These are the TVET colleges that have been approved by the TVETA board to offer CBET programmes.
These are the TVET colleges that have been approved by the TVETA board to offer CBET programmes.


The Technical and Vocational Education and Training Authority (TVETA) is a public corporate agency established under the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Act No. 29 of 2013 to regulate and coordinate training in the country through licensing, registration and accreditation of programs, institutions and trainers. Section 7 of the Act, 2013 gives the powers and functions of the Authority to regulate and coordinate training; inspect, license and register and accredit training institutions; accredit and inspect programmes and courses; promote access and relevance of training programmes; determine the national technical and vocationaltraining objectives; assure quality and relevance in programmes of training among other functions.

The Authority is governed by a Board appointed by the Cabinet Secretary responsible for Technical and Vocational Education and Training while the day to day affairs are managed by the Board’s Secretariat, headed by a Director General. Prior to the establishment of TVETA, a Directorate of Technical Accreditation and Quality Assurance and Directorate of Youth Training had been established to undertake inspection and registration of TVET institutions with the purview of the mandate of the Ministries of Higher Education Science and Technology and Youth Affairs and Sports respectively.

The Kenyan TVET sector comprises of National Polytechnics, Technical Training Institutes (TTIs), Vocational Training Centres (VTCs), Technical Trainer Colleges and any other category specified by the Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Education Science and Technology.

These are the TVET colleges that have been approved by the TVETA board to offer CBET programmes:


Here is the list of TVET Authority approved Competency-Based Education and Training (CBET) curricula developed by Curriculum Development Assessment and Certification Council (CDACC):

8Beauty TherapyApprovedApprovedApprovedApprovedCDACC
20Culinary ArtsApproved__ApprovedCDACC
21Dairy Farm ManagementApprovedApprovedApprovedApprovedCDACC.
26Electrical InstallationApproved___CDACC.
30Food and BeverageApprovedApproved__CDACC.
34Front Office OperationsApproved___CDACC.
35Hair Dressing and Beauty TherapyApproved___CDACC
38Horticulture Nursery ManagementApprovedApprovedApprovedApprovedCDACC
39Horticulture ProcessingApprovedApprovedApprovedApprovedCDACC
40Horticulture ProductionApprovedApprovedApprovedApprovedCDACC
45Instrumentation and controlApprovedApprovedApprovedApprovedCDACC
54Meat Slaughter house AttendantApproved___CDACC
67Poultry Broiler Production AttendantApproved___CDACC
70Poultry Kienyeji Chicken Production OperatorApproved___CDACC
71Poultry Layer Production AttendantApproved___CDACC
82Security GuardApproved___CDACC
1Agricultural Extension___ApprovedCDACC
3Apiculture (Bee Technology)__ApprovedApprovedCDACC
5Automotive Engineering__Approved_CDACC
6Automotive Technician___ApprovedCDACC
7Baking Technology___ApprovedCDACC
9Building Technician___ApprovedCDACC.
10Business Management__ApprovedApprovedCDACC
12Certified Pension Management___ApprovedCDACC
13Chemical Engineering___ApprovedCDACC
14Christian Ministry___ApprovedCDACC
15Construction Management___ApprovedCDACC
16Cooperative Management___ApprovedCDACC
17Counselling Psychology___ApprovedCDACC
18Credit Management___ApprovedCDACC
19Credit Officer__Approved_CDACC
22Dairy Plant Management_ApprovedApprovedApprovedCDACC
23Electrical Engineering___ApprovedCDACC
24Electrical Engineering (Power Option)___ApprovedCDACC
25Electrical Installation__Approved_CDACC
27Electrical Operation (Power Option)__Approved_CDACC
28Fashion Design___ApprovedCDACC
29Financial Sales__Approved_CDACC
31Food and Beverage (Sales and Service Management)_ApprovedApproved_CDACC
32Food Production_ApprovedApproved_CDACC
33Food Technology__Approved_CDACC
37Highway Engineering___ApprovedCDACC
41House Keeping_ApprovedApproved_CDACC
42Housekeeping Management___ApprovedCDACC
43Human Resource Management__ApprovedApprovedCDACC
44ICT Technician__ApprovedApprovedCDACC
46Laundry and Dry Cleaning_Approved__CDACC
48Marriage and Family Counselling___ApprovedCDACC
50Meat Abattoir Operator_Approved__CDACC
51Meat Butchery Attendant_Approved__CDACC
52Meat Butchery Operations_Approved__CDACC
53Meat Processing_ApprovedApproved_CDACC
55Mechanical Production Technician___ApprovedCDACC
57Office Administration___ApprovedCDACC
58Office Assistant_Approved__CDACC
59Oil Pipeline Fire Officer__Approved_CDACC
60Oil Pipeline Instrumentation and Control__Approved_CDACC
61Oil Pipeline Laboratory Technology__Approved_CDACC
62Oil Pipeline Mechanical Maintenance__Approved_CDACC
63Oil Pipeline Operations__Approved_CDACC
64Operation Theatre Technology__ApprovedApprovedCDACC
66Poultry Breeding Operations__Approved_CDACC
68Poultry Broiler Production Operator_Approved__CDACC
69Poultry Hatchery Operations_Approved__CDACC
72Poultry Layer Production Operations_Approved__CDACC
73Poultry Management___ApprovedCDACC
74Poultry Processing Operator__Approved_CDACC
75Poultry Products Processing Operations_Approved__CDACC
76Printing Technology___ApprovedCDACC
77Project Management__Approved_CDACC
78Project Management___ApprovedCDACC
79Quantity Survey___ApprovedCDACC
80Records and Archives Management__ApprovedApprovedCDACC
81Refrigeration and air Conditioning__Approved_CDACC
83Social Work__ApprovedApprovedCDACC
84Supply Chain__ApprovedApprovedCDACC
85Tourism Management___ApprovedCDACC
86Tourism Operations__Approved_CDACC
87Welding and Fabrication___ApprovedCDACC

Source: TVETA.

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