NameID/ No.
County/CodePolitical Party
Particulars of Relevant Information
1.MWANGI      DANIEL WAITHAKA16069491NYANDARUA 018DEMOCRATIC PARTY          OF KENYAThe Commission investigated allegations into irregular procurement  of  a  foreign  based  company  that  was engaged by the County Government of Nyandarua to develop  Olkalou  water  Masterplan  at  a  cost  of  50 Million, where the Aspirant was the serving Governor at  the  time.  Investigations  established  culpability  on the part of the aspirant, and he was arraigned in court in Case No. Nyahururu ACC  1/2018 for the following offences; –
a)  Willful failure to comply with the law relating to public    procurement    contrary    to    section 45(2)(b)  of  the  Anti-Corruption  and  Economic Crimes Act;
b)  Engaging  in  a  project  without  prior  planning contrary   to   section   45(2)(c)   of   the   Anti- Corruption and Economic Crimes Act;
c)  Abuse  of  office,  contrary  to section  46 of  the Anti-Corruption and Economic Crimes Act.
The matter is pending in court.
2.KIDERO EVANS ODHIAMBO4829645HOMABAY 043INDEPENDENTThe Commission received and investigated allegations of impropriety, corruption and economic crime against the  aspirant  while  serving  as  the  Governor,  Nairobi City County to which he was elected in 2013. Some of the    allegations    investigated    included    irregular payment  of  Kshs.  28  million  to  a  private  company associated  with  the  aspirant’s  brother;  and  irregular payment  of  Kshs.  68,000,000  to  a  law  firm  and  a private company which later transferred the money to a private company associated with the Aspirant.
The  Aspirant  has  been  charged  in  Court  with  ANTI- CORRUPTION AND ECONOMIC CRIMES ACT offences
in Case No. ACC 32 of 2018, ACC 39 of 2018 and ACC 8 of 2019 with the following offences; –
a)  Conspiracy   to   commit   an   economic   crime contrary to section 47A of the Anti-Corruption and Economic Crimes Act;
b)  Unlawful acquisition of public property contrary to section 45 (1) (a) of the Anti-Corruption and Economic Crimes Act;
c)  Dealing   with   suspect   property   contrary   to section  47(2)(a)  of  the  Anti-Corruption  and Economic Crimes Act;
The  matters  are  pending  in  court.  In  addition,  the Commission    has    undertaken    investigations    and
commenced action for recovery of unexplained assets against the aspirant.
3.ALI BUNOW KORANE0045141GARISSA 007JUBILEEThe Aspirant was charged in court, vide Case No. ACC E039   of2020,   with   two   counts   of   Conspiracy   to commit  an  offence  of  economic  crime  contrary  to section 47 a (3) as read with section 48 of the Anti – Corruption and Economic Crimes Act no 3 of 2003 and Willful  failure  to  comply  with  the  law  relating  to management of funds contrary to section 45 (2) (b) as  read  with  section  48  of  the  Anti-Corruption  and Economic Crimes Act no. 2003.
The charges are linked to allegations of embezzlement of public funds amounting to Kshs. 233,506,000 from the Garissa County Kenya Urban Support Program.
The matter is pending in court.
4.GODHANA DHADHO GADDAE8266432TANA RIVER 004ODMThe Commission received allegations  of  procurement irregularities  and  price  exaggeration  in  the  award  of tender  number  TRCG/OT/OG/63/2018-2019  for  the supply  of  motor  vehicles  and  motor  cycles  by  the county government of Tana River. Investigations have established   that   the   Aspirant   is   culpable   and consequently a file recommending the Aspirant to be charged   with   the   three   counts   of   Conspiracy   to commit  an  offence  of  economic  crime  contrary  to section  47A  as  read  with  section  48  of  the  Anti- Corruption  and  Economic  Crimes  Act  no  3  of  2003; Conflict of Interest contrary to section 42(3) as read with section 48 of the Anti – Corruption and Economic Crimes Act no 3 of 2003; and Bribery.
The investigation File has been forwarded to the DPP.
5.CHITAVI     ANTONY MKHALA7128234MOMBASA 001UNITED DEMOCRATIC PARTYThe  Aspirant  was  charged  at  the  Mombasa  Chief Magistrate Anti-Corruption Court in ACC No. 2 of 2009 with   three   counts   of   abuse   of   office,   and   was convicted on three counts in a judgement delivered on 15th December, 2011. He was fined Kshs 800,000 on each count, in default to serve 3 years, sentences to run consecutively.
