TSC Boss Dr. Nancy Macharia at a past event.
TSC Boss Nancy Macharia.

Teachers Service Commission Concludes Promotion Interviews for Primary School Teachers

The Teachers Service Commission has concluded interviews for teachers seeking promotions to more than 5,000 senior administrative positions.

The Commission interviewed 5,690 teachers between January 13 and 25 to fill vacancies for principal, deputy principal, head teacher and deputy head teacher in primary, secondary and teacher training colleges (TTCs).

The vacancies were announced on November 12 last year as part of a phased approach to promote qualified teachers in line with the Career Progression Guidelines for Teachers.

The Commission will fill 755 slots for principals in grade D3, 1,208 posts for primary head teacher, and 2,911 for primary deputy head teacher II. There were also 816 deputy principal III vacancies in post-primary institutions.

TSC said 189,000 teachers applied for the promotions and were shortlisted.

In the second phase of the exercise, 19,937 vacancies were advertised on December 17, 2024 for various senior posts, namely: chief principal, senior principal, principal, and deputy principal senior lecturer, lecturer, and senior master.

Others were secondary teacher I, senior head teacher, head teacher, deputy head teacher and senior teacher, bringing the total number of advertised posts to over 25,000.

The Commission intends to fill 4,703 posts in senior teacher I in regular primary schools and 3,653 posts under deputy headteacher II in regular primary schools. Other slots advertised were for 44 chief principals under job grade D5 in regular schools, three posts for chief principal at teacher training colleges, and 126 vacancies for senior principal in regular schools.

For the positions of principal in regular schools and deputy principal II in secondary schools, the Commission is expected to fill 652 and 786 posts, respectively.

Other positions with huge vacancies include 1,408 positions for deputy principal III in regular school; 1,987 posts for Senior Master III in regular schools; and 2,221 senior master IV positions.

Additionally, thousands of teachers applied for the 2,130 posts of head teacher in regular schools and 1,364 posts for senior teacher II in regular primary schools. The interviews were scheduled to begin on January 27. TSC has so far promoted over 240,000 teachers competitively and through common cadre between 2018 and 2023.

Teachers Service Commission Concludes Promotion Interviews for Primary School Teachers

The Teachers Service Commission has concluded interviews for teachers seeking promotions to more than 5,000 senior administrative positions.

The Commission interviewed 5,690 teachers between January 13 and 25 to fill vacancies for principal, deputy principal, head teacher and deputy head teacher in primary, secondary and teacher training colleges (TTCs).

The vacancies were announced on November 12 last year as part of a phased approach to promote qualified teachers in line with the Career Progression Guidelines for Teachers.

The Commission will fill 755 slots for principals in grade D3, 1,208 posts for primary head teacher, and 2,911 for primary deputy head teacher II. There were also 816 deputy principal III vacancies in post-primary institutions.

TSC said 189,000 teachers applied for the promotions and were shortlisted.

In the second phase of the exercise, 19,937 vacancies were advertised on December 17, 2024 for various senior posts, namely: chief principal, senior principal, principal, and deputy principal senior lecturer, lecturer, and senior master.

Others were secondary teacher I, senior head teacher, head teacher, deputy head teacher and senior teacher, bringing the total number of advertised posts to over 25,000.

The Commission intends to fill 4,703 posts in senior teacher I in regular primary schools and 3,653 posts under deputy headteacher II in regular primary schools. Other slots advertised were for 44 chief principals under job grade D5 in regular schools, three posts for chief principal at teacher training colleges, and 126 vacancies for senior principal in regular schools.

For the positions of principal in regular schools and deputy principal II in secondary schools, the Commission is expected to fill 652 and 786 posts, respectively.

Other positions with huge vacancies include 1,408 positions for deputy principal III in regular school; 1,987 posts for Senior Master III in regular schools; and 2,221 senior master IV positions.

Additionally, thousands of teachers applied for the 2,130 posts of head teacher in regular schools and 1,364 posts for senior teacher II in regular primary schools. The interviews were scheduled to begin on January 27. TSC has so far promoted over 240,000 teachers competitively and through common cadre between 2018 and 2023.