KMTC Nutrition & Dietetics Certificate & Diploma Courses – Requirements, How To Apply, Fees, Duration

Academic ProgrammeCourseDurationKMTC Campus Where Course is OfferedEntry Requirements
CertificateNutrition & Dietetics2 yearsSelected KMTC CampusesKCSE  Aggregate  Grade  D+,  with  D+  in English or Kiswahili and Biology or Biological Sciences. D in Chemistry/Physical Sciences. D  in  any  one  of  the  following:  Physics, Mathematics,    General    Science,    Home Science, Agriculture or Business Studies
DiplomaNutrition & Dietetics (Upgrading from Certificate to Diploma)2 yearsSelected KMTC CampusesCertificate in Nutrition and Dietetics. Two years working experience
Nutrition & Dietetics (Pre-service)3 yearsSelected KMTC CampusesKCSE Aggregate Grade C-, with C- in English or   Kiswahili,   and   Biology   or   Biological Sciences. D+ in Chemistry/Physical Sciences, D  in  any  one  of  the  following:  Physics, Mathematics,  Home  Science,  Agriculture, General Sciences or Business Studies
Department of Occupational TherapyThe Department offers programmes in Diploma and Higher Diploma
CourseDurationKMTC Campus Where Course is OfferedMinimum Entry Requirements
DiplomaOccupational Therapy3 yearsSelected KMTC CampusesKCSE Mean grade of C, with C in English or Kiswahili and C- in Biology or Biological Sciences. C- in any one of the following: Physics / Physical Sciences, Chemistry, Mathematics, Agriculture or Home Science
Higher DiplomaCommunity Based Rehabilitation1 yearNairobiHealth care professionals with a minimum of a Basic Diploma from the KMTC and other accredited training institutions