KUCCPS students portal; https://students.kuccps.net/
KUCCPS students portal; https://students.kuccps.net/

Are you a form four leaver who has just done the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education, KCSE, examinations? Are you seeking to further your studies? Well, The Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service (KUCCPS) offers form four leavers with an opportunity to further their studies in courses of their choice.

After sitting the KCSE examination, a student can be placed in a university, college or TVET institution depending on the student’s performance and preference.


To complete the placement process KUCCPS has a dedicated portal for students. The portal can be accessed by using the address; https://students.kuccps.net/

This portal enables a student to select preferred programmes, revise choices, see institution plus course you have successfully been placed to pursue, download your admission letter and request for inter-institution transfer. These programmes can be selected at school level or in subsequent revisions (first and second revisions). An inter-institution transfer request is placed by students who are not pleased with the universities/ colleges where KUCCPS has placed them.

To access the student’s portal you must be armed with your KCSE index number, KCSE year and password. Use Your Birth Certificate number or KCPE Index No (as used in KCSE Exam Registration) as your Initial Password. You can change this if you like but it is not very necessary to do so.

On successful log in, your account dashboard shows available programmes and institutions plus the menu bar. To make your degree/ diploma/ certificate course choice and even monitor your application, use the ‘Application/ Revision’ tab. It is on the dashboard where you will see your selection/ placement results once released.

KUCCPS Contacts

In case you may be having any queries, it is good to contact KUCCPS directly. Use any of the following to contact the placement agency:

  • Physical Location: ACK Gardens, 1st Ngong’ Avenue, Upperhill Nairobi
  • Telephone : 020 5137400, 0723954927, 0734879662
  • Email : [email protected]
  • Postal Address: P. O. Box 105166 – 00101, Nairobi
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