Knec introduces online KCSE Exams {Circular & CBET Portal Guide}
Knec introduces online KCSE Exams {Circular & CBET Portal Guide}

The Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC) has introduced online Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education, KCSE, examinations. According to the Council, the online exams are meant to modernize assessment practices and enhance the credibility of Kenya’s national certification process.

This latest move comes after the Council also introduced July Series of the KCSE Exams with all Repeaters expected to register at Education Offices.

Also read: KNEC releases guidelines for KCSE Repeaters’ exams in July 2025

Knec announces that the Computer Studies Exams will be done online ahead of roll out of the Program to cover all other subjects.

“As part of this initiative, the 2025 KCSE Computer Studies Papers 1 and 2 will be administered electronically via the KNEC E-Assessment System.” The Council has announced.

To assess participating schools’ e-readiness, KNEC shared an online questionnaire for feedback to the respective school principals. To ensure success, the Council has scheduled test runs, with the first dry run planned for Thursday, 30th January 2025.

Continue reading: Knec announces KCSE 2025 July Exams Timetable, Bars the following students

Prior to the administration of the online assessment, School principals with Computer Studies candidates must register their candidates on the KNEC CBATE Portal, accessible using the link: Login credentials (Username and Password) have been sent directly to the respective school principals via KNEC SMS.

 Registration Requirements

During the registration process, the principal, in collaboration with the Computer Studies teacher or the school’s ICT officer, must ensure stable internet connectivity and functional desktop or laptop computers. The following previous examination details for each candidate will be required to facilitate registration:

  • Examination Year (e.g., year of KCPE or KCSE).
  • Candidate’s Previous Index Number (e.g., KCPE index number for regular candidates or KCSE index number for repeaters).
  • Examination Type (KCPE/KCSE).

Upon successfully searching for and identifying a candidate using the above details, their information will be automatically loaded, activating the registration page. Once registered, each candidate will be assigned a unique Assessment Number, which will serve as their username and password for accessing the e-assessment portal. Access and download the nominal roll to view registered candidates’ details for accuracy.

 Password Security

It is necessary to maintain the confidentiality of login credentials (Username and Password) for both the school and the candidates. This ensures the protection of sensitive data and prevents unauthorized access.

Knec Circular on registration of KCSE 2025 July Exams for Repeaters

KNEC releases guidelines for KCSE Repeaters’ exams in July 2025


How to access the CBATE Portal

To access the CBATE Portal, type the portal link into your browser. Open a preferred web browser, such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, or Internet Explorer, and enter the link in the address bar to access the CBATE Portal login page.

How to login into the CBATE Portal

Upon accurately typing the CBATE portal link: accurately, the CBATE Portal login page shall be generated as shown below. School Principals shall be required to log in using the provided Username and Password by KNEC to register their KCSE 2025 Computer Studies Candidates.

How to Register Computer Studies Candidates

Upon successfully logging into the CBATE Portal, the home page will display your school’s name at the top. Follow the steps to register candidates also referred to as Teacher Trainees in the portal.

Step 1: Click on the button to open the registration page.

Step 2: The registration page shown below provides options to register both regular and repeating candidates. Candidates are also referred to as Teacher Trainees in this portal. Click on the Add regular Trainee to add candidates who are undertaking KCSE for the first time or click Add Repeating Trainee button to register candidates who have previously attempted KCSE.

Step 3: The system will generate the interface below with the provision to Input the candidate’s previous detail. Regular Trainees (candidates) will use their KCPE/ KCSE Qualifying test previous details – Year and Index Number. Repeating Trainees (candidates) will use their previous KCSE year and Index number.

Step 4: Input the following candidate’s previous examination details appropriately: Previous examination year, previous index number then select the exam type then click on search to view the candidate’s details.

 How to search for previous candidate’s details

If the candidate’s previous details, such as full name and gender, are not displayed , please verify the previous examination year, the previous index number, and the selected examination type. Once verified, repeat the process.

Step 5: Among the candidate’s displayed details, you shall only be required to select the appropriate disability category for the candidate that include Blind, Low Vision, Hearing Impaired, Physical Disability or None, then click the “Next” button to automatically register the candidate.

Actualizing registration for selected candidate

 How to confirm candidate’s registration status

Upon clicking on the NEXT button, the candidates shall be automatically registered and assigned a unique Assessment number. The list of registered candidates shall be displayed upon clicking on the Back button.
How to view candidates registration status

List of registered candidates

Click on the Back button to register more candidates or view the list of registered candidates.
Click appropriately to register more candidates (Regular/ Repeater)

How to view/ download or print registered candidates reports

To generate the registration report, click on the button.

How to generate school nominal roll

Upon selecting the Nominal Roll, the system will generate a report that can be viewed, downloaded, or printed.