Section  64(1)  of  the  Anti-Corruption  and  Economic Crimes  Act  states  that a  person  who  is  convicted  of corruption  or  economic  crime  shall  be  disqualified from being elected or appointed as a public officer for ten years after the conviction. In this case, ten years have  elapsed  after  the  conviction  of  the  Aspirant. However, the Aspirant must disclose the details of the conviction  in  the  Self  Declaration  form  submitted pursuant  to  the  requirement  under  section  13(2)  of the Leadership and Integrity Act as read together with Regulation 46 of the Election Regulations, 2012.
6.ADHI          GODANA DOYO8205340ISIOLO 011INDEPENDENTThe  Commission  investigated  allegations  of  abuse of office against the aspirant, and he was charged in ACC. 2/2017 R vs Godana Doyo and 2 others for abuse    of    office.    However,    the    matter    was withdrawn    under    Section    87(a)    of    Criminal Procedure Code.
7.ADHI GODANA DOYO8205340ISIOLO 011INDEPENDENTThe  Aspirant  was  charged  in  Meru  Court  vide  Case No. Meru ACC 10 of 2015 with counts relating to the irregular substitution of supplementary budget for the FY 2013/2014. However, the charges were withdrawn by the DPP under section 87 (a) of CPC on 29/1/2019.
8.ADAN NATHIF JAMA(0028359)GARISSA 007ORANGE DEMOCRATIC MOVEMENTThe   Aspirant   was   charged   in   Garissa   vide   Anti- Corruption  Court  Case  No.  GSA  ACC  1  of  2016  with abuse  of  office  and  willful  failure  to  comply  with procurement procedures in leasing of ambulances at a cost of Kshs. 70 million from Emergency-plus (E-Plus) Medical Services, a subsidiary of Red Cross Kenya for the   Garissa   County   Government.   However,   the Aspirant was acquitted under section 210 of the CPC.
9.KIOKO MIKE SONKO MBUVI GIDION12903104MOMBASA 001WIPERThe  Aspirant  was,  in  the  general  election  of  August 2017, elected as the Governor of Nairobi City County. By  a  resolution  made  on  Thursday,  3rd  December 2020,  the  Nairobi  City  County  Assembly  resolved  to remove  from  office,  by  way  of  impeachment,  for violation  of  various  requirements  in  the  Constitution and national laws. By a resolution made on Thursday, 17th  December  2020,  pursuant  to  Article  181  of  the Constitution,  section  33  of  the  County  Governments Act  (2012)  and  Standing  Order  75  of  the  Senate Standing  Orders,  Senate  resolved  to  remove  from office,  by  way  of  impeachment,  the  Aspirant  on charges  of  (1)  Gross  Violation  of  the  Constitution  or any   other   law;   (2)   Abuse   of   Office;   (3)   Gross Misconduct; and (4) Crimes under National Law. The Aspirant  challenged  the  impeachment  by  way  of  a Petition  to  the  High  Court,  being  HCT  Petition  No. E425 of 2020 Consolidated with Petition No. E014 of 2020;  which  was  not successful. A further appeal  to the  Court  of  Appeal  in  CA  No.  E425  of  2021  was dismissed and his impeachment upheld.
Further, the Aspirant has been charged in Court with Conflict    of    Interest,    Abuse    of    Office,    Money Laundering   and   Conspiracy   to   defraud   vide   ACC 31/2019, ACC 32/2019 and ACC 1/2020.
The matters are pending in court.
10.ANNE           MUMBI WAIGURU10863747KIRINYAGA 020UDAThe Commission received allegations that the Aspirant abused   her   office   by   irregular   receipt   of   travel imprests  amounting  to  Kshs.  10,634,614/=  for  trips that    were    non-existent    or    not    official.    The investigation established culpability on the part of the aspirant and a recommendation to charge made.
11.ANNE           MUMBI WAIGURU10863747KIRINYAGA 020UDAThe Commission is investigating an alleged conspiracy to commit  an  offence  of  corruption  and  economic  crime against   the   Aspirant   who   is   the   current   Governor, County  Government  of  Kirinyaga,  and  other employees of  the  County  Government  of  Kirinyaga  and  a  private company. They are alleged to have conspired to pay a private company Kshs. 52,000,000.00 (Fifty-Two Million Kenya    Shillings).    The    investigation    established culpability   on   the   part   of   the   aspirant   and   a recommendation to charge made.
