TPAD login window
TPAD login window

TSC TPAD latest news, guidelines, deadlines, portal login

Lesson Recovery Schedule form

New TPAD 2 Lesson Recovery Schedule form: Free Lesson Recovery Form

The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, has developed a Lesson Recovery Schedule Form for teachers who miss lessons. Teachers may miss lessons during the week…
TPAD 2 log in window.

TSC TPAD 2 form; Offline filling using excel

Did you know that you can now easily fill your TSC TPAD2 form offline? Yes. The New Online TPAD system has a provision for…
TPAD2 dashboard.

TPAD 2 Portal Guide; How the Appraiser (Deputy Head) is to assess teachers

All TSC teachers in an institution are to be appraised on the new TPAD 2 system portal, by the Appraiser who in most cases…
The new TPAD 2 window for creating and accessing your TPAD account for appraisals.

How to carry out appraisal on the new TSC TPAD 2 system: TPAD 2…


Have you created your new account on the new Teacher Performance Appraisal and Development (TPAD 2) and you are wondering how to proceed with…

TPAD – TSC TPAD Portal, Simplified Guide

How to create/open new TSC TPAD Account ( for self appraisal – Ultimate Guide Teacher Performance Appraisal and Development, TPAD, is a performance evaluation mechanism…
TPAD 2 termly calendar of activities.

TPAD 2 Calendar of Activities at school Level per term


The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, has provided a TPAD 2 Calendar of Activities at school Level per term. The calendar shows the timelines within…

TPAD portal login and latest guides

TPAD 2 new lesson observation form in pdf free download.

TPAD 2 new lesson observation form download and lesson observation requesting procedure

The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, has released a new TPAD 2 lesson observation form. The form is used during the actual lesson observation process…
TSC to train teachers on how to use the new appraisal system, TPAD 2

TSC extends TPAD filling deadline for Term 3, 2019

 The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, has extended the deadline for filing teachers’ term three (3) 2019 appraisal data. This is to allow teacher file…
Creating a new appraisal on TPAD 2

TSC TPAD 2 system account login and dashboard navigation guide

Once you log into your TSC TPAD 2 account, the first page is your dashboard. It is good for you to have adequate information…
TSC Lesson Observation Form for teachers

TSC Lesson Observation Form for teachers: New TPAD 2 free forms downloads

All Teachers employed by the Teachers Service Commission, TSC, are required to be appraised on termly basis. The Commission has developed a new Teacher…
Creating a new appraisal on TPAD 2

TPAD 2 portal for teachers to upload 2021/2022 data- TSC News

The TPAD 2 portal ( for entering teachers’ data is now open. Teachers can log in, create new accounts and upload data appraisal data. HOW…
TSC TPAD 2 system guidelines 2021.

TSC gives clarifications on implementation of TPAD and PC in term 2 of 2021

The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, has given very important clarifications on how to implement the 2021 term 2 Teacher Performance Appraisal and Development (TPAD)…
TPAD 2 termly calendar of activities.

TSC extends deadline for term 2 TPAD appraisal

TSC Latest news on TPAD: The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has extended the deadline for filing teachers’ term 2 TPAD appraisals. Teachers now have…
New TPAD 2 portal by TSC.

Latest TPAD guide for TSC Teachers; How to create an account at

The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, has modified the platform used for filing teachers’ performance appraisal data. In the new modifications, users will now be…
New TPAD 2 online guide.

TSC closes Term 2 TPAD; See how you can print your report

The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, has officially closed the 2020 Term 2 Teacher Performance Appraisal and Development (Tpad) portal. This means no further amendments…
The latest TSC News; Teachers advised to use online platforms when in need of TSC services, instead of making physical visits.

TSC News Today 2021- TPAD 2 news and portal (

Here is the latest TSC Kenya news 2021. Get all the latest Teachers Service Commission News on promotions, TPAD, advertised vacancies, registration of teachers,online…
A TSC TPAD 2 form showing a 100 percent processing status.

TSC- Why is my TPAD 2 appraisal form showing 99%; See possible causes

Are you wondering why your TSC TPAD 2 online form is showing 99% complete? Well. A number of reasons may make you unable to…

New TSC TPAD 2 Portal online

Here is the new TPAD Portal. This portal enables you to update your TPAD records online. TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL AND DEVELOPMENT TPAD Login TSC Number ID Number Password Login Forgot Password? First…
The new TSC payslip login window at Login

TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL AND DEVELOPMENT LOGIN-  TPAD. Home; Videos; Login. Login. TPAD LOGIN. ×. Teacher / Deputy · Head of Institution · Curriculum Support Officer · Sub-County Director…
TSC TPAD 2 lesson observation form online. See full guide here.

How to create a lesson observation request on TPAD 2; Lesson observation form

Did you know that it is mandatory for you to have a lesson observation on TSC TPAD 2 system, at least once in a…
Deadline for filing 2019 term 3 TPAD data by TSC Teachers: TSC Latest News

Deadline for filing TPAD data by TSC Teachers: TSC Latest News

The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, has opened the portal for filing teachers’ term three (3) 2019 appraisal data. This is to allow teacher file…
Latest TSC news from Education News Hub. Visit for all the latest TSC and Education news.

