TSC List of Transferred, Promoted Principals, Head Teachers and Deputies in Narok County

The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, has released a list of the 2024 promoted and transferred Secondary school Principals and Deputy Principals. The list also features their counter parts in Primary Schools. Get the full list below:

snoTSC NoSurnameFirst NamePromotion TypePosted asCounty FromSub County FromInstitution FromCounty ToSub County ToInstitution ToEffective Reporting DateExitedExit DateDate ReportedStatusActions
224253012ObuyaKennedyTransfer on PromotionDeputy PrincipalNAROKTRANSMARA EASTMurkan S.s.NAROKTRANSMARA WESTShartuka Secondary School2/22/2024NoPendingPendingIN SCHOOL::AWAITING EXITActions
225463863KorirJosephTransfer on PromotionDeputy PrincipalNAROKTRANSMARA EASTEmurua Dikirr Secondary SchoolNAROKTRANSMARA EASTAbossi High School2/22/2024NoPendingPendingIN SCHOOL::AWAITING EXITActions
226433803MaritimAlexTransfer on PromotionDeputy PrincipalNAROKTRANSMARA EASTChebitoik Secondary SchoolNAROKTRANSMARA EASTChangina Secondary School2/22/2024NoPendingPendingIN SCHOOL::AWAITING EXITActions
228315548NyankabariaFelistasTransfer on PromotionDeputy PrincipalNAROKTRANSMARA WESTOltanki Secondary SchoolNAROKTRANSMARA SOUTHMoita Mixed Secondary School2/22/2024NoPendingPendingIN SCHOOL::AWAITING EXITActions
229409648KaranjaBethTransfer on PromotionDeputy PrincipalNAROKTRANSMARA WESTMutenkuar Day Secondary SchoolNAROKTRANSMARA SOUTHSiria Girls Secondary School2/22/2024NoPendingPendingIN SCHOOL::AWAITING EXITActions
230255379MititiCharlesTransfer on PromotionDeputy PrincipalNAROKTRANSMARA WESTOsonkoroi Mixed Day Secondary SchoolNAROKTRANSMARA WESTRomosha Mixed Day Secondary School2/22/2024NoPendingPendingIN SCHOOL::AWAITING EXITActions
235335634OywechaReginaTransfer on PromotionPrincipalNAROKNAROK EASTNtulele Secondary SchoolNAROKTRANSMARA SOUTHMasurura Mixed Secondary School2/22/2024NoPendingPendingIN SCHOOL::AWAITING EXITActions
236279297MachariaJamesTransfer on PromotionPrincipalNAROKTRANSMARA WESTKilgoris Boys Secondary SchoolNAROKTRANSMARA WESTOlereko Secondary School2/22/2024NoPendingPendingIN SCHOOL::AWAITING EXITActions

Continue reading:

How to apply for a TSC transfer online- Simplified guide

TSC transfer application online portal and simplified application procedure for teachers- Updated

TSC transfers for teachers; How and when a teacher can be given a transfer

TSC Transfer Online Portal- The latest news on TSC teacher transfers, Check TSC Transfer Status

TSC transfer application online (How the Head Teacher/ Principal approves the transfer request)

TSC transfer application online- Simplified guide

TSC transfer online application portal

How to Track Your TSC Transfer Status

TSC Online Teachers Portal, Guide – TSC Transfer Portal

TSC transfer letter