The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, has stood its ground on the qualifications for those intending to join the profession. This will further fuel the feud between the Commission and the Ministry of Education. The Education Ministry had lowered the entry grades to Teacher Training Colleges to D+ for students from marginalized areas. This directive has been opposed by the TSC. The Commission’s latest circular comes even after the Attorney General stated that TSC is not mandated to set entry grades to teacher colleges. Those to suffer, from this scuffle, are the over 2,000 teacher trainees already admitted with lower grades.
Read the latest Circular from TSC on minimum academic and professional qualifications for teachers, below;
“Pursuant to Article 237 (2) of the Kenya Constitution 2010, the Teachers Service
Commission has a Constitutional mandate to among other functions, register
qualified teachers and review the quality of education and training of persons
entering the teaching service.
Further, section 23 (2) of the Teachers Service Commission Act, 2012 provides that; ‘A person shall not engage in the teaching service unless such person is registered as a teacher under the Act’. This requirement applies to both public and private learning institutions.
It is, therefore, notified for public information that requirements for registration as
a teacher are provided for in Legal Notice No. 50 of 2016 (The Teachers Service
Commission Code of Regulations for Teachers (Amendments), 2016).
Minimum Academic and Professional Requirements for Registration of Teachers
a ECDE Certificate
i. Minimum of CPE/KCPE plus ECDE
Certificate from KNEC.
ii. Minimum mean grade D+(Plus) at KCSE and
ECDE Certificate from KNEC.
iii. Minimum mean grade D (Plain) at KCSE,
KNEC proficiency certificate, ECDE
Certificate from KNEC
ECDE Diploma
i. Mean grade C (Plain) at KCSE and ECDE
Certificate from KNEC.
ii. Mean grade C+ (Plus) and above for
University Diploma
ECDE Degree
1. Mean grade C+ (Plus) and above
2. For PTE
i. Minimum grade C Plain in KCSE and above
ii. PTE Certificate from KNEC
iii. Mean grade of C- (minus) for visually and
hearing impaired persons
Diploma in Education
i. Minimum grade C+( Plus) in KCSE and
above and C+ (Plus) in the two subjects
ii. At least C (Plain) in English
iii. C (plain) in Mathematics for Science-based courses
iv. D+( plus) in Mathematics in non-science
based courses.
Diploma in Education for Visually and hearing impaired
i. Minimum grade C (Plain) in KCSE and
ii. At least C Minus in English
iii. C- (Minus) in Mathematics for Science
based courses
iv. D (Plain) in Mathematics in non-science
based courses
Bachelor of Education- Arts
i. Minimum mean grade C+ (plus) and above
or its equivalent
ii. C+ (Plus) in two subjects of specialization
Bachelor of Education- Science
i. Minimum grade C+ (Plus) in KCSE and
above and C+ (Plus) in the two subjects of
ii. Post graduate Diploma in Education
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