How to use the new TPAD system by TSC; Procedure for registering and logging…

The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, has created a new user friendly portal for capturing the teachers’ appraisal data. The Commission has at the same…
TPAD login window

TSC Tpad portal login

TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL AND DEVELOPMENT- TPAD TPAD Enhances Professional Growth and Learning Outcomes TPAD Teachers Service Commission Code of Regulations for Teachers, regulation 52 (1) provide for…
TSC to train teachers on how to use the new appraisal system, TPAD 2

TSC to train teachers on how to use the new appraisal system, TPAD 2

The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, is lining up training for selected teachers on how to use the new Teacher Performance Appraisal and Development, TPAD,…

TPAD Portal Now Open – Login Today

TPAD HOME VIDEOS LOGIN TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL AND DEVELOPMENT TPAD Enhances Professional Growth and Learning Outcomes TPAD Teachers Service Commission Code of Regulations for Teachers, regulation 52 (1) provide…
TSC to train teachers on how to use the new appraisal system, TPAD 2

How to Create and Use the New TPAD 2 Portal ( for TSC Teachers:…

The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, has created a new Teacher Performance Appraisal and Development (TPAD 2) portal. The new TPAD will make it easier…
TPAD login window


The TSC TPAD Portal enables you to create your appraisal account and upload data, online. To access your TPAD portal, click here. Do not forget…
Calendar of Activities for the New TPAD 2 per term

Calendar of Activities for the New TPAD 2 per term: Free TSC Forms downloads

The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, requires each school to plan for the termly appraisals for teachers. All the teachers are to be appraised under…
TPAD login window

TSC Opens TPAD Account for TERM 3

The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, has opened the TPAD account for term 3 of 2020. The account will be open up to the end…
TPAD login window

TSC awarded for TPAD implementation

The Teachers Service Commission’s reforms agenda has received a shot in the arm after the Commission was recognised for championing service delivery innovation. The TSC…
A list of all TSC contacts.

TSC contacts: TSC Registration, TPAD, Promotions, Complaints and contacts for all departments

Are you looking for TSC Contacts? Find here contacts to various TSC offices where you can get assisted on matters TSC Promotions, Advertisements, Complaints,…
New TPAD 2 portal by TSC.

New TPAD 2 access link: TSC changes link for New TPAD 2 log in…

You may have had difficulties accessing the new Teacher Performance Appraisal and Development (TPAD 2) portal. Maybe you have taken too long to access…
TPAD login window

TPAD account creation, login and appraisal process at

TSC TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL AND DEVELOPMENT PORTAL Welcome to the TSC TPAD online portal. Here you will be able to create a new account, login…

TSC Payslips Online, TPAD 2: TSC Online Payslip Registration, Login and Download

TSC Payslips Online For Kenyan Teachers Teachers Service Commission (TSC) staff in Kenya can now login, register and download their TSC payslips online. All one needs to do…
New TPAD 2 online guide.

TPAD list of evidence required when filling TPAD form online

The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, has released a new list of evidences or documents required when filling the TPAD 2 form online. Related; TSC TPAD 2 portal-…
TPAD 2 log in window.

How to undertake Lesson Observation in the TPAD 2 Online System

Lesson observation is a mandatory requirement in the new TPAD 2 system by TSC. All teachers must undergo lesson observation while delivering in class….

TPAD Login

TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL AND DEVELOPMENT TPAD Login TSC Number ID Number Password Login Forgot Password? First time login? Create account Quick login link.
How to update the TSC TPAD2 form online. Capture targets and their ratings.

TSC- How to fill the new TPAD2 form online; Update standards and ratings for…

I hope that you have by now created your TSC TPAD 2 account and you want to fill your appraisal form online. If you…
The new TPAD 2 login window.

TSC TPAD2 portal for School Head Teacher, Principal

The TSC TPAD2 portal is specifically designed for primary school Head Teachers, secondary school and college Principals. The TPAD Head of Institution (HoI) portal…
TPAD2 account homapage.

TPAD Portal Login- TSC

TSC TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL AND DEVELOPMENT PORTAL Welcome to the TSC TPAD online portal. Here you will be able to create a new account, login and carry…

Tpad (Teacher Performance Appraisal and Development) – Appraisal process & All Guides

Tpad (Teacher Performance Appraisal and Development) Pursuant to section 11 (f) and 35(i) of TSC Act 2012 the Commission is mandated to monitor the conduct and…
New TPAD account creation window.

How to create new TSC TPAD Account ( for self Evaluation

The Teacher Performance Appraisal and Development (TPAD 2) is a performance evaluation mechanism that assesses the performance of a teacher as per the set standards…
Dr. Nancy Macharia who is the TSC Boss.

