Top mistakes to avoid as a teacher

The Kenyan teacher is faced by a large number of sanctions at the work place. The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) takes stern action against any teacher who violates the Code of Conduct. The process of interdicting and dismissing a teacher is quite elaborate; as documented by the Commission.

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How is a teacher interdicted by TSC?

TSC- A list of all offences that can lead to a teacher’s interdiction and the evidence required

The TSC Disciplinary Process: Interdiction, Hearing of cases

Here is a list of top ten mistakes to avoid as a teacher:

(1.) Don’t send a learner away from your class during teaching and learning as a result of bad behavior. This is because you cannot account for what the student may be doing outside and this can count against you if an accident occurs.

(2.) Don’t touch a learner inordinately. This is because the learner might claim he or she was abused either sexually/physically.You may not be able to refute it.

(3.) Don’t give assignments you don’t have time to mark. Unmarked assignments or home work indicate incompetency/unprofessionalism.

(4.) Don’t give emotional punishment to your learners. It reduces their chances of becoming a better learner.

(5.) Don’t just teach within the period given to you, especially when you are preparing learners for external examinations. Do create more contact time for your learners.

(6.) Don’t stay with a learner alone in a class, laboratory, office etc. Child’s protection policy forbids it. Try and avoid “one corner” teaching.

(7.) Don’t ask a child to kneel down for too long a time. He or she might have a health challenge you are not aware of.

(8.) Don’t conspire against your school head( Head of Department, academic head etc). What goes around, comes around.

(9.) Don’t be a difficult educator and avoid transferred aggression on any learner. Pocket your personal challenges and always be full of life.

(10.) Don’t treat learners unequally. There should be nothing like favourite learner. Every child matters.

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list of teachers interdiction by tsc
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reasons for interdiction by tsc
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difference between interdiction and suspension in tsc
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tsc disciplinary procedure,
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