KPSEA Grade 6 Learners Registration; KNEC Circular on Final Guidelines


Registration for the Kenya Primary School Education Assessment (KPSEA) and Kenya Intermediate Level Education Assessment (KILEA) learners is open.

In this regard, the Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC) wishes to bring to your attention the following information:

1.0 Registration of learners in the Regular pathway (for KPSEA)

Heads of institutions with learners following the regular pathway are expected to note and ensure that:

1.1 All learners who are in Grade 6 are to be registered for the assessment as is the practice in KCPE examination, through the KPSEA Registration portal which is now accessible.

1.2 All KPSEA centres will be hosted in the existing KCPE examination centres with a candidature of thirty (3()) and above. Institutions with a combined candidature of thirty (30) and above for both KPSEA and KCPE examination will therefore be allowed to conduct the KPSEA in their premises.

1.3 Assessment centres with less than thirty (30) candidates/learners shall be hosted in centres to be identified by Sub-County Directors, in line with the guidelines provided by KNEC on the same. Special Schools are exemptedfrom this rule.

1.4 Centres with less than five (05) candidates will not be allowed to register learners for the KPSEA as independent assessment centres. Such institutions are advised to liaise with the respective Sub-County Directors of Education to identify an approved KNEC assessment/examination centre with more than fifteen (15) learners/candidates for their learners to be registered. Special Schools are exempted from this rule.

1.5 All learners registered for KPSEA must be bonafide, school-going learners in their respective schools, who are transiting to Grade 6. Registration of ghost learners constitutes an assessment malpractice, which attracts sanctions, including de-registration of the school as a KNEC Assessment centre.

1.6 Heads of Institutions are required to log into the KNEC CBA portal, under KPSEA to capture details of their assessment centres and learners using their Asessment centre log-in credentials. They are expected to ensure accuracy of the following:

1.6.1 Learner’s Assessment Number;
1.6.2 Learner’s name as it appears on their Birth Certificate;
1.6.3 Gender of the learner;
1.6.4 Year of birth;
1.6.5 Citizenship;
1.6.6 The Religious Education option (CRE, HRE or IRE)
1.6.7 Hearing Impaired Learners siting for KSL.
1.6.8 Information on different categories of learners with special needs and disabilities, to be indicated as follows:

  • Visual Impairments (totally blind (B) and Low Vision (LV);
  • Hearing Impairment (D, KSL); and
  • Physical impairment (P).

1.7 Head teachers are expected to register learners afresh for KPSEA, from the Grade 6 learners’ list already in the KNEC portal.

1.8 The KPSEA learners shall be identified/registered using the Assessment number.

1.9 Learners without Assessment Numbers shall be issued with an Assessment Number, upon registration.

2.0 Registration of Non-citizen Learners

Head-teachers with learners who are not Kenyan citizens are requested to note and ensure the following:

2.1 The Government of Kenya through the Ministry of Education (MOE) shall pay assessment fees for all candidates in public and private schools except non-Citizens.

2.2 The assessment fees payable per non-citizen learner is Kes. 800.00. The fees shall be deposited in the respective KNEC fees collection accounts in either National Bank, Kenya Commercial Bank, Co-operative Bank or Equity Bank.

2.3 The deposit slips should be submitted to the SCDEs who shall forward to KNEC together with other registration documents.

3.0 Transfer of learners

Learners will not be allowed to transfer to other Assessment Centres once registration of KPSEA commences.

4.0 Identification of learners in the Stage-based pathway (for KILEA)

Registration of learners following the Stage-based pathway who wish to sit for KILEA shall be done as follows:

4.1 Teachers will upload details of learners who are ready for KILEA upon conducting Functional Assessment and established that the learners exhibit the desired competencies to be enrolled for KILEA.

4.2 The KILEA registration portal will be open for teachers to enroll/identify learners from the list of intermediate learners already in the KNEC CBA portal upon confirmation of their readiness for the Assessment.

5.0 Coding of KPSEA Centres

It is expected that all centres presenting learners for KPSEA were issued with their respective KNEC Assessment codes during enrolment of their learners at Grade 3. As such, there shall be no coding of new KPSEA centres.

Any school with Grade 6 learners without an Assessment Code is directed to liaise with their respective SCDE office to ensure identification of a suitable approved centres for purposes of registration of the candidates.

6.0 Alignment of Assessment Centres for newly created sub-counties and those served by more than one container

The SCDEs for the newly created sub counties are requested to ensure that:

6.1 All their Assessment centres are coded, correctly transferred and aligned with the correct container;

6.2 No Assessment centre is left in the former sub-county;

6.3 Assessment centres are correctly aligned with the correct containers in sub-counties with more than one container.

7.0 Use of Passwords

All SCDEs and heads of institutions are responsible for the use and security of Passwords issued by KNEC for access to the KNEC portals and requested to note the following:

7.1 Passwords are confidential and are intended for use by the designated user. Heads of institutions are therefore responsible for the security, custody and access of the passwords for their institutions;

7.2 It is of paramount importance for heads of institutions to safeguard their passwords so as to restrict access of the school’s registration and assessment related data by unauthorized persons;

7.3 In case of loss or forgotten password, the Head-teacher shall liaise with their SCDE for resetting of the Password. The SCDE shall log onto the CBA portal using the Cp2 credentials, search for the school and click the Reset Password button. Upon clicking the Reset Password button, the Assessment Centre becomes the Username and new password for the school.

8.0 Adherence to Registration deadlines

The KNEC Registration portal shall be closed when the deadline date reaches. Please note that there shall be no late registration of learners for the KPSEA once the portal is closed.

All the relevant process owners and stakeholders including parents and learners must therefore be informed on the need to adhere to the set deadlines for registration of the KPSEA.

9.0 Submission of Registration Materials

Heads of institutions will be expected to present all registration documents for the centres in their respective SCDEs’ offices after finalizing the registration process for verification by the SCDEs and KNEC officers before submission.

By a copy of this communication, you are hereby requested to ensure that the regulations and guidelines on registration of the  KPSEA assessment candidates are adhered for effective administration of the assessments.