Education cabinet secretary, Dr amina Mohammed, has now stated that roll out of the new curriculum will be done in 2019 and not in 2020 as earlier announced. Get the full details in the presser below;
PRESS RELEASE 22nd December, 2018
At its meeting to deliberate on the next steps in the planned national roll-out of the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) on Saturday 15th December, 2018, the National Steering Committee resolved that:
a. the CBC National pilot be extended for one more year to allow alignment in implementation, particularly, intensive in-service teacher training;
b. the National roll-out take place in January, 2020;
c. the National Curriculum Policy Framework be published in January, 2019;
d. the Sessional Paper on Reforming Education and Training in Kenya be tabled before Parliament in February, 2019;
e. the National Education Sector Strategic Plan for the period 2018-2022 be launched in February 2019;
f. develop an assessment framework with clearly spelt out competencies at every level;
g. a Secretariat be established within the Ministry to coordinate the priorities, activities, communication and implementation infrastructure to support the CBC;
h. further consultations and dialogue between key stakeholders be sustained.
After the steering committee meeting, the Ministry of Education has continued with in-depth deliberations and consultations with other relevant government agencies and stakeholders in the education sector. Specifically, the relevant government agencies and stakeholders have
assured to support the Ministry of Education in its bid to deliver a credible CBC roll out programme, including aligning resources towards this exercise.
Today, further consultations have been held with stakeholders, including faith-based organisations, Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD), Teachers Service Commission (TSC) Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC), Kenya Private Schools Association (KPSA), Kenya Publishers Association (KPA), Kenya Secondary School Heads Association (KSSHA), Kenya Primary School Heads Association (KEPSHA) and the National Parents Association.
In light of these developments and assurances, the Ministry of Education wishes to announce that it will commence a methodical and carefully organised phased roll-out of the CBC effective 1st January, 2019 in Pre-primary I and II and Grades 1, 2 and 3.
Early in the New Year, the Ministry of Education will issue a detailed roll-out plan and timetable for the other grades that will lead to the last cohort of students sitting for their Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) in the year 2023 and the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) in the year 2027.
Core stakeholders will put in place structures to support a national rollout and map out clear systems and processes to assure the following prerequisites:
a. immediate and continued intensive in-service training of teachers;
b. completion, approval and presentation of the statutory instruments;
c. strengthening of the Quality Assurance Framework;
d. review of the Basic Education Act;
e. development of an assessment framework for PP1 to Grade 3 by March 2019;
f. preparation of curriculum designs for Grade 4 by March 2019;
g. inauguration of a National Secretariat to steer the CBC; and
h. production and dissemination of requisite learning and instruction materials to support the CBC.
The Ministry will also facilitate continued public participation on education reforms in the country. The reforms within the education sector are part of a wider government determination to ensure a bold, transformative agenda for a better Kenya.
Amb (Dr.) Amina Mohamed, EGH, CAV
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