New CBC TextBooks LongHorn Publishers.

Official List of publishers for 1.2 million CBC Grade 4 textbooks

A total of seven publishers have been given the nod to publish Grade 4 text books for the new Competency Based Curriculum, CBC. The seven companies will publish a total of 1.2 million text books ahead of the rollout of the Curriculum to Grade 4 next year, 2020. They will publish text books for the 14 subjects to be offered at Grade 4 with effect from January, 2020. The subjects to be offered at Grade 4 are: English, Kiswahili, Home Science, Science & Technology, Mathematics, Christian Religious Studies, Music and Social Studies. Others are: Other Languages, Citizenship, Geography, History, Creative Arts and Physical & Health Education.

The seven Publishers are expected to print the books from November this year. These publishers are: Kenya Literature Bureau (KLB), Oxford University Press (OUP), LongHorn, One Planet, Mountain Top, East African Educational Publishers and Moran Publishers.

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The Table below shows the Publishers for the Grade 4 Text Books;

1 Kenya Literature Bureau 3
2 Oxford University Press 2
3 Long Horn 2
4 One Planet 1
5 Mountain Top 1
6 East African Educational Publishers 1
7 Moran Publishers 1

And below is a full list of approved Grade 1, 2 and 3 textbooks:

List of Approved Competency Based Curriculum, CBC, books for Grade one:

  1. CRE Activities by the Kenya Literature Bureau, KLB.
  2. Nyota ya Kiswahili by the Jomo Kenyatta Foundation, JKF
  3. Hygiene and Nutrition by the Jomo Kenyatta Foundation, JKF
  4. Islamic Religious Education, IRE, by the Kenya Literature Bureau, KLB.
  5. Mathematical Activities Spotlight Publishers
  6.  Nyota ya Kiswahili by JKF publishers
  7. Kiswahili Dadisi Mazoezi ya lugha by Oxford University Press publishers
  8. Kiswahili activities by Longhorn publishers
  9. Kiswahili Angaza by EAEP
  10. Visionaries Learner’s Book by KLB
  11. Utamu wa Kiswahili by Herald Education
  12. Primary Mathematics
    Learner’s Activities by JKL
  13. Mathematical Activities by Bookmark
  14. Mathematics Activities by KLB
  15. Let’s Do Mathematics Activities by Oxford University Press
  16. Mathematical Activities by Herald Education Publishers
  17. Literacy Activities Charles by KLB
  18. English Literacy by Mountain Top Publishers
  19. Read With us English Literacy Activities by Oxford University Press
  20. English Literacy Activities by Longhorn Publishers
  21. Skills in English Literacy by Moran Publishers

List of Approved Competency Based Curriculum, CBC, books for Grade two:

  1. New Primary English Learners’ book by the Jomo Kenyatta Foundation, JKF
  2. Christian Religious Education, CRE, Activities by the Kenya Literature Bureau, KLB.
  3. Nyota ya Kiswahili by the Jomo Kenyatta Foundation, JKF
  4. Primary Mathematics by the Jomo Kenyatta Foundation, JKF
  5. Mathematical Activities by the Kenya Literature Bureau, KLB.
  6. Environmental Activities by the Kenya Literature Bureau, KLB.
  7. Hygiene and Nutrition by the Kenya Literature Bureau, KLB
  8. PrimaryMathematics Learner’s Activities by JKF Publishers
  9. Mathematics Activities by Longhorn Publishers
  10. Have Fun Mathematical Activities by Herald Publishers
  11. Mathematical Activities by  Visionary Publishers
  12. Let’s Do mathematics Activities by Oxford University Press publishers
  13. Mathematics Activities by Spotlight Publishers
  14. Visionary English Literacy
    Activities by Kenya Literature of Bureau
  15. English Literacy Activities by Longhorn Publishers

List of Approved Competency Based Curriculum, CBC, books for Grade three:

  1. Christian Religious Education, CRE, Activities by the Kenya Literature Bureau, KLB.
  2. Mathematical Activities by the Kenya Literature Bureau, KLB.
  3. Environmental Activities by the Kenya Literature Bureau, KLB.
  4. Hygiene and Nutrition by the Kenya Literature Bureau, KLB
  5. English Literacy by the Kenya Literature Bureau, KLB
  6. Islamic Religious Activities by the Kenya Literature Bureau, KLB
  7. Mazoezi ya Kiswahili by the Kenya Literature Bureau, KLB
  8. Have Fun Mathematical
    Activities by Herald Publishers
  9. Let’s Do Mathematics Activities by Oxford University Press
  10. Mathematics Activities by Spotlight Publishers
  11. Enjoy Mathematical Activities Learner’s Book by Moran Publishers
  12. Mathematical Activities by Mentor Publishers
  13. Mathematics Activities by KLB
  14. Literacy Activities by Longhorn publishers
  15. Literacy and Indigenous Activities by Mentor publishers
  16. Visionaries Activities by KLB
  17. Read With us English Literacy Activities by Oxford University Press

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