Top best universities in Kenya
A university is considered top not just because it can deliver academically but also socially and morally to the entire population. As Kenya advances in close to all sectors of…
Most marketeable courses in Kenya
Changes in size and demand of the job market over the years have seen most people opt for well paying jobs or ones that can alternatively offer self employment. Regardless…
Best and cheapest cancer hospitals in Kenya
Cancer is estimated to slash 50 lives daily plus 82,000 annual diagnoses. Despite how critical this situation sounds, only the rich and those insured seem to be able to afford…
Top mortgage companies in Kenya; Cheapest and easy to get loans
Recently, President Uhuru Kenyatta launched Kenya Mortgage Refinance Company,KMRC,an initiative of the National Treasury and World Bank to boost the Affordable Housing Pillar of the Big 4 agenda. This will…