UNITED DEMOCRATIC ALLIANCEThe Commission received and investigated allegations of    irregularities    by    the    Tharaka    Nithi    County Government in procurement of solid waste incinerator for  the  County  where  the  aspirant  is  serving  as Governor.  The  aspirant  was  charged  in  court  for abuse  of  office  contrary  to  section  46  as  read  with section 48(1) (a) of the Anti-Corruption and Economic Crimes   Act,   2003   vide   ACC   37/2021   at   Nairobi, Milimani Law Court. The matter is pending in court.
13.HASSAN         NOOR HASSAND012737MANDERA 009ORANGE DEMOCRATIC MOVEMENTThe Commission investigated allegations of conspiracy to  commit  an  economic  crime  and  abuse  of  office against the aspirant, by then serving as Chairman of the Tender Committee at the Devolution ministry, and four others. The aspirant was charged together with other  members  of  the  Ministerial  Tender  Committee vide Nbi ACC 26/2016 but the aspirant was acquitted in March 2020.
14.CHRISTOPHER MOGERE OBURE1276255KISIIJUBILEEThe Commission received and investigated allegations of an irregular procurement for supply and installation of  VSAT  Equipment  to  the  Postal  Corporation  of Kenya. Investigation established that the Aspirant was culpable.  He  was  charged  with  failure  to  follow  the law   relating   to   procurement,   contrary   to   section 45(2)(b) of the Anti-Corruption and Economic Crimes Act.  This  was  in  Nairobi  ACC  3/2015.  The  matter  is pending before court.
15.THUO MATHENGE1831309NYERI 019THE NEW DEMOCRATSThe  Aspirant  was  declared  by  the  court  to  hold  an invalid degree certificate; vide Nyeri Election Petition No.  1  of  2013  and  Civil  Appeal  No.  29  of  2013 respectively.  On  this  basis,  he  was  disqualified  from contesting in the 2017 General Election.
16.JULIUS       KARIUKI NDEGWA11141443LAMU 005SAFINAThe Commission received and investigated allegations of  misappropriation  of  Lamu  West  Constituency  CDF funds, when the aspirant was serving as the Member of  Parliament.  Investigations  were  concluded  and  it was  established  that  the  aspirant  was  culpable.  He was  charged  with  abuse  of  office  at  Mombasa  vide case No.  MSA ACC. 8 of 2015. The matter is pending in court
17.FAHIM           YASIN TWAHA9352586LAMU 005JUBILEEThe  Commission  investigated  allegation  of  irregular recruitment into the County Government of Lamu by the  Aspirant  who  is  the  Governor.  The  investigation established culpability on the part of the aspirant and a recommendation to charge made.
18.EKAMAIS  JEREMIAH LOROMUKAI13648354TURKANA 023ORANGE DEMOCRATIC MOVEMENTThe    Commission    received    allegations    that    the Aspirant’s  bachelor’s  degree  purportedly  issued  by Kenya   Methodist   University   (KeMU)   in   2016   was irregular. This was confirmed by the University, which revoked  the  certificate  at  the  105th  sitting  of  the University Senate.
19.LESIYAMPE RICHARD LERESIAN3442348SAMBURU 025JUBILEEThe Commission received and investigated allegations of  irregular  purchase  of  maize  by  officials  of  the National Cereals and Produce Board. The Aspirant was charged in Court with failure to follow the law relating to management of public finances, contrary to section 45(2) of the Anti-Corruption and Economic Crimes Act in Case No. ACC 39 of 2018. However, the ODPP later withdrew  charges  against  the  aspirant.  The  case against the other co-accused is pending in court.
20.MOHAMUD ALI MOHAMED12429087MARSABIT 010UNITED DEMOCRATIC MOVEMENTThe  Commission  investigated  allegations  of  irregular recruitment County Public Service Board members and Chief  Officers  by  the  Aspirant  who  is  the  Governor. The investigation established culpability on the part of the aspirant and a recommendation to charge made.
21.IBRAHIM ABDI HASSAN27947751ISIOLO 011JUBILEEThe Commission is verifying whether the Bachelor of Commerce  in  Human  Resource  Management  degree purportedly issued to the aspirant by Gretsa University
on 19th December 2018 is genuine.
