the key stakeholders in Kenya’s public service, namely the Ministry of State for Public Service and the Kenya Institute of Administration (KIA). As Kenyans endeavour to fulfill vision 2030, there is the need to retrain and re-equip the current crop of officers as well as those who have just joined or intend to join the service with the necessary conceptual and analytical tools to analyse, formulate and conduct policies.

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Master of Arts in Population

Course code – Q50

The Master of Arts Programme in Population Studies is intended to prepare demographers, and social scientists for careers in Government Services, academic and private sector. Students will be exposed to a broad inter-disciplinary perspective of the complexity of causes of population change at the individual, family, community, national and international level. Particular attention will be given to mastering of skills necessary for conducting high quality population research aimed at furthering the national development goals.

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Master of Arts in Monitoring and Evaluation

Course code – Q51

The Master of Arts (M&E) Programme is intended to provide learners with knowledge to conceptualize programmes within the logic framework, develop M&E indicators, monitoring systems, develop evaluation plans for programmes, conduct research and evaluations and advocate for the utilization of M&E results for evidence based decision making.

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Master of Arts in Translation

Course code – Y61

The MA in Translation is intended to respond to the situation outlined in the philosophy of this course by providing students who wish to undertake masters studies in Translation, with an opportunity to delve into the theoretical and practical depths of Translation. The course also gives such students an opportunity to acquire necessary competences and to advance their research and practical skills.

This is a professional course designed to train professional translators to high international standards in order for them to become practitioners who are well equipped to practice in the global market. It is intended to fill a training gap in this region as there are no other institutions offering such a programme.

This is a postgraduate degree programme that is designed to equip students with the theoretical and practical skills necessary for them to become professional translators. Apart from equipping them with the knowledge and understanding of the discipline of translation, the programme also has a strong practical element in which students will translate texts from various fields and cultural contexts. The course is designed for practicing translators, linguists, professionals from various fields and all those keen on improving their translation skills or starting a career in translation. The programme offers training in translation in various languages including English, Kiswahili, Arabic, French, Spanish, German and Chinese.

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Master of Arts in Interpretation

Course code – Y62

As the world moves into the future, people are striving to integrate thereby making mediation inevitable and Interpretation a more needed tool to enable communication to take place in linguistic and cultural diversity. There arises the need therefore, to entrench the understanding of the discipline of Interpretation through research and the training of interpreters at a higher academic level, and hence a demand for high caliber trained interpreters who in turn will train others and carry out research in the different aspects of the discipline.

The Master of Arts in Interpretation is an Applied Linguistics programme which centres mainly on impacting the learner with the understanding of theoretical underpinnings on which the practical skills of Interpretation are anchored. For the learners to gain mastery and the necessary competence in the handling these aspects of Interpretation, a bachelor’s degree is not adequate for their familiarization with the literature and theoretical perspectives needed in order to carry out become appropriate Interpretation. Addressing these issues adequately calls for comprehensive practical coursework in the MA in Interpretation curriculum.

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Master of Arts in Geography and Environmental Studies

Course code – C538 (August/September 2021/2022 Academic Year intake)

This programme was developed in order to address the emerging interest in prudent environmental management after the world realized the planet resources are finite and were getting depleted at very high rate hence the need for sustainable development that takes care of the present and future generations. After the Rio Summit on Environment and Development which proposed the Agenda 21 (Agenda for the 21st Century) each country promised to implement projects and land use activities that protects and preserves environmental integrity. Such projects require highly trained personnel hence the need for our country to start advanced training on the management of environment and natural resources. The Subject Benchmarks under this programme, within the UNESCO International Standard Classification of Education, include 031 (environmental sciences); 0522 (Natural environments and wildlife), 0532 (Earth sciences, especially Geography), 0712 (environmental protection) and 1022(occupational health and safety)

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Master of Arts in Strategic Studies and Security Studies

Course code – C542 (August/September 2021/2022 Academic Year intake)

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Master of Arts in Kiswahili Studies

Course code – C508 (August/September 2021/2022 Academic Year intake)

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Master of Arts in German Studies

Course code – C531 (August/September 2021/2022 Academic Year intake)

