TSC promotions 2021- Dr. MAcharia meets leaders
|“Through CPGs (Career Progression Guidelines) the Commission has been selectively promoting teachers to the said positions and, therefore, discriminating against deserving cases. All Maasai teachers in Kajiado, are being denied promotion opportunities as a result of the policy,” the petitioners said.
According to the petition, the policy has disadvantaged teachers in Kajiado County who have the requisite experience and skills an opportunity to get promoted.
The teachers say that none of the resident teachers in the county have attained the Job groups L, M and N.
The petitioners, wants the Senate to intervene with a view to have affirmative action by the TSC for appointment to leadership positions of resident teachers and the policy be reviewed to give priority for promotion to leadership positions to resident teachers after which other teachers serving in the county could be considered
Nominated Senator Judith Pareno accused TSC of open bias and demanded investigations, claiming non-Masaai teachers from one community have taken over schools leadership in the “entire Masaailand”.
“All headteachers and their deputies are non-Masaai, most of them are from one community. We will be seeking to show the committee that there is discrimination,” complained Pareno.
On her defense, the TSC Boss told the Senators that the commission is guided by the Code of Regulations for Teachers in effecting promotion.
“To this end, all promotion above common cadre grades and to administrative positions are filled competitively as per the provisions of the Code of Regulation for Teachers and the Constitution of Kenya,” Said Dr. Macharia.
“Once a vacancy is established, the commission advertises the same through print and electronic media for interested teachers across the country to make applications for the positions.” She added.
The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) is finalizing the interview results for teachers who attended interview for promotions conducted in February 2021. The interviews were carried out between February 8 and 19, 2021 at designated TSC County offices countrywide.
A total of 32,431 teachers who were shortlisted and interviewed. Also ongoing are promotions and deployments of primary school teachers (who have attained degrees) to secondary schools.
Also in the pipeline is Diploma teachers’ promotions interviews.
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