22.KOFA ASMAN10950150TANA RIVER 004AMANI NATIONAL CONGRESSThe  Commission  is  verifying  whether  the  Aspirant resigned  as  an  employee  of  TSC  as  at  9th  February 2022  in  line  with  Section  43(5)  of  the  Elections  Act, 2011.
23.MUNYOKI  PATRICK32175718TANA RIVER 004AMANI NATIONAL CONGRESSThe  Commission  is  verifying  whether  the  Aspirant resigned  as  an  employee  of  Nairobi  Water  as  at  9th February  2022  in  line  with  Section  43(5)  of  the Elections Act, 2011.
24.ABDIRASHID YUSSUF ABDINOOR23021753WAJIR 008AMANI NATIONAL CONGRESSThe  Commission  is  verifying  whether  the  Aspirant resigned from public service as at 9th February 2022 in line with Section 43(5) of the Elections Act, 2011.
25.MMAITSI VINCENT SAKWA7112430VIHIGA 038AMANI NATIONAL CONGRESSThe Commission got information that the Aspirant had not   resigned   as   an   employee   of   Vihiga   County Government  as  at  9th  February  2022  in  line  with Section 43(5) of the Elections Act, 2011. It has been established  that  Aspirant  tendered  a  resignation  on 10th May 2022. This is outside the 9th February 2022 deadline.
26.NANGALAMA MACLEAN SITATI5274683BUNGOMA 039DAP-KENYAThe  Commission  is  verifying  whether  the  Aspirant resigned  as  an  employee  of  Tongaren  Constituency office  as  at  9th  February  2022  in  line  with  Section 43(5) of the Elections Act, 2011.
27.MULOMI MOSES OKHOBA2056864BUSIA 040DAP-KENYAThe  Commission  is  verifying  whether  the  Aspirant resigned as an employee of Busia County Government as at 9th February 2022 in line with Section 43(5) of the Elections Act, 2011.
28.MKANJALA ROSALIA10755822TAITA TAVETA 006DAP-KENYAThe  Commission  is  verifying  whether  the  Aspirant resigned from public service as at 9th February 2022 in line with Section 43(5) of the Elections Act, 2011.
29.KISIA HUMPHREY LIANDA21729653VIHIGA 038DAP-KENYAThe Commission got information that the Aspirant had not   resigned   as   an   employee   of   Vihiga   County Government  as  at  9th  February  2022  in  line  with Section 43(5) of the Elections Act, 2011. The County Government of Vihiga has indicated that the Aspirant tendered  a  resignation  letter  on  1st  March  2022  but the   letter   is   dated   4th   February   2022   and   was submitted to Human Resource section as opposed to the  County  Secretary  as  required  in  the  case  of  the aspirant.  The  aspirant  was  still  in  the  payroll  of  the County as at April, 2022.
30.NTUCHIU TITUS7410880MERU 012DEVOLUTION EMPOWERMENT PARTYThe  Commission  is  verifying  whether  the  Aspirant resigned as an employee of Meru County Government as at 9th February 2022 in line with Section 43(5) of the Elections Act, 2011.
31.NJERU PAULINE WARUE22894125NAIROBI 047FORD ASILIThe  Commission  is  verifying  whether  the  Aspirant resigned    as    an    employee    of    Kenya    Railways Corporation  as  at  9th  February  2022  in  line  with Section 43(5) of the Elections Act, 2011.
32.KIPLAGAT BETHWEL KIRIOR9227155TRANS NZOIA 026FORD-KENYAThe  Commission  is  verifying  whether  the  Aspirant resigned  as  an  employee  of  TSC  as  at  9th  February 2022  in  line  with  Section  43(5)  of  the  Elections  Act, 2011.
33.MBUGUA JOSEPH MUNGAI2887770NYANDARUA 018JUBILEEThe  Commission  is  verifying  whether  the  Aspirant resigned as an employee of KERRA as at 9th February 2022  in  line  with  Section  43(5)  of  the  Elections  Act, 2011.
34.NDURURI CHARLES MWANGI12473366NYERI 019JUBILEEThe  Commission  is  verifying  whether  the  Aspirant resigned  as  an  employee  of  TSC  as  at  9th  February 2022  in  line  with  Section  43(5)  of  the  Elections  Act, 2011.
