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Moi University Kuccps Admissions Portal

Moi University Kuccps Admissions Portal

Slected by Kuccps to join Moi University? Well. Congratulations. Moi University is a Premier University in the Country. 

To be admitted at the University, you need your Kuccps admission letter. This can be accessed at the Moi University Kuccps Portal.

To Download your Admission Letter

Government Sponsored (placed by KUCCPS)

NBBefore proceeding, ensure you have received a letter from KUCCPS which indicates you have been granted an offer in Moi University. Click here to view the Moi University KUCCPS Admitted List 

For Government Sponsored; click the following link: https://admissions.mu.ac.ke/login

1. In the field provided, type your KCSE Index number/Year and click Login i.e. if your index number is XXXXXXXXXXXX then type in this format XXXXXXXXXX/Year where XXXXXXXXXX is the index number and Year is the year you sat for your Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE), then click Login

2. The first time you login, you are required to accept or reject the programme you have been offered. Accepting the offer gives you the access to other services while rejecting denies you access to any other services.

3. Fill in the the required registration details

4. Download your admission letter

Self Sponsored

For Self Sponsored; click the following link: https://admissions.mu.ac.ke/login and proceed as instructed

Further enquires can be made through email to admissions@mu.ac.ke or ictdirector@mu.ac.ke

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Kuccps portal login

The KUCCPS Portal Guide – Simplified KUCCPS Application Guide

KUCCPS Portal, Website

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