How to fill the 2019 Wealth declaration form online; the ultimate guide
How to fill the Wealth declaration form online; the ultimate guide and portal

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has released a wealth declaration simplified guide to teachers. Use this guide whenever you are required to declare your income, assets and liabilities at the TSC online portal.


PART A (For all employees)

Step-by-step Procedure

Step 1. Accessing the portal

All TSC employees can be users in the Teachers Online Services Information system. It is a web-based system and can be accessed through any browser preferably chrome or Mozilla Firefox.

To access the portal, go to TSC website, click on online services menu and go to Teachers Online Services sub menu.

Or type on the browser and press enter on the keyboard to display the home page as demonstrated below. Click on the Declaration of Income, Assets and Liabilities link at the top of the page to proceed

Step Two: Creating Password

1. Enter your TSC number in the field provided and click on the Next button.
2. Provide your mobile number and VALID e-mail address. Do not use another person’s e mail. This is because you will need it for the purposes of:
i. Resetting your password in case you forget it.
ii. Confirmation of declaration submission as a copy will be sent to your e-mail upon completion.

3. Set your preferred password and repeat to confirm. Click Next to move to the next step.
Enter Mobile Number
Enter E-mail address
Enter Preferred Password

Step Three: Logging into the System

1. Type in your TSC number in the TSC number textbox provided.
2. Enter your password and click on Log in button.

Step Four: General Information and Bio data

1. Read through the general information and click Next
2. ill in the place of birth, marital status, postal and permanent address in the fields provided. Click on the Next button below the page to save and proceed.

Step Four: Declaring Income, Assets and liabilities

1. Click on the appropriate tab to capture the liabilities, Income and Assets statements. Click on the Add/Save button below each category (liabilities, Income and Assets) to add more records.

Step Five: Capturing Spouse(s) and Dependants

a) Capturing Spouse(s) and dependants

Enter your spouse(s) and dependants’ details. Click on the Save button to proceed. One can capture more dependants by repeating the same process.

b) Dependants’ Declaration of Income, Assets and Liabilities

1. The list of dependants is on the right side of the window, click on Declare statement under Actions column on the far right. If not applicable, click Next to proceed.

2. Click on the appropriate tab to capture liabilities, income and assets statements for your spouse(s) and dependants. Click on the Add/Save button below each category (liabilities, Income and Assets) to add and save more records. Click on the Next button to move to the next page.

Step Six: Capturing Other Information

1. Enter any other relevant information in the fields provided and click on the Save/Add button. If not applicable, click on the Next button to move to the next page. Click to add/Save entry

Step Seven: Capturing witness details and Viewing declaration summary

1. Enter the witness details in the fields provided and click Save.
2. Click on the view Summary button to view your declaration. In case you need to make corrections, click on the appropriate menu on the left side of the window or use previous button to move back to the page you want to edit.

Once you are satisfied, click on the Submit button to complete your declaration. A copy will be sent to your e-mail which you provided in step two (page 5) above.
Click to delete entry.

Also read;

2020-2022 Wealth Declaration; online declaration of income, assets and liabilities

TSC to report teachers with questionable wealth to EACC

PART B (For administrators)

Monitoring Declaration of Income, Assets and Liabilities

This can be used by administrators for actual monitoring of Income, Assets and Liabilities.

Step One: Accessing the monitoring tool

Once you are logged in, click on monitor Income, Assets and Liabilities navigation link on the left side of the window.

Step Two: Capturing Reasons for Non-Compliance

1. Check the status of declaration on the Compliance column to verify compliance.
2. Give reasons for non-compliance by selecting the appropriate reason in the Non Compliance Reason column.
3. Click on the Save button at the bottom of the form to submit.

Managing User Password

a) Resetting Password

In case you forget your password, click on the Forgot password in step two.

Enter your TSC No then click Continue button to re-set your password. Follow the instructions given in your e-mail to create a new password.

b) Changing Password

In case your password is compromised and you need to change, click on the drop down Arrow at the top of the right side of the window and click on the Profile menu.

Next, Click on Account.

On the new page, enter the new password in the New password field and the old password in the Current password field. Click on the Save button to save.

Use the new password next time you want to log in.

c) System Log Out

Ensure that you have logged out of the system when you are not using it for security reasons.

To log out, Click on the drop down Arrow at the top of the right side of the window and click on Sign out menu as demonstrated below.

Please Call 0202892422, 0202892424(Integrity) or 0202892052(ICT) for support.