TSC stops TPAD2 training sessions

The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, has postponed the County based TPAD2 training sessions for teachers. The exercise that has been running for the past…
TSC to train teachers on how to use the new appraisal system, TPAD 2

How to create, Login and use the new TPAD 2 Account (

The new Teacher Performance Appraisal and Development (TPAD 2) system is here with us. The new system created by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC)…
TSC Checklist of documents

TSC TPAD New Checklist of Professional Documents to be Maintained by Teachers

TSC Documents to be kept by teachers- The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has released a new list of documents that must be prepared and…
New TPAD 2 portal by TSC.

How to fill weekly lesson attendance data for all teachers in the new TPAD…

The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, expects appraisers to fill summaries of data on lesson attendance per week for all teachers. These summaries are compiled…
TPAD Tool For Teachers

TSC- A checklist of monthly TPAD documents to be maintained by Teachers

The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, appraises teachers by using the TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL AND DEVELOPMENT (TPAD) tool. As a matter of fact, the Commission…
TSC to train teachers on how to use the new appraisal system, TPAD 2

New TPAD 2 ( forms free download: Collection of all TPAD forms

The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, has released new forms for the new Teacher Performance Appraisal and Development, TPAD 2. These forms are both for…
TPAD 2 log in window.

TSC TPAD 2 system reports; TPAD, TPD, Lesson Attendance, Appraisal and Learner Progress Reports

You can generate a number of reports from the new TSC TPAD 2 system. These reports play an important function in providing feed back…
The new TPAD 2 login window.

How to create TPAD 2 account and fill TSC data online

Did you know that creating your new TPAD 2 account in the Teachers Service Commission, TSC, portal is a simple process? Well, creating your…
Tpad 2 training for teachers by TSC.

TSC to train teachers on the new TPAD online system and Covid 19 sensitization

The Teachers service Commission, TSC, has arranged a 3 days training Programme for teachers on TPAD Online System and COVID19 Sensitization Under PRIEDE Project….
TPAD 2 log in window.

TSC TPAD portal now open- 2021 (Login and create this term’s appraisal)

The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, has now open the TPAD 2 portal for this term. Log into your account to create and fill your…
New TPAD 2 portal by TSC.

TSC opens TPAD 2 portal for Term 1, Simplified Guides- 2022, 2023;

The Teacher Performance Appraisal and Development (TPAD) system 2 allows TSC teachers to log in and carry out appraisals. The TPAD 2 portal ( enables…
2020 TSC Recruitment Guidelines and Marking Scheme for new teachers.

New TPAD Implementation: TSC officials set to visit schools this week to monitor progress

Top level officers from the Teachers Service Commission,  TSC, are set to visit schools to monitor implementation of the new Appraisal system. Schools are…
New TPAD 2 online guide.

TSC TPAD 2 online form; 50 Mandatory documents to attach as evidence for teaching…

A number of mandatory documents are required to be attached as evidence to your TPAD 2 online form. Remember, it is important that you…
New TPAD 2 Account creation. You can also easily recover your lost password.

How to Create a TPAD 2 Account and Log in to

Before you are allowed to use the new Teachers Service Commission TPAD 2 system, you must first create an account. It is only after…
The new TPAD 2 window for creating and accessing your TPAD account for appraisals.

TSC- How to capture learner progress records on TPAD 2

All TSC teachers are expected to capture learners’ progress records on the new TPAD 2 system. This will be done in a more elaborate…
TPAD login window


TPAD2 account homapage.

TSC opens 2021/2022 Term 3 TPAD portal for teachers (See deadline and latest guidelines)

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has opened the TPAD portal for teachers to capture their appraisal data. According to the latest circular from the…
TSC to train teachers on how to use the new appraisal system, TPAD 2

A checklist of all Professional Documents to be prepared by Teachers in the New…

The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, requires teachers to be appraised under the Career Progression Guidelines, CPG. All teachers are required to comply with performance…
TSC TPAD2 login window for teachers

TSC TPAD Portal Account Login

TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL AND DEVELOPMENT- TPAD TPAD Login Log into your TSC TPAD account to enter appraisal data. Enter your TSC Number, ID Number and Password to…
Creating a new appraisal on TPAD 2

TSC- How to fill the TPAD 2 form online (Simplified guide)

If you are a TSC employed teacher then you must fill the TPAD 2 appraisal form online. This is done at the new TPAD…
How to update the TSC TPAD2 form online. Capture targets and their ratings.

How to fill TSC TPAD form online (Simplified guide on how to Update standards…

You have by now created your TSC TPAD 2 account and you want to fill your appraisal form online. If you are looking for…
TPAD 2 account creation. Required information.

TSC TPAD 2 Lesson attendance data for teachers; Procedure

Lesson attendance records for all teachers must be updated regularly on the Teachers Service Commission, TSC, TPAD 2 system ( It is the responsibility…
The new TPAD 2 login window.

TSC TPAD 2; How to reach agreement on Appraisee and Appraiser marks plus countersigning

During the TSC teacher appraisal process, in the new TSC TPAD2 system, both the appraiser and appraisee are supposed to reach an agreement on…
TPAD 2 login window.

TSC- Scheduling an Appraisal Rating Meeting online at the TPAD 2 portal

A TSC teacher is expected to schedule an appraisal rating meeting with the appraiser. This is done online at the TPAD 2 portal. Before…