CS MAGOHA speaks after receiving an interim report of the National cOVID-19 Education Response Committee at the KICD offices in Nairobi.
Education cabinet secretary George Magoha.

The Ministry of education has released fees guidelines for the year 2021. These guidelines come as schools fully reopen following a closure of about 10 months. The Ministry has at the same time outlined how candidates for the 2020 KCPE and KCSE examinations will be handled.

Via a circular dated Sunday January 3, 2021, Education Cabinet Secretary Professor George Magoha says learners should not be sent away from school due to fees balances.

Here are the 2021 full guidelines to schools as contained in the Circular;

  1. ALL public schools MUST ensure that ALL learners are enrolled back to school irrespective of their fees balances;
  2. Learners from private schools which have closed down, MUST be provided with opportunities for admission in public schools as guided by the Ministry of Education;
  3. National examination candidates whose schools have been closed will be enrolled in various schools from where they will sit their examinations as guided by the Ministry of Education, through the Kenya National Examinations Council.
  4. National examination candidates who transfer from private schools for reasons including inability to pay school fees will be enrolled in public schools but will be required to sit their examinations in the examination centres where they registered.
  5. Schools are encouraged to strengthen their COVID-19 Response Committees and maintain structured engagements with nearest health facilities, the County Rapid Response teams, National Government Administrative Officers and the Children’s Department to strengthen surveillance mechanisms;
  6. Schools should continue to compile lists of ALL learners with underlying conditions with a view to instituting additional measures to protect them from COVID-19 infections;
  7. Schools should continue to enhance mechanisms for providing psycho-social support for both teachers and learners;
  8. All pregnant and teenage mothers MUST be allowed to resume learning in line with the Ministry’s School Re-entry Policy;
  9. Learning institutions are advised to sustain and expand emergency isolation centres to handle any possible COVID-19 cases as they did during the partial re-opening.
  10. Boards of Management shall continue to hold planning meetings to strategise on prevention and mitigation measures and will be required to monitor effectiveness of the measures put in place;
  11. All institutions shall continue to engage with Parents/Guardians/Care-givers to build confidence about COVID-19 preventive and control measures that have been put in place to ensure a safe learning environment;
  12. Schools shall continue to maintain updated bio-data of all learners, staff and contacts of their Parents/Guardians/Care-givers for easy management of COVID-19 related emergencies; and
  13. This being the term for national examinations, ALL events in schools involving external persons shall remain banned.

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Read the full circular below;

[embeddoc url=”https://educationnewshub.co.ke/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/MOE-SCHOOL-REOPENING-Educationnewshub.co_.ke-Press-Release-3-Jan-2021-_1_.pdf”]