TSC Boss Dr. Nancy Macharia.
TSC Boss Dr. Nancy Macharia.

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) will roll out a mass count and bio-metric registration of all secondary and primary school teachers in the Country. The exercise was initially scheduled to commence in May last year (2020) could not take off as schools were closed due to outbreak of the Covid19 pandemic.

But, the Commission has now put all plans in place to roll out the head count in May this year when schools reopen for third term.

“The biometric registration shall entail validation of data of teachers in all public primary and secondary schools, Teacher Training Colleges, Centre for Mathematics, Science and Technology Education in Africa (CEMASTEA) and Kenya Institute of Special Education (KISE),” the Commission had earlier said.

The biometric registration of the teachers will involve the usage of their fingerprints to capture details. Additionally, each teacher will have to produce their national identity card or birth certificate and any other relevant identification documents such as employment or designation letters.

The exercise will also reveal teacher distribution based on subject combinations and will unearth staffing gaps that will inform training needs for various subject areas.

Seven counties will participate in the pilot roll-out of the program with the national exercise scheduled for August/ September 2021.

Uasin Gishu, Homa Bay, Bungoma, Nyeri, Kilifi, Kitui and Garissa were selected because they present both rural and urban setups with 143 institutions sampled from the areas consisting of primary, secondary and teachers training colleges.

To monitor daily attendance by teachers, the Commission shall then install Biometric gadgets in schools for teachers to clock in and out. Currently, teachers manually sign in and out of school.

The electronic registration of teachers will therefore expose teachers who miss lessons without written permissions. This enlisting of teachers is also expected to help the Commission balance the teaching staff since it will unravel the imbalances across all public schools.

Related news; TSC to get real time school attendance by all teachers through Biometric Registration

Biometric registration piloting exercise

Plans are at an advanced stage to have the piloting of the Biometric capture of all teachers before the exercise is rolled in all schools; countrywide. Through the piloting exercise, the Commission is seeking to establish an accurate and database that will inform its policies and guide in decision making.

A number of schools (from the selected piloting counties, above) have been identified to participate in the Biometric Enrollment and Validation Of Teachers (BEVOT) pilot exercise set for the 17th to 21st of May 2021.

During the exercise, biometric data capture kits will be used and pre-loaded with data Integrated Personnel Payroll Data (IPPD) data base This data shall be validated using the documents presented by the teacher during the exercise. In addition, biometrics (face
prints) shall be collected as a means of teacher identification and authentication of the information provided.

The enrollment exercise will be conducted at the selected institutions during the official working hours; between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm on the said dates.

The school heads will be required to provide information and supporting evidence of the school’s class streams, time table and location. A soft copy pdf Version of the school timetable should be sent to the following email address [email protected].

You may also like: TSC online services latest update.

Documents to be presented by teachers for Biometric Capture.

During the Biometric capture exercise all teachers will be required to be physically present and avail the following documents for validation:

  1. Original TSC Certificate of Registration,
  2. Original National ID,
  3. Letter of first appointment,
  4.  Letter of last appointment and
  5. Academic Certificates.