A Kenya Certificate of secondary Education, KCSE, exams candidate was caught yesterday (Thursday, 8th November 2018) having a smart phone with suspected leaked questions to the English and chemistry paper 2 examinations. Abshir Mohammed, a student at Saad Secondary school in Pangani area, Nairobi, was found with a smart phone as the Chemistry paper two exam was in progress. According to Starehe Division police report, While the Chemistry paper two (examination) was in progress, the supervisor noticed that one student was suspiciously uneasy. The supervisor then approached the student’s desk and found the candidate with a smart phone on top of the desk.

The Centre’s Supervisor, Nancy Murithi, then confiscated the mobile phone and handed it over to the police officers manning the examination centre. She also reported the incident to the Sub County Director of Education, Mr. Mwangi.


After the day’s examinations, the 22 year old candidate was arrested and escorted to Pangani Police Station together with the recovered mobile phone. On further investigations, by the police, it was established that the mobile phone had a SIM card registered under the name Abshir Abdi Amin. Police reports indicate that the confiscated phone had the current examination materials for English Paper three and Chemistry paper two; both questions and answers in a WhatsApp group having seventy participants.

The latest development comes after the Education Cabinet Secretary, Dr. Amina Mohammed, said on Thursday (Yesterday) that this year’s examination had not leaked at all. Read full content here: This year’s examination has not leaked, so far- Education CS says.

According to the Supervisor, the student may have sneaked the mobile phone into the exam room; hidden in his private parts. This is because proper frisking was done and the mobile wasn’t discovered during the exercise. The student was expected to be arraigned in court today.

All students countrywide now take a two day weekend rest as the exams resume on Monday, 12th November, 2018.