All TSC teachers in an institution are to be appraised on the new TPAD 2 system by the Appraiser who in most cases is the Deputy Principal or Deputy Head Teacher. As the appraiser you are able to view all the completed appraisals ready for you to appraise from your dashboard.
In order for you to appraise teachers below you, follow the simple steps below;
- First, log onto your TPAD 2 Account. Remember to log in as the appraiser;
- Click on ‘Appraiser Appraisals’, click on the ‘Pending appraisals’ tab.
- All the pending appraisee appraisals appear where the appraiser clicks on “Proceed to Appraisal” to commence the appraisal process.
- To be able to update, the appraisee clicks on “Update Standard” in order to view the standards.
- Next, Click on “Update Rating”. You will able to see the weight the appraisee has rated.
- On the window, click on “Add Weight” to start rating of each standard.
- Under each target, there is performance indicators and verifiable evidences which the appraiser is supposed to use for the rating.
- You should enter the weight under each target. The ratings should not exceed the weight displayed under each target. You also need to indicate whether the appraisee has any gaps.
- The comment section on observations or interventions on the gap need to be captured.
- Click on submit ratings button.
- It is now time to enter comments. Appraiser comments are added after every standard rating. Click on the “Save Comment“ button to effect the changes. The appraiser comment is saved in the appraisal and appraiser prompted to scroll to the next standard to continue with the rating.
- You will have to repeat the steps above on all the standards.
- Finally, you would be expected to add the final appraisal comment after completing rating process. Click on the “Save Comment“ button to effect the changes.
- Finalize the appraisal process by clicking on the “Complete Appraisal” button. It is important to note that the tab is dark blue in colour and once its clicked, it changes to a purple colour.
- Go back to your Dashboard to see if there are any pending appraisals.