Official List of publishers for 1.2 million CBC Grade 4 textbooks
|A total of seven publishers have been given the nod to publish Grade 4 text books for the new Competency Based Curriculum, CBC. The seven companies will publish a total of 1.2 million text books ahead of the rollout of the Curriculum to Grade 4 next year, 2020. They will publish text books for the 14 subjects to be offered at Grade 4 with effect from January, 2020. The subjects to be offered at Grade 4 are: English, Kiswahili, Home Science, Science & Technology, Mathematics, Christian Religious Studies, Music and Social Studies. Others are: Other Languages, Citizenship, Geography, History, Creative Arts and Physical & Health Education.
The seven Publishers are expected to print the books from November this year. These publishers are: Kenya Literature Bureau (KLB), Oxford University Press (OUP), LongHorn, One Planet, Mountain Top, East African Educational Publishers and Moran Publishers.
Read also;
- Submit your views on CBC curriculum reforms- Education Ministry tells Kenyans
- Education demistifying the new kenyan education curriculum CBC comparison with the 8-4-4-system
The Table below shows the Publishers for the Grade 4 Text Books;
1 | Kenya Literature Bureau | 3 |
2 | Oxford University Press | 2 |
3 | Long Horn | 2 |
4 | One Planet | 1 |
5 | Mountain Top | 1 |
6 | East African Educational Publishers | 1 |
7 | Moran Publishers | 1 |
And below is a full list of approved Grade 1, 2 and 3 textbooks:
List of Approved Competency Based Curriculum, CBC, books for Grade one:
- CRE Activities by the Kenya Literature Bureau, KLB.
- Nyota ya Kiswahili by the Jomo Kenyatta Foundation, JKF
- Hygiene and Nutrition by the Jomo Kenyatta Foundation, JKF
- Islamic Religious Education, IRE, by the Kenya Literature Bureau, KLB.
- Mathematical Activities Spotlight Publishers
- Nyota ya Kiswahili by JKF publishers
- Kiswahili Dadisi Mazoezi ya lugha by Oxford University Press publishers
- Kiswahili activities by Longhorn publishers
- Kiswahili Angaza by EAEP
- Visionaries Learner’s Book by KLB
- Utamu wa Kiswahili by Herald Education
- Primary Mathematics
Learner’s Activities by JKL - Mathematical Activities by Bookmark
- Mathematics Activities by KLB
- Let’s Do Mathematics Activities by Oxford University Press
- Mathematical Activities by Herald Education Publishers
- Literacy Activities Charles by KLB
- English Literacy by Mountain Top Publishers
- Read With us English Literacy Activities by Oxford University Press
- English Literacy Activities by Longhorn Publishers
- Skills in English Literacy by Moran Publishers
List of Approved Competency Based Curriculum, CBC, books for Grade two:
- New Primary English Learners’ book by the Jomo Kenyatta Foundation, JKF
- Christian Religious Education, CRE, Activities by the Kenya Literature Bureau, KLB.
- Nyota ya Kiswahili by the Jomo Kenyatta Foundation, JKF
- Primary Mathematics by the Jomo Kenyatta Foundation, JKF
- Mathematical Activities by the Kenya Literature Bureau, KLB.
- Environmental Activities by the Kenya Literature Bureau, KLB.
- Hygiene and Nutrition by the Kenya Literature Bureau, KLB
- PrimaryMathematics Learner’s Activities by JKF Publishers
- Mathematics Activities by Longhorn Publishers
- Have Fun Mathematical Activities by Herald Publishers
- Mathematical Activities by Visionary Publishers
- Let’s Do mathematics Activities by Oxford University Press publishers
- Mathematics Activities by Spotlight Publishers
- Visionary English Literacy
Activities by Kenya Literature of Bureau - English Literacy Activities by Longhorn Publishers
List of Approved Competency Based Curriculum, CBC, books for Grade three:
- Christian Religious Education, CRE, Activities by the Kenya Literature Bureau, KLB.
- Mathematical Activities by the Kenya Literature Bureau, KLB.
- Environmental Activities by the Kenya Literature Bureau, KLB.
- Hygiene and Nutrition by the Kenya Literature Bureau, KLB
- English Literacy by the Kenya Literature Bureau, KLB
- Islamic Religious Activities by the Kenya Literature Bureau, KLB
- Mazoezi ya Kiswahili by the Kenya Literature Bureau, KLB
- Have Fun Mathematical
Activities by Herald Publishers - Let’s Do Mathematics Activities by Oxford University Press
- Mathematics Activities by Spotlight Publishers
- Enjoy Mathematical Activities Learner’s Book by Moran Publishers
- Mathematical Activities by Mentor Publishers
- Mathematics Activities by KLB
- Literacy Activities by Longhorn publishers
- Literacy and Indigenous Activities by Mentor publishers
- Visionaries Activities by KLB
- Read With us English Literacy Activities by Oxford University Press