Home Latest Education News TSC News Portal TSC Latest Secretariat Vacancies 2023; Advert for Audit Committee Chairperson and Member

TSC Latest Secretariat Vacancies 2023; Advert for Audit Committee Chairperson and Member

The Teachers Service Commission is a constitutional Commission established under Article 237(1) of the Constitution of Kenya.

Pursuant to section 73(5) and 155(5) of the PFM Act 2012 and PFM regulations 2015, and the guidelines for establishment of Audit Committees in all public entities, the Teachers Service Commission is inviting applications from qualified, experienced, result oriented and highly motivated Kenyans to fill the following positions;

1.     Chairperson, Audit Committee (1 Post) – Advert No. 31/2023.

  1. Member of the Audit Committee (1 Post) -Advert No. 32/2023.

For more information, interested candidates are advised to visit the Commission’s website: www.tsc.go.ke and apply through the recruitment portal.

Applications should be received not later than Tuesday, 31st January, 2023 at 5.00 pm.

 Teachers Service Commission is an equal opportunity employer. Persons with disability, females, marginalized and minorities are encouraged to apply. No manual applications will be considered. Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.

TSC advert for the posts

The Teachers Service Commission is a constitutional Commission established under Article 237(1) of the Constitution of Kenya.

Pursuant to section 73(5) and 155(5) of the PFM Act 2012 and PFM regulations 2015, and the guidelines for establishment of Audit Committees in all public entities, the Teachers Service Commission is inviting applications from qualified, experienced, result oriented and highly motivated Kenyans to fill the positions of Chairperson and member of the Audit Committee.

The Primary objective of the Audit Committee is to assist the Management, Commission Secretary, Board and Commission Chairperson to effectively discharge their responsibilities by providing an effective oversight function in enhancing governance, internal controls and Risk Management. The members constituting the Audit Committee will report to the Commission.

A.   Chairperson, Audit Committee (1 Post) -Advert No. 31/2023.


Purpose of the Job

The Chairperson of the Audit Committee of the Commission is responsible for providing leadership to the Committee in fulfilling its duties and responsibilities. The Chairperson reports to the Commission.

Key Responsibilities

  1. Provide leadership to the audit Committee of the
  2. Provide oversight on Governance, Risk management and Control processes at the Commission and make appropriate
  3. Report to the Commission on activities and decisions made by the Audit
  4. Examine Internal and external Audit reports and recommendations after management response to ensure action is
  5. Periodically arrange for review of the effectiveness and performance appraisal of the Audit Committee and the Internal Audit
  6. Setting the agenda for each meeting with the committee
  7. Drive the assessment of the performance of the Head of the Commission’s Internal Audit.
  8. Perform an independent review of the financial statements to ensure the integrity and transparency of the financial reporting
  9. Monitor the effectiveness of the Commission’s performance information and compliance with the performance management framework and performance reporting
  10. Ensure the Commission effectively monitors compliance with legislative and regulatory requirements and promotes a culture committed to lawful and ethical behaviour.
  11. Provide strong and effective oversight of the Commission’s internal audit
  12. Evaluating whether processes are in place to address key roles and responsibilities in relation to risk
  13. Perform the roles and responsibilities as laid out in the guidelines issued by the Public Sector Accounting Standards (PSAB), the Public Finance Management Regulations, 2015 and the Audit Committee Guidelines for National Government.

Requirements for appointment


For appointment, a candidate must:

  1. Be a Kenyan
  2. Possess a minimum of a Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce, Business Administration, Economics or related field from a University recognized in A master’s degree and/or a post graduate professional qualification in the relevant area and a certificate in Corporate Governance will be an added advantage.
  3. Be Certified Public Accountants of Kenya (CPA-K), or Certified Internal Auditor (CIA).
  4. Be a member of ICPAK or Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) in good
  5. Have at least 12 years’ experience at a senior level in the private or public
  6. Have Board experience from at least one
  7. Excellent working knowledge of an audit committee ‘s functions and risk management frameworks;
  8. Must not be a present or past employee or an agent of the Commission in the past two
  9. Demonstrate independence in the performance of the


  1. Have a good understanding of government operations, financial reporting and auditing.
  2. Have thorough knowledge of the Public Finance Management Act and regulations thereto.
  3. Not a holder of a political
  4. Must be compliant with the requirements of Chapter six of the Constitution of Kenya on Leadership and


B.   Member, Audit Committee (1 Post) – Advert No. 32/2023.


Key Responsibilities


  1. Provide oversight on Governance, Risk management and Control processes the Commission and make appropriate
  2. Report to the Commission on activities and decisions made by the Audit
  3. Examine Internal and external Audit reports and recommendations after management response to ensure action is
  4. Review the effectiveness and performance appraisal of the Audit Committee and the Internal Audit
  5. Participate in the assessment of the performance of the Head of the Commission’s Internal
  6. Perform an independent review of the financial statements to ensure the integrity and transparency of the financial reporting
  7. Monitor the effectiveness of the Commission’s performance information and compliance with the performance management framework and performance reporting
  8. Ensure the Commission effectively monitors compliance with legislative and regulatory requirements and promotes a culture committed to lawful and ethical behaviour.
  9. Provide strong and effective oversight of the Commission’s internal audit
  10. Evaluating whether processes are in place to address key roles and responsibilities in relation to risk
  11. Perform the roles and responsibilities as laid out in the guidelines issued by the Public Sector Accounting Standards (PSAB), the Public Finance Management Regulations, 2015 and the Audit Committee Guidelines for National Government


Requirements for appointment


For appointment, a candidate must:

  1. be a Kenyan Citizen
  2. Possess a minimum of a Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce, Business Administration, Economics or related field from a University recognized in


Kenya.  A   master’s  degree   and/or  a   post  graduate            professional qualification in the relevant area will be an added advantage.

  1. Be Certified Public Accountants of Kenya (CPA-K), or Certified Internal Auditor (CIA.
  2. Be a member of ICPAK or Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) in good
  3. Should have at least 10 years’ experience at a senior level in the private or public sector.
  4. Excellent working knowledge of an audit committee ‘s functions and risk management
  5. Must not be a present or past employee or an agent of the Commission in the past two
  6. Demonstrate independence in the performance of the
  7. Have a good understanding of government operations, financial reporting and auditing.
  8. Have thorough knowledge of the Public Finance Management Act and regulations thereto.
  9. Not a holder of a political
  10. Must be compliant with the requirements of Chapter six of the Constitution of Kenya on Leadership and


Terms of Appointment for Chairperson and Member, Audit Committee


  1. Successful candidates shall be appointed for a term of three years on part time basis and shall be eligible for re-appointment for a further final term of three years, subject to satisfactory
  2. The allowances payable to the members of the Audit Committee shall be as per the Salaries and Remuneration Commission



Successful candidate will be required to provide clearance from the following institutions;

  1. Kenya Revenue
  2. Higher Education Loans
  • Ethics and Anti-Corruption
  1. A Credit Reference
  2. The Directorate of Criminal Investigations (for certificate of good conduct).


All applications must be made online through the Commission’s Recruitment Portal. Only shortlisted candidates will be invited for interview.


Applications should be received not later than Tuesday, 31st January, 2023 at 5.00 pm.


Canvassing of any nature will lead to automatic disqualification.

 Teachers Service Commission is an equal opportunity employer. Persons of both gender, those living with challenges and the disadvantaged who meet the requirements are encouraged to apply.

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