TSC Declaration of Income, Assets & Liabilities (Wealth Declaration Online Form, Portal)


Here are the required details:

1. Name of the Public Officer

2. Birth Information
a). Date of Birth
b). Place of Birth

3. Marital Status:

4. Address
a). Postal Address
b). Physical Address

5. Employment Information

a). Designation
b). Name of Employer
c). Nature of Employment(Permanent, Temporary, Contract, e.t.c.)
d). T.S.C. No
e). School/Institution
f). Sub County

TSC Wealth Declaration Form, Online Portal (STEP BY STEP GUIDE).

6. Name of Spouse or Spouses

7. Name of Dependent children under the ages of 18 years
Surname First Name Other Names

8. Financial Statement for

a). Statement Date
Statement date is the first date of the month preceding the month in which the declaration is due.

b). Income (as of Statement Date)

Income, including emoluments, for the period from … to Oct  For an initial declaration, the period is the year ending on the statement date.
Description Approximate Amount
Salary, Rent, Business…………..

c). Assets (as of Statement Date)

(Including, but not limited to land, buildings, vehicles, investment and financial obligations owed to the person for whom the statement is made)
Description Approximate Amount
e.g Land Ksh (Value)

d). Liabilities (as of Statement Date)
Description Approximate Amount
Loan Ksh (Value)

Spouse(s) and children under 18 years Income, Asset and Liability Declaration

9. Other Information that may be useful or relevant.


I solemnly declare that the information I have given in this declaration is, to the best of my knowledge, true and complete

Signature of officer:

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