In a world where international relations are vital, and where Kenya is expected to play a prominent role, one cannot overemphasize the need for German, being one of the most widely used languages in international business. The main aim of the envisaged program is to produce graduates who equipped with skills necessary on job market in the area of diplomacy, cultural exchange, translation and international relations. In addition, the students will get sufficient training to enable pursue academic careers in the area of German Studies. The program is thematically diverse and offers training opportunities in all key areas of German Studies. Obtaining a Masters degree in German Studies will make the graduate “Germany experts” especially in the area of diplomacy and economic cooperation since Germany is now the leading economy in Europe. Linguistically, German is the most widely spoken language in the European Union. As is the case with other international languages, there is abundant literature written in German in the field of natural sciences, engineering, humanities, and philosophy. Graduates from the M.A, will thus be able to assess the literature. Finally, graduates from the Masters program in German Studies are needed as tutorial fellows and teaching assistants at various universities in Sub-Sahara Africa. That is precisely why the M.A. program has a strong international outlook with stakeholders in Africa and Germany.

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Master of Psychology

Course code – C541 (August/September 2021/2022 Academic Year intake)

Psychology is the scientific study of human behaviour and mental processes whose goals include description, prediction, understanding, and influencing behaviour and mental processes. Psychology seeks to prevent, alleviate, and solve human problems and improve people’s lives. The social and economic development of the 20th century in Kenya have seen communities that used to provide social support to their members disintegrate. This has resulted in a number of social problems such as drug abuse among the youth and lack of care for the needy. These contemporary problems require professional intervention by psychologists to improve the situation of those affected by these changes. Unfortunately, for a long time there were limited opportunities for such training locally

Master of Counseling Psychology

Course code – C544 (August/September 2021/2022 Academic Year intake)

Psychology is the scientific study of behaviour and mental processes. The goals of psychology are to describe, explain, control and predict behaviour. While other branches of psychology describe, explain and predict behaviour, counselling psychology is one of the branches of psychology that helps to control behaviour. Behaviour is controlled through guidance where professional information is offered by a counsellor to prevent occurrence of a problem, or through counselling which is a face-to-face relationship through which the counsellor uses his or her professional skills to help a client to solve his or her problem. In a world full of diverse challenges, counselling psychology helps clients who are facing diverse challenges not to give up in life but to face and solve the problem.

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Social Work & Development Studies

Doctoral programmes

Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Development Studies

Course Code- T80

The PhD in Development Studies offers students already grounded in the social sciences an opportunity for advanced academic work in the field of development studies. The programme blends development theories with development practice by exploring through research work, the central theoretical and methodological issues in development studies, with the aim of furthering knowledge on changing paradigms and their applicability to understanding the development process. The programme aims to prepare students for senior positions in the field of development studies both as researchers and policy analysts with the primary aim of making the development process meaningful, interactive and sustainable. The students will be expected to participate in seminars and conduct in-depth research on a development topic falling within the research priorities of the Institute.

The curriculum runs for three academic years.

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Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Gender and Development Studies

Course Code- N81

The PhD in Gender and Development Studies is for students who are interested in gaining further skills and knowledge in gender and development issues. The programme will enable students to mainstream gender into development planning, programming and policy implementation to achieve gender equality in resource allocation between women and men in society. It deals with critical gender analysis and practical skills as constructive approaches to reforming development practice towards more equitable and sustainable outcomes. The rationale of the programme is to relate different analytical and policy concerns raised in gender and development to specific sectoral plans and policies at all levels and stages of development interventions.

The doctoral programme consists of full time or part-time study, research and writing of thesis. The Common Regulations for the Doctor of Philosophy in all faculties apply.

The curriculum runs for three academic years.

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Doctor of Philosophy Degree in African Women Studies

Course Code- M20

The course is offered on full-time, part-time and through Open, Distance and Electronic Learning modes of study. It consists of course work, examinations and thesis. On successful completion of coursework, the candidate shall present for approval a research proposal at a seminar organized by the AWSC. After approval of the research proposal, the candidate will undertake supervised research, write and submit a thesis within the remaining period of the programme.

Each candidate shall be required to successfully complete a minimum of six (6) course units (five core and one elective). Each unit will have a 45 contact hours covered within a semester of 15 weeks.

The programme lasts for a minimum of six (6) semesters and a maximum of ten (10) semesters from the date of registration.

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Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Anthropology

Course Code- N79

The University of Nairobi’s PhD in Anthropology is the leading and oldest anthropology programme in Kenya with decades of high quality research and teaching.

Students undertaking this programme are supported by a dedicated staff and faculty as well as access to high quality research resources.

The curriculum runs for three academic years.

