TSC boss, Nancy Macharia. TSC is set to appoint Teachers with job groups M and above to deputy headship roles
TSC boss Nancy Macharia. Photo/ File. The Commission will transfer several heads and their deputies this December.

The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, has transferred a total of 33 principals from Nyamira County. Those transferred form part of the over 3,000 schools’ heads that the Commission redeployed this December.
The Commission says it transferred the 3094 institutional administrators to achieve equity in teacher distribution and improve learning outcomes in public schools. A spot check on the list shows most of the transferred heads are those who have stayed in one station for over 6 years. Read also: TSC transfers over 3,000 heads. Get some of the lists here

Most of the transferred heads will land in neighbouring counties of Kisumu, Migori and Homa Bay. The principals are expected to hand/ take over by 27th December, 2018.

TSC boss, Nancy Macharia. She says the Commission has interdicted 5 teachers for the 2018 KCSE exam related Malpractices
TSC boss, Nancy Macharia. She says the Commission has interdicted 5 teachers for the 2018 KCSE exam related Malpractices


Dalmas A. Jorobo 305264 Ntana Sec. Migori Township Migori
Shadrack N. Nyantikka 312124 Kiendege Sec. Mwala Girls Kisumu
Joseph Momanyi 351215 Kianginda Sec. School Embale Kakamega
Joseph O. Misati 291462 St Peters Nyaisa Sec. Kamolo Homabay
Josephine M. Ondieki 35296 Kuura Sec. Godkado Homabay
Josephine K. Areba 348486 Riomego SDA Sec. St. Jonathan Migori
Achoki Reuben Nyauma 347131 Getaari Sec. Kiongo Kakamega
Onchuru Hosbon N. 315110 Sungututa Sec. Kurnutiyange Migori
Sylvester N. Mochengo 285983 Kea Sec. Gamba Kisii
Onyancha Ronald 353397 Nyaisa Manga Sec. Lala Homabay
Isaac Atuti Ondieki 350106 Riomanga Sec. St. Jonathan Vihiga
Antony Siongombe 337252 St. Joseph Liegeto Achego Homabay
Osoro Charles 335404 Matutu Pag Sec. Lumama Kakamega
Onkware Kennedy 358239 St. Philiphs Rateti S Mengwet Bomet
Cosmas Onkangi N. 364833 Kianungu Sec. Matongo Kisii
Thomas Ongwacho 372365 Miriri Sec. Wagwe Homabay
Evans Oseko 304438 Rirumi Sec. Koduogo Homabay
Ezekiel Ogato 349218 Ikonge Boys Sec. Sangoro Kisumu
Joseph Aroni Moriasi 336234 Nyagokiani Sec. Nyangoma Elck Kisii
Kennedy J. Moturi 302914 St. Peter’s Nyakenyomisia Nyakach Homabay
Samuel Mayogi N. 279181 Machururiati Sec. Itumbe Nyamira
Truphena Ogeto 335348 Ogango Sec. Kogelo Migori
Hezron Y. Nyaenda 323516 Ekenyoro Sec. Osodo Homabay
Dominic J. Ongeri 353271 St. Thomas Gekano Se Stephen’s Maraba Kakamega
Peter Mainye 350661 St. Lukes Nyasumi Se Nyalgosi Sec. Homabay
Geoffrey O. Mogaka 413001 St. Teresa’s Omonono Bar Atheng Siaya
Jane Nyakoe 375380 St. Tiberius Nyamotentemi Kalkada Siaya
James Mosomi 303558 Nyagachi Sec. Marienga Homabay
Dinah M. Ondieki 353280 Sengereri Sec. Ogande Homabay
Paul Morebu A. 333543 Omosasa Sec. Mbani Sec. Homabay
Patrick Mongare O. 351666 Nyanchonoria Sec. St. Peters Wanga Migori
Pamella B. Orori 353235 Nyatieko Sec. Sch. GodAgak Homabay
Rael Ongaro 374648 Itumbe Sec. Oyani Sec. Migori

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