35.KIYONGA JOHN MUNYES8587192TURKANA 023JUBILEEThe  Commission  is  verifying  whether  the  Aspirant resigned as the Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Energy as at 9th February 2022 in line with Section 43(5) of the Elections Act, 2011.
36.LEREMORE THOMAS MEIGKWELLY22342848SAMBURU 025JUBILEEThe  Commission  is  verifying  whether  the  Aspirant resigned as an employee of National Council of NGO’s as at 9th February 2022 in line with Section 43(5) of the Elections Act, 2011.
37.MOTTANYA CHARLES NYANDUSI11229392NYAMIRA 046JUBILEEThe  Commission  is  verifying  whether  the  Aspirant resigned  as  an  employee  of  Moi  University  as  at  9th February  2022  in  line  with  Section  43(5)  of  the Elections Act, 2011.
38.MAYEKU ROSE W.20526083BUNGOMA 039KANUThe  Commission  is  verifying  whether  the  Aspirant resigned   as   an   employee   of   Bungoma   County Government  as  at  9th  February  2022  in  line  with Section 43(5) of the Elections Act, 2011.
39.MARWANGA REUBEN OMWEGA6883356NYAMIRA 046KANUThe  Commission  is  verifying  whether  the  Aspirant resigned  as  an  employee  of  Technical  University  of Kenya  as  at  9th  February  2022  in  line  with  Section 43(5) of the Elections Act, 2011.
40.KODOMUK SIMON KACHAPIN4109857WEST POKOT 024KENYA    UNION PARTYThe  Commission  is  verifying  whether  the  Aspirant resigned  as  a  CEC  Education  of  West  Pokot  County Government  as  at  9th  February  2022  in  line  with Section 43(5) of the Elections Act, 2011.
41.JAMES DALTON MWAGHOGHO8456855TAITA TAVETA 006NATIONAL RAINBOW COALITIONThe Commission has established that the Aspirant has not resigned as  an  employee  of  Technical  University of  Mombasa  as  at  9th  February  2022  in  line  with Section 43(5) of the Elections Act, 2011. The aspirant is still in service as at 30th May, 2022.
42.RANDU RASHID NZAI27346457TANA RIVER 004PAMOJA AFRICAN ALLIANCEThe  Commission  is  verifying  whether  the  Aspirant resigned as an employee of Hurara Secondary School as at 9th February 2022 in line with Section 43(5) of the Elections Act, 2011.
43.KEMONI JAMES ONG’ERA11037995NYAMIRA 046PNUThe  Commission  is  verifying  whether  the  Aspirant resigned as an employee of the Ministry of Lands and Settlement as at 9th February 2022 in line with Section 43(5) of the Elections Act, 2011.
44.ONYANCHA EVANS MARVIN11689406KISII 045PROGRESSIVE PARTY          OF KENYAThe  Commission  is  verifying  whether  the  Aspirant resigned as an employee of Kisii University College as at 9th February 2022 in line with Section 43(5) of the Elections Act, 2011.
45.OMANGA KEFA20391478NYAMIRA 046REPUBLICAN LIBERTY PARTYThe  Commission  is  verifying  whether  the  Aspirant resigned as an employee of Nairobi City County as at 9th  February  2022  in  line  with  Section  43(5)  of  the Elections Act, 2011.
46.MAINA ESTHER WANJIRU10844784NYERI 019THE           NEW DEMOCRATSThe Commission has established that the aspirant did not  resign  as  an  employee  of  Karatina  University College  as  at  9th  February  2022  in  line  with  Section 43(5)  of  the  Elections  Act,  2011,  and  is  still  a  bona fide member of staff and lecturer at the University as at 31st May, 2022.
UDAThe  Commission  is  verifying  whether  the  Aspirant resigned   as   CEC   for   Agriculture   of   Tharaka-Nithi County  Government  as  at  9th  February  2022  in  line with Section 43(5) of the Elections Act, 2011.
48.MUTUGI JAMES KINYUA11819886KIRINYAGA 020UDAThe Commission has established that the Aspirant did not resign from his position as Education CEC Member in  Kirinyaga  County  Government  as  at  9th  February 2022  in  line  with  Section  43(5)  of  the  Elections  Act, 2011, where  the aspirant is still  working and on  the pay roll as at 31st May, 2022.