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International Relations & Diplomacy

Doctor of Philosophy Degree in International Studies

Course Code- R82

The Objective of the PhD in International Studies is to provide students with extensive academic skills and knowledge in their areas of specialization and also to aid students in the development of ideas and solutions to problems that may arise in their fields of specialization with the passage of time.

Students upon completion of the course can participate in various career fields such as teaching, research and other scholarly work. The programme  will normally be by research and thesis.

The curriculum runs for three academic years.

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Applied Humanities

Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Translation

Course Code- Y71

The PhD in translation is intended to respond to the situation outlined in the philosophy of this course by providing students who wish to undertake doctoral studies in translation, with an opportunity to delve into the theoretical and practical depths of translation in which they have research interest. The course also gives such students an opportunity to acquire necessary competences and to advance their research and practical skills.

The curriculum runs for three academic years.

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Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Interpretation

Course Code- Y72

The PhD in Interpretation is intended to respond to the situation outlined in the philosophy of this course by providing students who wish to undertake doctoral studies in interpretation, with an opportunity to delve into the theoretical and practical depths of interpretation in which they have research interest. The course also gives such students an opportunity to acquire necessary competences and to advance their research and practical skills.


The curriculum runs for three academic years.

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Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Population Studies

Course Code- Q80

The aim of this program is to provide students with extensive knowledge and skills beyond those they may have acquired at Master’s Degree level in order to enable them to pursue careers that require more advanced degree in population studies.

The curriculum runs for three academic years.

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Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Environmental Planning and Management

Course Code- Q818

The PhD in Environmental  Planning and Management is designed to  to promote environmentally sound development strategies within the framework of national development planning and to suggest realistic options. The program produces graduates able  to analyze and understand environmental concerns and challenges, as well as incorporating environmental considerations in development, planning and decision making.

The curriculum runs for three academic years.

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Higher Doctorate Degrees

Those eligible for the award of a Higher Doctorate of the University of Nairobi must among other requirements be holders of the Doctor of Philosophy or Doctor of Medicine degree of the University of Nairobi or the Doctor of Philosophy degree from any other recognized university of at least five years standing.

The Common Regulations for Higher Doctorates of the University of Nairobi other than Honorary Degrees are set out in the University Calendar. The Higher Doctorate, the regulations stipulate, shall only be awarded for the original published work such as would give a candidate authoritative international standing in his/her particular field of research.

The application must be based wholly or substantially on original work of distinction carried out by the candidate. The term ‘‘published’’ shall mean printed in a referred journal, book or monograph which shall have been made available to the public.

The submitted works by the candidate is assessed by an Evaluation Panel.

Click here for the charges for higher doctorate degrees

Bachelor of Arts

Course code – C01

The University of Nairobi offers a wide range of academic programmes leading to Bachelor of Arts (BA) degrees in diverse fields of humanities and social sciences spread across 11 departments and 1 sub-department. The Bachelor of Arts programme promotes excellence in teaching, research and publications in humanities and social sciences, generation and dissemination of knowledge on cultural, socio-economic, political and geographical environment, while preserving and encouraging the best in our national heritage.

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Master of Arts

Course code C50

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Master of Arts in Human Rights

Course code C53

The human rights and peace programme was established in 2008. Since then, the programme has grown very rapidly.  It undertakes collaborative multidisciplinary teaching, training, research, consultancy and community service in human rights and peace, and currently spearheads a Master of Arts Degree in human rights at the University. It draws staff from the University of Nairobi School of law, School of Economics, School of Diplomacy and International Studies, School of Journalism and Mass Communication, Faculty of Arts, and Institute of Anthropology, Gender and African Studies.

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Master of Arts in Philosophy

Course code C502

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Master of Arts in Religious Studies

Course code C503

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Master of Arts in History

Course code C505

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Master of Arts in Sociology (Rural Sociology & Community Development)

Course code C510

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Master of Arts in Medical Sociology

Course code C511

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Master of Arts in Sociology (Disaster Management)

Course code C512

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Master of Arts in Sociology (Criminology and Social Order)

Course code C514

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Master of Arts in Literature

Course code C527

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Master of Arts in Linguistics

Course code C507

The aim of this syllabus is to train competent teachers and lecturers of various subjects in theoretical and applied linguistics, competent researchers in the same areas, and people capable of describing any language spoken in Kenya. Its specific objectives are:

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Master of Arts in Political Science and Public Administration

Course code C501

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Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Philosophy

Course Code- C805

The PhD. programme in Philosophy by thesis is governed by the common regulations for registration and qualification of doctoral candidates in the Faculty of Arts. After defending a proposal for a research topic that is vetted by the Department at a Departmental Seminar, a PhD candidate will work on the topic of his or her choice under the supervision of Senior Departmental Academic staff.

