National teachers committee members meeting held on 16th January 2023

Members present…
1.Mr Fattah– Director
2.Mr Makheti– Chairman
3.Dr Likami— v.Chair
4.Mr Fidel—-Treasurer
5Mr Achila–referee incharge
6.Mr charles—secretary
7Mr Ojwaya–Org.secretary
8.Mr Mavale –Host rep

1.Report from the host
2.Registration deadline
3.Preparedness for the tournament

1.Report from the host
The host representative ,mr Mavale reported to the committee that:

-Five pitches to be used for the tournament in Alliance school are ready
-The school is ready to give accommodation at a fee that will be communicated later
-The hospital to be used by teachers in case of an emergency is located near the school and that their ambulance will be available for use
-They are working to get a sponsorship from the sports house
– The school is willing to offer meals if members can agree to adopt the same


Members agreed that the deadline for registration to be on 28th February 2023.

Registration fee to be 4000/=only for every team that will be participating

After paying the registration fee,teams will be provided with three forms i.e
1.Contractual form
2.Form containing names of the players and the officials
3.Form containing rules and regulations for the tournament

Teams willing to register have to sign form containing the terms and conditions of the tournament by 28th Feb 2023.

3.Preparedness for the tournament
Members agreed to look for sponsorship to make the tournament better..

Members are to engage::
1.Betting companies
3.Mwalimu national
4.Banks ie KCB,Equity etc

-Mr Fattah and mr Ojwaya are to be incharge of sponsorship
-Mr Achila to be incharge of Field management
-Mr Fidel and Charles to be responsible for rules and regulations of the tournament

-Members agreed to send invitation letters to teachers officials

-Security to be enhanced by involving the police officers

The chairman appreciated members for attending the meeting. Next meeting to be held on Thursday 26th January 2023.
The meeting was closed with a prayer from Mr Fidel