49.MWANGI WINFRED NJERI10166710MURANG’A 021UDAThe  Commission  is  verifying  whether  the  Aspirant resigned as an employee of the University of Nairobi as at 9th February 2022 in line with Section 43(5) of the Elections Act, 2011.
50.LENENGWEZI SAMIA GABRIEL13462607SAMBURU 025UDAThe  Commission  is  verifying  whether  the  Aspirant resigned   as   an   employee   of   the   Ministry   of Immigration  &  Registration  Of  Persons  as  at  9th February  2022  in  line  with  Section  43(5)  of  the Elections Act, 2011.
UDAThe  Commission  is  verifying  whether  the  Aspirant resigned as an employee of Elgeyo Marakwet County- Governor’s Office as at 9th February 2022 in line with Section 43(5) of the Elections Act, 2011.
UDAThe  Commission  is  verifying  whether  the  Aspirant resigned as an employee of the University of Eldoret as at 9th February 2022 in line with Section 43(5) of the Elections Act, 2011.
53.KIRUI MATHEW KIPKORIR29432918NAROK 033UDAThe  Commission  is  verifying  whether  the  Aspirant resigned as an employee of Engineers Board of Kenya as at 9th February 2022 in line with Section 43(5) of the Elections Act, 2011.
54.OMWANDHO ROSE GORETTY ATIENO8110606SIAYA 041UDAThe  Commission  is  verifying  whether  the  Aspirant resigned  as  an  employee  of  the  Teachers  Service Commission  as  at  9th  February  2022  in  line  with Section 43(5) of the Elections Act, 2011.
55.ANGIRAH JUMAH RAWLINGS13891777KISUMU 042UNITED DEMOCRATIC PARTYThe Commission has established that the aspirant did not resign as an employee of The County Government of Kisumu as at 9th February 2022 in line with Section 43(5) of the Elections Act, 2011; and is an employee as at 30th May, 2022.
56.MULILI  LUCY MUMBUA11017521MAKUENI 017WIPERThe  Commission  is  verifying  whether  the  Aspirant resigned   as   an   employee   of   the   Ministry   of Information  and  Communications  as  at  9th  February 2022  in  line  with  Section  43(5)  of  the  Elections  Act, 2011.
57.OCHIENG VINCENT10923083KISUMU 042UNITED DEMOCRATIC PARTYThe Commission has established that the aspirant did not resign as an employee of The County Government of Kisumu as at 9th February 2022 in line with Section 43(5) of the Elections Act, 2011; and is an employee as at 30th May, 2022.
58.FOLENI FRANCIS THOYA11227481MOMBASA 001ODMThe  Commission  is  verifying  whether  the  Aspirant resigned   as   an   employee   of   the   British   High Commission  as  at  9th  February  2022  in  line  with Section 43(5) of the Elections Act, 2011.
59.MUHUMED ABDI DAGAN22470207GARISSA 007ODMThe  Commission  is  verifying  whether  the  Aspirant resigned  as   an   employee   of   the   Garissa  County Government  as  at  9th  February  2022  in  line  with Section 43(5) of the Elections Act, 2011.
60.MOHAMAD   AHMED ABDULLAHI11224521WAJIR 008ODMThe  Commission  is  verifying  whether  the  Aspirant resigned as an employee of the Infrastructure Finance and  Public  Private  Partnerships  Project  as  at  9th February  2022  in  line  with  Section  43(5)  of  the Elections Act, 2011.
61.MAHIRI JOSEPH GIMUNTA21619298MIGORI 044ODMThe  Commission  is  verifying  whether  the  Aspirant resigned as an employee of Kenyatta University as at 9th  February  2022  in  line  with  Section  43(5)  of  the Elections Act, 2011.
62.GATHECHA ANNAH NYOKABI24125412KIAMBU 022INDEPENDENTThe  Commission  is  verifying  whether  the  Aspirant resigned as an employee of the Cabinet Office (Office of the President) as at 9th February 2022 in line with Section 43(5) of the Elections Act, 2011.
63.OGADA  BRIAN MANDELA31769271KISUMU 042INDEPENDENTThe Commission has established that the aspirant did not resign as an employee of the Ministry of Health as at 9th February 2022 in line with Section 43(5) of the Elections Act, 2011. The aspirant is still engaged as a Pharmacist   working   with   the   Ministry   of   Health stationed  in  Nairobi  County  Government  as  at  31st May, 2022.