The curriculum runs for three academic years.

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Doctor of Philosophy in History

Course Code- C807

Undertaking a PhD research at UoN is an exciting experience which goes beyond the interactions between the student and supervisor/s. Our students are exposed to teaching and learning from multiple disciplines in the university. Exposing students to diverse shades of intellectual discourse through teaching by different lecturers and research is a crucial goal of this programme. We consequently graduate individuals who are exposed and grounded on the potent multiplicity of intellectual opinions that exist beyond history as a discipline.

The curriculum runs for three academic years.

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Religious Studies

Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Religious Studies

Course Code- C813

The Doctor of Philosophy in Religious Studies is an advanced degree for graduates of the historical faculties department awarded via dissertation. Religious studies focus on the supernatural, sacred or divine and the moral code, ritual practices, dogmas, values or associated institutions. Religion has several functions that are expressed through the human behaviour: cognitive or action function, anxiety reduction, social function, compensation and identity.

The curriculum runs for three academic years.

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Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Geography

Course Code- C84

The Doctor of Philosophy degree in Geography is an advanced degree for graduates of geography interested in pursuing research careers or joining academia among other career opportunities. Students normally specialize in a single sub-disciplinary area and are expected to engage in research leading to a dissertation that makes an original and significant contribution to geographic knowledge and ideas.

The curriculum runs for three academic years.

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Doctor of Philosophy (Sociology)

Course Code- C83

The PhD program in Sociology at UoN offers high quality training in sociological knowledge and research methods, and prepares students to embark on successful professional careers in sociology.  The program is offered by top notch faculty who place high emphasis on one on one interactions with students.

The curriculum runs for three academic years.

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Literature & Linguistics

Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Literature

Course Code- C802

Graduates with PhD in literature come out with the qualitative and quantitative skills necessary for professional research and teaching in English.

The curriculum runs for three academic years.

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Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Kiswahili Studies

Course Code- C82

The Doctor of Philosophy degree in Kiswahili studies is designed to produce scholars capable of teaching and supervising academic programmes as well as carrying out high quality research across all academic and public spheres. The programme is also designed to advance knowledge and scholarship of the Kiswahili language across the world.

The curriculum runs for three academic years.

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Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Linguistics and Languages

Course Code- C811

The Doctor of Philosophy degree in Linguistics and Languages is designed to produce competent graduates in linguistics theory and practice. It is also designed to produce professionals who are able to apply linguistic knowledge and expertise in solving communications among other language related problems in the society.

The curriculum runs for three academic years.

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Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Political Science and Public Administration

Course Code- C816

The aim of PhD program for Political Science and Public Administration is to develop student’s ability to conduct high quality research and advance their analytical thinking capacities in various fields of political science and public administration.

The curriculum runs for three academic years.

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Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Public Policy

Course Code- C822

The doctoral programme in Public Policy aims at providing graduates with the knowledge, skills, and competencies that will enhance leadership in policy-relevant research, the practice of public policy and the advancement of scholarship in public policy. The innovative programme was collaboratively designed by sixteen African Universities to enhance interdisciplinary grounding in the practice of public policy and to deepen research competencies. The programme will also impart knowledge and skills in research communication, scholarly publishing as well as leadership in pedagogical practice for next-generation academics, researchers, policy practitioners, and leaders. Graduates will be highly motivated and adequately equipped to contribute to economic development and social transformation at the national and global levels.

The curriculum runs for three academic years.

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Higher Doctorate Degrees

Those eligible for the award of a Higher Doctorate of the University of Nairobi must among other requirements be holders of the Doctor of Philosophy or Doctor of Medicine degree of the University of Nairobi or the Doctor of Philosophy degree from any other recognized university of at least five years standing.

The Common Regulations for Higher Doctorates of the University of Nairobi other than Honorary Degrees are set out in the University Calendar. The Higher Doctorate, the regulations stipulate, shall only be awarded for the original published work such as would give a candidate authoritative international standing in his/her particular field of research.

The application must be based wholly or substantially on original work of distinction carried out by the candidate. The term ‘‘published’’ shall mean printed in a referred journal, book or monograph which shall have been made available to the public.

The submitted works by the candidate is assessed by an Evaluation Panel.

Click here for the charges for higher doctorate degrees

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