NameID No.County/CodePolitical Party
Particulars of Relevant Information
1.PAUL        KARUNGO THANGWA21979996KIAMBU 022UNITED DEMOCTRATIC ALLIANCEThe Aspirant was an appointed state officer serving in the  County  Government  of  Kiambu,  where  he  was removed from  office  by  way  of  impeachment by  the County   Assembly   of   Kiambu.   The   High   Court   in Nairobi  Petition  No.  E234  of  2022   has  issued  a temporary  order  barring  the  IEBC  from  clearing  the Aspirant  to  contest  the  position  of  Senator  in  the County of Kiambu, pending determination of the case challenging the eligibility of the Aspirant to vie.
2.OBADO    ZACHARIA OKOTH2742774MIGORI 044PEOPLES DEMOCRATIC PARTYThe  Aspirant  was  charged  in  Nairobi  Anti-Corruption Court   vide   ACC/8/2020   with   four   counts   namely Conspiracy  to  commit  an  offence  of  economic  crime contrary to section 47A; Conflict of Interest contrary to   section   42(3);   Money   Laundering   contrary   to section  3  (A)  (i)  as  read  with  section  16  of  the Proceeds of Crime and Anti- Money Laundering; and Unlawful  acquisition  of  Public  Property  contrary  to section 45(1) (a) as read with section 48 of the Anti- Corruption and Economic Crimes Act no 3 of 2003.
A  civil  case  for  recovery  of  illegally  and  corruptly acquired  assets  has  also  been  instituted  vide  ACEC E010 of 2021. Both matters are pending before court.
3.MUNGATANA DANSON BUYA10311859TANA RIVER 004UNITED DEMOCTRATIC ALLIANCEThe aspirant was charged in court with the offence of conspiracy to commit an economic crime contrary to section  47A  of  the  Anti-Corruption  and  Economic Crimes Act no 3 of 2003 vide Malindi ACC. 4 of 2019. The matter is pending before court.
4.ONYONKA  RICHARD MOMOIMA300027KISII 045ORANGE DEMOCRATIC MOVEMENTThe Commission received and investigated allegations that the aspirant failed to remit taxes totaling to Kshs 21 Million relating to the purchase  of sugar for IDPs worth  Kshs.  132  M  from  Chemelil  Sugar  Company using   CDF.   Investigations    established   that   the Aspirant  was  culpable.  He  was  charged  in  court  in Kisumu vide ACC 1 of 2014.   He was acquitted under section  215  of  the  CPC.  The  State  has  lodged  an appeal and the matter is pending in court.
5.CHILUMO BENJAMIN KAI1126527KILIFI 003PAAThe Commission has instituted recovery suits against the  aspirant  in  civil  suits  filed  in  the  High  Court  of Kenya at Nairobi Nos. 29 of 2017 and 7 of 2018 for the  recovery  of  Kshs.  252,864,833.17  lost  by  the County  Government  of  Kilifi  between  1st  July  2015 and 31st December 2015 through irregular payments for    goods/services    not    provided/delivered.    The matters are pending before court.
6.MBOGO         LILIAN WANJA MUTHONI13406241EMBU 014JUBILEE PARTYThe  Aspirant  is  a  former  Principal  Secretary  in  the Ministry  of  Public Service,  Youth  and Gender Affairs. She  was  part  of  investigations  by  the  DCI  which culminated  in  her  arrest  and  prosecution  alongside several  staff  and  suppliers  of  the  National  Youth Service (NYS) in criminal cases Nairobi Criminal Case Nos. ACC 8 of 2018, ACC 10 of 2018, ACC 12 of 2018,
ACC 13 of 2018, ACC 16 of 2018 and ACC 17 of 2018,
linked to loss theft of public funds amounting to Kshs 467,896,993/= from the NYS, a State Department in the  Ministry  of  Public  Service,  Youth  and  Gender Affairs.
The     Asset     Recovery     Agency     instituted     civil proceedings  through  ACC  No.  58  of  2018  for  the recovery of funds from accounts held in the names of the  Aspirant,  companies  in  which  the  Aspirant  is  a joint director and from her accounts in the names of her children.
On   15th   April   2020,   the   court  entered  judgment against  the  Applicant  and  granted  orders  declaring that    a    total    of    USD    105,293.7    and    Kshs. 22,445,487.74    held    in    several    bank    accounts belonging  to  or  associated  with  the  Aspirant    are proceeds of crime and therefore liable for forfeiture to the State.