The Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, KNBS, has given an elaborate schedule that will be used to recruit Enumerators, ICT and Content Supervisors. In the new schedule, shortlisting of ICT Supervisors should have been completed by 28th July, 2019 with interviews scheduled for the 5th to 7th July, 2019. Successful candidates will be trained between July 25 and 31st July.
A memo by KNBS details how the recruitment of the Enumerators and Supervisors is to be executed.
“As per the guidelines, the applications for Enumerators are to be collected at the assistant Chiefs office. The applicants are to fill a register and a summary form at the Assistant Chiefs’ office as they submit their applications,” reads a memo from KNBS.
“The Assistant Chiefs will then do their remarks at the space provided in the summary form and forward all the summary forms to the Chief with a covering letter. The Chief will then collate the summary forms and forward them to the Assistant County Commissioner (ACC) for action. The CCCs will then undertake the recruitment as planned,” adds KNBS.
The Content supervisors were supposed to submit their applications to the chiefs and register on both the register and the summary form. The Chief would then forward the summary forms to the ACC for action.
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1) Full list of successful/recruited KNBS jobs applicants
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The actual dates for undertaking the various recruitment activities are as indicated in below;
Possible Census Questions and Answers
The actual dates for undertaking the various recruitment activities are as indicated in below;
Shortlisting: By 28th June, 2019
Contacting Successful Applicants: 29th June, 2019
Interviews: 5th to 7th July, 2019
Submitting Copy of Successful Candidates to the Head Quarter: 9th July, 2019
Contacting Successful Candidates: 11th July, 2019
Training: 25th to 31st July, 2019
Shortlisting:29th to 30th June, 2019
Contacting Successful Applicants: 1st to 2nd July, 2019
Interviews: 8th to 10th July, 2019
Submitting Copy of Successful Candidates to the Head Quarter: 12th July, 2019
Contacting Successful Candidates: 14th July, 2019
Training: 4th to 10th August, 2019
Shortlisting: 1st to 4th July, 2019
Contacting Successful Applicants: 5th to 7th July, 2019
Interviews: 12th to 14th July, 2019
Submitting Copy of Successful Candidates to the Head Quarter: 16th July, 2019
Contacting Successful Candidates: 18th July, 2019
Training: 14th to 20th August, 2019
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